The FORUM established to facilitate the exchange and

dissemination of information regarding all aspects of

contingency planning in both the private and public

sectors, including business interruption avoidance,

business resumption planning, contingency

operations, and disaster recovery planning.


General Membership Meeting

March 19, 2015 2:00 – 4:00 PM


Member / Company / Member / Company
Apel, Sherry / World Wide Technology, Inc. / Sharp, James T. / Aegis
Bathon, Anna / Sladek, Cindy / Arch Coal, Inc.
Carroll, Lisa / Edward Jones / Stephenson, Marc / Charter Communications
Donley, C. Dean / U.S. Security Associates, Inc. / Thomas, Paul / TBS Co.
Davisson, Ty / Washington University / Troglio, Lisa / Centene Corporation
Greenaway, Roy / Arch Coal, Inc. / VanderWier, Jerry / Ameren UE
Lichty, Anthony / Edward Jones / Vest, John / Charter Communications
McDonough, Shawnee / Monsanto / Westrich, Eric / Express Scripts
Seton, Steven / Edward Jones

The March General Membership Meeting of the MidAmerica Contingency Planning Forum was held on Thursday, March 19th, at World Wide Technology (Fee Fee Road), starting at 2:00 p.m.

MCPF President Shawnee McDonough welcomed all in attendance.

A.  Previous Meeting Minutes

The February meeting minutes are available on the MCPF web site under Meeting Minutes and Presentations:

B.  Program Updates

The following upcoming meeting dates and topics are planned:

  April 16th - TBD

  May 21st - TBD

Ideas for future topics include BC Training Program Evolution; BC Exercise Roundtable; Convergence and Synergies: Cybersecurity, Information Security, BCP; KPI Metrics – BC; Emergency Notification Systems – Lessons Learned. Ideas for future field trips include Busch Stadium and Six Flags. Additionally, Disaster Preparedness Month is September.

Offers to assist with future meeting sites and speakers should be directed to Jerry VanderWier at or 314-554-2776.

C.  Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was provided by Marc Stephenson. The group has a balance of approximately $8,841.74 in the checking account. We are in the process of moving our account from ElectroSavings Credit Union to American Eagle Credit Union due to fees. No key activities occurred during the reporting period.

D.  Membership Report

The Membership Report was provided by Shawnee McDonough. There are currently 69 paid members, and the annual membership fee is due by the end of March. If you haven't paid by the end of March, you will be dropped as a member and your access to the website will be removed. If anyone has problems paying on the website, please contact Marybeth Edwards. Again, members are encouraged to renew their membership via the MCPF website: Enrollment is open for new members as well.

E.  Upcoming Activities

Upcoming activities that may be of interest to MCPF members include:

·  DRJ Spring World 2015 – March 22-25 in Orlando, Florida

·  Continuity Insights Management Conference – April 20-22 in Scottsdale, Arizona

F.  New Business / Announcements / Miscellaneous

·  2015 Membership Dues

·  Membership Referral Incentive - $10 Gift Card – The following members received a $10 Gift Card to Starbucks:

o  Ty Davisson

o  Ryan Nichols

o  Roxann Taylor

·  Disaster Resource Guide – free to members – provide business card to Shawnee

·  Continuity Insights Conference Raffle

o  Winner: Jerry VanderWier – Ameren UE

·  SecureWorld 2015 - St. Louis – MCPF Member as speaker and opportunity to promote MCPF. Contact Shawnee if interested.

·  Fall Symposium 2015 update: We received positive feedback from vendors who participated in the symposium in 2014. A conference call with past participating and potential new vendors is planned for June. We are looking for a location that can support one main conference room for presentations, a vendor area, at least three breakout rooms, and parking for approximately 100. We also need speakers, panel leaders, and panel members for the symposium. Please contact Steve Seton or Shawnee if you are interested in volunteering to serve on a Planning Committee for this year's symposium.

·  Check the website for ongoing and upcoming announcements:

G.  Featured Presentation - The Language of Preparedness: Language Barriers in BC/DR – Presented by Jim Sharp, VP & Chief Training Officer of Aegis Emergency Management. Roundtable discussion followed the presentation.

The presentation from Aegis Emergency Management is available on the MCPF website ( under ‘Meeting Minutes and Presentations’.

Featured presentation notes:

·  NOAA National Weather Service – Only 5 cities had translated into Spanish

·  Workforce by the numbers – All procedures were in English. No one on the manufacturing floor spoke English except the supervisors and management.

·  Critical Crisis Communication Criteria – If you are constantly correcting information during an event, you lose credibility. Consistency is word and deed.

Roundtable Discussion

·  Question 1: Who has a multi-lingual customer base, multi-lingual workforce, or both? Do you translate emergency management procedures into English?

o  WWT: In countries where we are present, but not in the US

o  Charter: Most areas are English

o  Ameren UE: Yes for customers, need to research employees

·  Question 2: What multi-lingual emergency preparedness, emergency response or similar resources do you make available to your employees who may be less than proficient in English? How or in what format are those resources presented?

o  Edward Jones: Materials translated for certain contractors (cleaning personnel). Procedures are provided to the vendor, who translates them. Vendor has a walkthrough of the building with the contractors.

o  Washington University: Physicians work in clinics with multi-lingual patients. Emergency materials are improving.

·  Question 3: From a BC/DR standpoint, how do you continue to support your organization's multi-lingual capabilities from an alternate or evacuation location? How do the multi-lingual communications continue?

o  Comments were generally that this is not currently transferable to the alternate site.

·  Question 4: If you use an Emergency Notification System, what do you use and does it have multi-lingual capability? What do you use the system for?

o  Alert Find – Ameren UE and Charter. Ameren uses to dispatch for local outages and for incident management.

o  Everbridge – Ameren UE, Monsanto, Express Scripts, Washington University. Ameren uses as a dispatch tool. Washington University uses as conference bridge and polling tool in addition to exercising.

o  MIR 3 – Ameren UE.

o  Honeywell Instant Alert – Edward Jones. Used for incident management and exercising. Generally not used outside of emergencies.

o  Mission Mode – Arch Coal. Used generally for exercising.

o  Notifind – Centene Corporation. In addition to exercising and incident management, the system can be used for supply-chain management breaks.

o  Alertus – Washington University

·  Open floor discussion: What BCP Management Tool do you use?

o  Centene Corporation and Monsanto are currently looking for a tool.

o  Fusion – Charter, WWT, Arch Coal

o  LDRPS/Assurance – Express Scripts

o  PrepareIS – No one currently uses

o  eBRP – used by T-Mobile

o  Gartner is a great resource for development your Request for Proposal (RFP)

Congratulations to our Attendance Prize Winners:

·  C. Dean Donley – U.S. Security Associates, Inc.

·  Eric Westrich – Express Scripts

The next meeting will be the on Thursday, April 16, 2015. See the MCPF Website for additional information.

Recorded by:

Lisa Carroll, MCPF Secretary,

Office: 314-515-4983

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