Chabot College Fall, 2002
Course Outline for Business 16
Catalog Description:
16 - Business Mathematics 3 units
Mathematics to solve typical business problems including simple interest, compound interest, installment sales, trade and cash discounts, markup percents, pricing, discounting notes and drafts, depreciation, taxes, insurance, statistics, stocks, bonds, and distribution of ownership and profits. Strongly recommended: Mathematics 105 or 105L (with a grade of "C" or higher). May be offered in Distance Education Delivery format. 3 hours.
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to calculate:
1. the principal, interest, maturity value, interest rate or time of a simple interest loan;
2. the principle, interest, maturity value, interest rate or time of a compound interest investment;
3. trade and cash discounts;
4. the net cost of an invoice;
5. the true interest rate on an installment purchase of a loan;
6. the monthly payment required on a loan;
7. the average daily balance and service charge on an open-end account;
8. components of an income statement and balance sheet;
9. the amount and rate of depreciation of an asset;
10. the interest earned on a savings account;
11. cost and return on investments in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds;
12. the proceeds of a discounted note;
13. the unearned interest when a contract is paid off before maturity;
14. the amount and percent of markup on merchandise;
15. the present value of ordinary annuities and of annuities due;
16. gross payroll, employer and employee taxes;
17. insurance coverage and settlements.
Course Content:
1. Simple interest
a. Ordinary interest
b. Maturity value-present value
2. Single discounted notes
a. Present value
b. Other discount formulas
3. Compound interest
a. Present value
b. Daily and other impounding methods
4. Consumer credit
a. Open-end credit
b. Installment plans
c. Annual percentage rate by table and formula
d. Rule of 78
e. payoff of loan early
Chabot College
Course Outline for Business 16, Page 2
Business Mathematics
Fall 2002
Course Content (Continued)
5. Purchase discounts and markup
a. Trade discounts
b. Cash discounts
c. Markup based on cost or selling price
d. Markdowns
6. Financial statements
a. Income statements
b. Balance sheet
7. Annuities
a. Ordinary annuities
b. Annuities due
8. Cost of real property ownership
9. Stocks, bonds, and mutual fund investments
10. Life, fire, and auto insurance
11. Sinking funds
12. Basic business statistics
13. Payroll and payroll taxes
14. Auto/Home purchases and financing
Methods of Presentation:
1. Lecture
2. Problem solving
3. Audio visual aides
4. Group work
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1. Typical Assignments:
a. Homework assignments
b. Complete all problems from the workbook
c. Calculate the effective rate (APY) of interest for one year for given principle, and rule
2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
a. Examinations
b. Final examination
Textbook(s) Typical:
William C. Brown, Publishers, 1999
PRACTICAL BUSINESS MATH AND APPLICATION APPROACH, Michael Tuttle, William C. Brown Publishers, 1999
Special Student Materials:
A four function calculator
mc 11/28/01