Exodus 35-36: Building the Tabernacle

Hardly a day passes that we aren't asked to contribute to some worthy cause or implored to work on a needed project. The avalanche of appeals dulls our senses and makes it hard to sort out priorities. It's tempting to do nothing. In this study, God launches a tabernacle building project. He asks for money (donated goods) and services (labor). Israel was called a "stiff-necked people"- not the best prospects for a building fund drive-but their response to God is surprising.

Warming Up to God

Spend a few minutes telling God about the events of your day—your joys and worries. Lay them at his feet and leave them behind as you look into the Word.

Discovering the Word

1.  What was God's plan for the provision of materials (35:4-9)?

2.  Of what value and importance would it be for the Israelites to give their own possessions and to build the tabernacle themselves (35:10)?

3.  The Israelites responded to God's call for an offering (35:20-29). How do you account for this outpouring of goods and materials (see 36:3-7)?

4.  In God's plan, how was it possible for everyone to give something (see 3:21-22; 12:35-36)?

5.  How did the nomadic Israelites—shepherds in Egypt for more than four centuries—suddenly develop skills in design, building and craftsmanship (35:30-35)?

6.  Who came to do the work (36:1-2)?

Applying the Word

1.  What possessions and abilities do you have for God to use?

2.  What keeps God's people today from giving willingly, sacrificially and generously?

Responding in Prayer

Ask the Lord to teach you how to give graciously.

2016-2017 Tulsa Bible Church Men’s Bible Study –

For further consideration:

ID: Inductive Questions (Asking the text questions like who, what, where, when, why, & how?”)

CR: Cross References (Comparing Scripture to Scripture, understanding the vague by the clear.)

WS: Word Study (Understanding definition, theological meaning, and usages in other passages.)

3b. WS (35:21-22) How does the text describe the motivation of those who gave? Do a word study on the words that describe their heartsl. Have you ever felt that way about an opportunity to give?

5b ID (35:1-36:2) Who worked on the Tabernacle? What did God fill them with and put in their heart? Have you ever known someone was filled with that kind of skill and desire to teach others?

6b ID (35:11-19; 36:8-38) When we come to a long tedious list in the Bible we tend to skip it. Take a few minutes to read through it. What impressions or interesting observations do have about the list?

Thought Question: Have you ever felt like you are or have been filled with the Spirit of God in some craftsmanship or understanding of a technical issue?

Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the Old Testament

The Gifted People Give Their Service (35:30–39:43)

The Holy Spirit gave Bezaleel and Aholiab the wisdom to know what to do and the ability to do it. In like manner, God has given gifts to His people today so that the church might be built up (1 Cor. 12–14; Eph. 4:1–17; Rom. 12). Bezaleel and Aholiab did not do all the work themselves but taught others who assisted them.

In the succeeding verses, Moses names the various parts of the tabernacle one by one, as well as the garments of the priests. God is concerned with every detail of our work and does not minimize any aspect of it. The smallest hook for the curtains was as important to Him as the brazen altar. If we are faithful in the small things, God can trust us with the bigger things (Luke 16:10).

Scholars have estimated that in the construction of the tabernacle, the people used nearly a ton of gold, about three and a quarter tons of silver, and two and a quarter tons of bronze. It was not an inexpensive structure![1]

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the Old Testament (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1993), Ex 35:30–39:43.