District 7910

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive training program for community youth leaders. Young people chosen for their leadership potential are awarded the opportunity to attend an all-expenses-paid conference to discuss leadership skills and to learn those skills through practice. Each year, thousands of young people take part in the program worldwide.

In Rotary District 7910, young people who will be going into their Junior year of high-school in the fall are selected by their localRotary Club to attend a three day all-expense-paid conference, organized and run by Rotarians with records of achievement.

For more information about our District RYLA program, visit our website at

Read this before you print anything!
Student selection is a critical component of the success of our program. Each club is responsible for selecting students who will get the most out of the program. This document includes everything you will want in order to implement a successful student selection process. The best part is that you can–and should–customize and print only what you need, when you need it. The document is set up chronologically, with links to identified items, and is broken up into the following sections:

Section 1 – Getting StartedIncludes a detailed action plan as well as the RYLA reservation form which you will want to complete soon.

Section 2 – Getting the Word OutIncludes marketing material, such as a template poster and letters for soliciting applicants.

Section 3 – Student Application & SelectionIncludes forms and documents that will assist your club in selecting quality RYLA candidates.

Section 4 – Student AdmissionIncludes template response letters for students as well as instructions on how students should register for the program.

An important letter to you fromyour District RYLA Chairperson, David Hecht

Happy New Year Everyone!

Those of us on the District 7910 RYLA Committee truly hope that you are well on your way to Making your Dreams Real this Rotary year. Whether your dreams include material items such as toys and travel, or intangibles like peace and goodwill, your commitment to RYLA ensures that there will also be betterment for our youth.

Having the honor of being the Chairperson of our District’s fantastic Rotary Youth Leadership Awards conference for my seventh year means that I have realized many of my dreams over and over again. Watching the amazing students who arrive at RYLA on a Friday morning transform practically overnight (technically, two nights) into more thoughtful, more caring, more open-minded people would be enough.

But these students, who ahead of their arrival at RYLA already stand out in many ways, go further. They collaborate, making the sum of each whole much greater than its’ parts; they question, challenging their own beliefs and those of others; they compete, bringing out the best in themselves and everyone; and they lead in many obvious and not-so-obvious ways.

In short, they grow. And you can actually see it happen.

Thinking about the possibilities of this is mind-boggling. After all, if only one student who attended RYLA utilized the skills they incorporated during the weekend conference, to say we could expect great things would be a huge understatement. The fact that practically hundreds of students leave the RYLA nest each year and propagate their beliefs and ideas, influencing dozens or hundreds themselves, itself leads (pun intended) me to believe that the future will be a better place for all. Keep an eye on these young leaders and be sure to invite them to join Rotary.

A very interesting thing happens during RYLA. We are each fortunate to be able to witness it a couple of times, though maybe only once, during the weekend, and sometimes via our own direct or indirect participation. Of all the reasons to volunteer during the RYLA weekend—and there are many—this is my favorite.

Think for a moment about how many of the students that will attend RYLA each year probably consider themselves to be a leader. They will be attending a leadership training program, so maybe it’s none of them and they are there to soak it all in. Of course, we’re talking about 15- and 16-year olds, so… maybe it’s all of them! Chances are, in my experience, that it’s most of them who consider themselves to be some kind of leader.

One wonderful aspect of the RYLA program that you may not know about is that, each year, students who attended the previous year are invited by us to return to facilitate a group of attendees, and a very select number of those return again the following year to help plan and implement the conference, all leadership activities. Leadership, after all, is a skillset. There is talk of “born leaders,” and there might be some truth to that, but it’s far more likely that someone considered such has managed to acquire and master the critical success factors of being a leader.

Therein lies the realanswer—for leadership is not a destination but a journey. And we are all enjoying it in our own imperfect ways. So, while we are here to plan and prepare, and lead and guide the participants throughout the conference weekend, know that it is the Rotarians who volunteer their assistance on the District RYLA Committee or during the RYLA weekend who are truly blessed with the gift of expanding their own leadership skillsets and becoming better leaders and people. And, since you get out of something what you put into it, maybe you too will experience that “shooting star” moment when you can practically see the lightbulb go on above a student’s head as they understand for themselves that leadership is a wonderful, neverending journey.

The Future Is In Your Hands—please join us.

Table of Contents
Section 1 - Getting Started / Page
Quick Reference Page - A summary document outlining key facts, contact information, and a high-level checklist for the Easy 12-Step Club Action Plan! Print a copy and keep it handy. / 5
Easy 12-StepClubAction Plan – Provides detailed information for each step in the 12-Step action plan for clubs to successfully and easily perform the responsibilities necessary to sponsor one or more RYLA participants. / 6
RYLA ConferenceReservation Form - The form that allows you to reserve your students’ slots at this year’s conference. This should be completed and returned with a check ASAP, but no later than March 15! / 8
Section 2 - Getting the Word Out
Letter to Schools CommunityOrganizations- Sample letter for use in requesting that Schools & Community Organizations assist in your efforts to locate students with leadership potential.
We suggest that you send this letter along with a copy of the RYLA “Attention Sophomores” flyer and a “Student Application Form” to the most appropriate contact person in your schools and community organizations. Add your club logo or put the documents on your club letterhead to further promote your club and Rotary. / 10
AdvertisingFlyer - Sample flyer for advertising the conference at local schools and community organizations. / 11
Press Releaseto Announce Candidate Search- Use this sample press release to announce in your local media the search for candidates. Send to newspapers, radio, TV, etc. / 12
Section 3 - Student Application & Selection
RYLA StudentApplication Form - Form used by students to apply for the opportunity to attend the RYLA conference. This form, used in conjunction with the Club Selection Committee interviews, determines which candidates will be given this great opportunity. / 14
Student Selection Guidelines - Includes an outline of the qualities that the RYLA Committee is looking for in potential candidates. This document should be used as a guide throughout your selection process. / 15
ApplicantInterview Questions - Sample questions for use in the interview process. / 16
Applicant InterviewEvaluation Form - Form for use in evaluating each student’s interview. This document (with the RYLA Conference Application Form) should be used to help you determine which students should be selected for this year’s conference. / 17
Section 4 – Student Admission
Return Letters to Applicants (application responses) - Sample letters for use in communicating the results of the application & interview process to the candidates. / 18
RYLA AttendeeInformation Sheet – Both attendees and alternates must complete a registration form online. Please provide your students with the information sheet which provides them with detailed instructions on how to register. Once they have completed the on-line process, they will print out their completed form. They will still need to gather parent signatures and return the completed forms to your club. Once your club has received your student’s forms, you will need to mail them to the RYLA Registrar. Remember, registration forms are due by April 30th. No late registrations will be accepted. / 22
Press Release to Announce Student Selections - Sample press release for notifying your local newspapers of the opportunity that you are providing to local future leaders. / 23
Remember, the ultimate success of RYLA depends upon the work of the RYLA Committee
and the effort put forth by each and every Rotary Club in our District. If you would like any
additional materials to be provided by the District RYLA Committee, please send your ideas along.

Quick Reference Page - A summary document outlining key facts, contact information, and a high-level checklist for the Easy 12-Step Club Action Plan!
Easy 12-Step Club Action Plan – Provides detailed information for each step in the 12-Step action plan for clubs to successfully and easily perform the responsibilities necessary to sponsor one or more RYLA participants.
RYLA Conference Reservation Form - Allows you to reserve your students’ slots at this year’s conference. This should be completed and returned along with a check ASAP!
Rotary District 7910 Youth Leadership Conference
Dates:June 26th-28 th, 2009
Location:Worcester State College
486 Chandler Street
Worcester, MA 01602-2597
(508) 929-8000
/ Registration:June 26th between 9:30 and 10:30AM
Departure:June 28th between 5:30 and 6:00 PM
Family and friends are encouraged to join us at a reception beginning at 4pm on Sunday afternoon. Light refreshments will be served.
Rotarians are encouraged to attend at any time throughout the conference. Come help out, join us for a meal, and have fun!
David Hecht, Chairperson
P.O. Box 713
Marlborough, MA 01752
Cell (508) 612-9141
/ Carol Schwarzer, Registrar
118 Pearl Hill Road
Fitchburg, MA 01420
(978) 345-7131
/ Ed and Barbara King, Volun. Coord.
19 May Street
Spencer, MA 01562
(508) 885-6999
eking@ or
Committee Web Site:
Step to be completed / Plan To Complete By
1 / Appoint your club RYLA Chairperson & communicate their contact information to the committee via the Registrar (see blue box above) / Now! / 
2 / Complete the RYLA Conference Reservation form and mail to the RYLA Registrar with your check (address listed above and on form)
IMPORTANT - Reservations will not be accepted without payment and must be postmarked no later than March 15th. Students may not register until full payment is received from your club. / Absolutely
no later than Sun. Mar 15 / 
3 / Promote this fantastic opportunity to qualified candidates / Thu. Feb 26 / 
4 / Have each interested student complete a Conference Application and Interview with the Club RYLA Selection Committee / Thu. Mar 12 / 
5 / Start Selecting Your RYLAns / Fri. Mar 27 / 
6 / Distribute application response letters and have your selected students begin their Registration online / Fri. Apr 3 / 
7 / Take your bows! / Mon. Apr 20 / 
8 / Check in with your conference delegates & return all forms for selected students to the RYLA Registrar
No student registration forms will be accepted with a postmark dated after Apr 30th. If you do not submit your student forms by this date, you will unfortunately have to inform your candidates that they will not be able to attend RYLA. No refunds will be provided to the club. / Absolutely
no later than Thu. Apr 30 / 
9 / Have your future RYLAns and their parents attend a Rotary Meeting / Mon. Jun 1 / 
10 / Verify Student Transportation Arrangements
Conferees are not permitted to come to the conference in their own vehicles. / Mon. Jun 8 / 
11 / RYLA 2009! – Join us for a few hours and experience the fun!! (JUNE 26-28)
– Participating clubs should have volunteer representation at RYLA –
12 / Invite the RYLAns back to your club to give a program about their RYLA experience / Post-Conference / 
Rotary District 7910 Youth Leadership Conference
The ultimate success of the RYLA program depends upon the work of the RYLA Committee and the effort put forth by each and every Rotary Club in our District. This action plan is intended to provide the Club’s RYLA Chairperson and the involved members of each club with an overview of the process that should be taken from start to finish. A table with dates for completion has been provided on the quick-reference page.
Just twelve steps to a successful conference!
# / Action
1. / Appoint your club RYLA Chairperson & communicate their contact information to the committee via the Registrar
Notify the District RYLA Committee Registrar of your Chairperson’s name, phone number, email address and affiliated club (yours!), along with other important information. For contact information see the blue box on the QuickReference Guide on page 5.
2. / Complete the RYLA Conference Reservation form and mail to the RYLA Registrar with your check
Determine how many RYLAns your club will sponsor with an eye towards quality over quantity. Don’t forget about your youth exchange students (they don’t have to be sophomores). Complete the RYLA ConferenceReservation Form and mail it to the RYLA Registrar no later than March 15. Remember to include payment of $250 for each conferee. Reservations will not be held without full payment!
3. / Promote this fantastic opportunity to qualified candidates
Targeting students who will be entering their junior year next fall, use a combination of flyers, announcements, and networking with family, friends, schools (both public and private) and community organizations. Also, tell your community what your club is doing and attract students using press releases to local newspapers and other media.
We have provided samples of a variety of documents that we think would be helpful, including a letter to the school/organization, a sample press release to announce your search for candidates and a sample promotional flyer. These documents need to be personalized for your club before they are distributed.
4. / Have each interested student complete a Conference Application and Interview with the Club’s RYLA Selection Committee
Have students complete the RYLA Conference Application Form and submit it to your club’s RYLA Selection Committee.
A RYLA Selection Committee should be established to perform the various tasks involved in selecting qualified students. The committee is responsible for interviewing each of the applicants. To help you in this process we have included Selection Guidelines, Interview Questions, and an Interview Evaluation Form. These have all been provided in the RYLA Student Selection Section.
This is absolutely the most important step in the entire process. Choosing students who show leadership potential (they don’t have to hold a leadership position) and that are enthusiastic about attending the program is crucial for the success of RYLA. Like Rotary, students will get out of it what they put into it.
5. / Start Selecting Your RYLAns
Based on the applications and interview results, the Selection Committee needs to choose the students that your club will sponsor this year. The Selection Committee is also advised to choose one or two alternates in case a student becomes unavailable to attend. Refer back to the provided selection criteria.
# / Action
6. / Distribute application response letters and have your selected students begin their Registration online
Notify ALL students of the results of their application & interview: Go here for sample letters.
Be sure to include the RYLA Conference Attendee InformationSheet which provides attendees with information on how to register on-line for the program. Make sure you stay in control of this process because you must collect, review and return the signed forms to the RYLA Committee.
7. / Take your bows!
Here’s another chance to tell the community about RYLA and your club’s involvement. Take some photos of the students with their parents, with members of your club or just as a group, and submit them to the local papers. It’s great for the students—and the club—and might even make next year’s process that much easier! We have provided a sample press release to announce your selection of your community’s future leaders and to help you publicize RYLA and Rotary.
8. / Check in with your conference delegates & return all forms for selected students to the RYLA Registrar
We’re getting close now. Check in with your conference delegates…
  • Do the students have any questions that were not answered by the material they were provided?
  • Do they know where they need to be and when?
  • How will they be getting to and from the conference?
    Conferees may not come to the conference in their own vehicles.
  • Are they still committed to the entire weekend? Students must be present for the entire program.
  • Do they know what they need to bring? They will receive this information during the registration process. Make sure they have it and are all set.
…and mail all completed forms to the RYLA Registrar for both your participating and alternate students. Review the forms to ensure they are complete, and also signed by both the student and their parent or guardian in every necessary location. If you have a question, contact the RYLA Registrar before you send in your forms. We recommend that you keep a copy of the paperwork until you receive confirmation that your students’ forms have been received and are verified as complete.
  • Conference Applications
    We have provided checkboxes to indicate whether an applicant is chosen as a participating student (“PAR”) or as an alternate candidate (“ALT”) in the “For Club Use Only” section.
  • Completed Attendee Forms signed by parent or guardian—4 pages with multiple signatures!

9. / Have your future RYLAns and their parents attend a Rotary Meeting
Invite the future RYLAns to a Rotary meeting prior to the conference so that they may become exposed to Rotary and your club, and so they will begin to have an idea of what Rotary is about. Have a Rotarian spend some time with them explaining some of the programs that your club supports in your community. Make sure the students you are sponsoring clearly know which Rotary club is sponsoring them!
10. / Verify Student Transportation Arrangements
Verify the commitments for transportation for the conferees. Check again to ensure that they have no questions and are prepared to participate in the entire weekend.
11. / RYLA WEEKEND! – Join us for a few hours and experience the fun!!
12. / Invite the RYLAns back to your club to give a program about their RYLA experience
The Club RYLA Chairperson should speak with the RYLAns and extract feedback that should be communicated to the RYLA Committee for improvement in future years. Following the conference, the club will receive a certificate for each conferee to be presented during their second club visit.
Rotary District 7910 Youth Leadership Conference
  1. Complete this form.
  2. Make your check payable to “Rotary District 7910 RYLA 2009 Conference” for $250 per student.
  3. Submit your reservation form & check no later than March 15th to the RYLA Registrar.
Carol Schwarzer, 118 Pearl Hill Road, Fitchburg, MA 01420
  • Reservations will not be accepted without full payment of $250 per student.
  • Reservation forms must be postmarked by no later than March 15th.
  • No students may register for the program until we have received your club’s reservation form and payment.
  • Absolutely no students will be accepted after April 30th. Completed & signed forms for both attendees and alternates must be submitted to the Registrar by this date. However,the RYLA Committee may substitute successfully pre-registered alternates for attendees up until a week before the conference.
  • If you do not submit your signed student forms by April 30th, you will unfortunately have to inform your candidates that they will not be able to attend.Your payment is a commitment; no refunds will be provided.

Reservation Information
Club Name:______
Number of Students: ______Enclosed Check Amount: $______
$250 per student
Contact Information
RYLA Chairperson / Club President
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Volunteer Contact Information
Did you know that we need over 100 volunteer jobs to be filled in order to run a successful RYLA program?
Each participating club should provide at least 2 volunteers during RYLA for a commitment of only a few hours per person.
Please provide contact information for others in your club who may be interested in this fulfilling opportunity.
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email Address: