Rural Economic Development Public Facilities Advisory Committee

Board Meeting Minutes

March 9th, 2018 @ 9:00am

Lewis EDC Conference Room to order by: Dan Rich, Committee Chair

Committee Members Present:Dan Rich, Committee Chair; Mark Anders, Port of Chehalis;Dennis Dawes, City of Chehalis Mayor; Lee Coumbs, City of Centralia Mayor; Edna Fund, Lewis County Commissioner; Dan Mortenson,City of Morton Mayor; Buck Hubbert, Industrial Commission; Peter Lahmann, Port of Centralia

Others Present: Matt Matayoshi, Lewis EDC; Marrianne Schumacher, Lewis EDC

New Business:

8:30 A.M.: Dan Rich called the meeting to order. Peter Lahmann was welcomed as part of the .09 Committee.

8:35 A.M.:Edna Fund made a motion to approve minutes from the September 8th, 2017 meeting. Mark Anders provided a second to the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed unanimously.

8:35 A.M.: Matt Matayoshi gave an update of .09 Fund Balance and presented the resolution approved by the county commissioners for the 2018 .09 Committee. Committee members were asked if they have received OPMA training. Buck Hubbert will be sent information to do OPMA training online.

8:40 A.M.: Dennis Dawes addressed the alternate name to attend .09 committee in case of absence of appointed committee member. Matt stated that the .09 committee currently provides accommodations for alternates to attend; alternatesdo not have voting power at this time. Matt expressed that the committee is an advisory committee. Appointed committee members can call or email their vote in the case of absence. Matt asked Edna Fund to take the question of adding alternates to the County Commissioners to determine how they would like to address the question.Commissioner Fund stated that she would speak to the prosecutor’s office on the matter.

8:45 A.M.: Matt Matayoshi presented the EDC Operations application and the organizational overview documentthat the committee would consider.

The EDC is an ADO therefore has ability to apply and receive .09 funds. The application is requesting 165,000.00 annually for 2 years. EDC is involved extensively in career technical education and works with Centralia College in providing information about training needed within the community for business. EDC is also active in “business retention & expansion” program and actively recruits businesses to our community.

9:00 A.M.: Mark Anders made a motion to approve the $165,000.00 annually for 2 years grant proposed by Lewis EDC. Dennis Dawes provided a 2nd to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

9:00 A.M.: Matt Matayoshi presented the Packwood Sewer application. The work provided would focus on businesses located along highway 12, not residential properties. Mark Anders asked if this is only to meet existing needs or is there room for expansion. Matt responded stating that there will be enough to meet future growth. Committee members expressed that this could really help move this project forward.

9:15 A.M.: Dennis Dawes made a motion to approve the $30,000.00 grant proposed by Lewis EDC. Dan Mortenson provided a 2nd to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

9:15 A.M.: Dan Rich asked about the .09 sunset clause. Matt stated that the clause will be added to each resolution per application. The committee can also make recommendations on the sunset clause date per application.Matt will contact Becky Butler on outstanding .09 funds that have been spent.

9:20 A.M.: Meeting Adjourned