Dev, Kumar, Nilesh, Ankur and Pintu are standing facing to the North in a playground such as given below:- Kumar is at 40 m to the right of Ankur.
- Dev is at 60 m in the south of Kumar.
- Nilesh is at a distance of 25 m in the west of Ankur.
- Pintu is at a distance of 90 m in the North of Dev.
1. / Which one is in the North-East of the person who is to the left of Kumar?
2. / If a boy starting from Nilesh, met to Ankur and then to Kumar and after this to Dev and then to Pintu and whole the time he walked in a straight line, then how much total distance did he cover?
A. / 215 m / B. / 155 m
C. / 245 m / D. / 185 m
Each of the following questions is based on the following information:
- Six flats on a floor in two rows facing North and South are allotted to P, Q, R, S, T and U.
- Q gets a North facing flat and is not next to S.
- S and U get diagonally opposite flats.
- R next to U, gets a south facing flat and T gets North facing flat.
3. / If the flats of P and T are interchanged then whose flat will be next to that of U?
4. / Which of the following combination get south facing flats?
A. / QTS / B. / UPT
C. / URP / D. / Data is inadequate
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5. / The flats of which of the other pair than SU, is diagonally opposite to each other?
A. / QP / B. / QR
C. / PT / D. / TS
6. / Whose flat is between Q and S?
A. / T / B. / U
C. / R / D. / P
Each of the following questions is based on the following information:
- 8-trees → mango, guava, papaya, pomegranate, lemon, banana, raspberry and apple are in two rows 4 in each facing North and South.
- Lemon is between mango and apple but just opposite to guava.
- Banana is at one end of a line and is just next in the right of guava or either banana tree is just after guava tree.
- Raspberry tree which at one end of a line, is just diagonally opposite to mango tree.
7. / Which of the following statements is definitely true?
A. / Papaya tree is just near to apple tree.
B. / Apple tree is just next to lemon tree.
C. / Raspberry tree is either left to Pomegranate or after.
D. / Pomegranate tree is diagonally opposite to banana tree.
8. / Which tree is just opposite to raspberry tree?
A. / Papaya / B. / Pomegranate
C. / Papaya or Pomegranate / D. / Data is inadequate
9. / Which tree is just opposite to banana tree?
A. / Mango / B. / Pomegranate
C. / Papaya / D. / Data is inadequate
Each of the following questions is based on the following information:
- A # B means B is at 1 metre to the right of A.
- A $ B means B is at 1 metre to the North of A.
- A * B means B is at 1 metre to the left of A.
- A @ B means B is at 1 metre to the south of A.
- In each question first person from the left is facing North.
10. / According to X @ B * P, P is in which direction with respect to X?
A. / North / B. / South
C. / North-East / D. / South-West
11. / According to M # N $ T, T is in which direction with respect to M?
12. / According to P # R $ A * U, in which direction is U with respect to P?
A. / East / B. / West
C. / North / D. / South
In a class there are seven students (including boys and girls) A, B, C, D, E, F and G. They sit on three benches I, II and III. Such that at least two students on each bench and at least one girl on each bench. C who is a girl student, does not sit with A, E and D. F the boy student sits with only B. A sits on the bench I with his best friends. G sits on the bench III. E is the brother of C.
13. / How many girls are there out of these 7 students ?
A. / 3 / B. / 3 or 4
C. / 4 / D. / Data inadequate
14. / Which of the following is the group of girls ?
A. / BAC / B. / BFC
C. / BCD / D. / CDF
15. / Who sits with C ?
A. / B / B. / D
C. / G / D. / E
16. / On which bench there are three students ?
A. / Bench I / B. / Bench II
C. / Bench III / D. / Bench I or II
six girls are sitting in a circle facing to the centre of the circle. They are P, Q, R, S, T and V. T is not between Q and S but some other one. P is next to the left of V. R is 4th to the right of P.
17. / Which of the following statement is not true ?
A. / S is just next to the right to R
B. / T is just next to the right of V
C. / R is second to the left of T
D. / P is second to the right of R
18. / If P and R interchange their positions then which of the following pair will sit together ?
A. / RT / B. / PV
C. / VT / D. / QV
19. / What is the position of T ?
A. / Just next to the right of Q
B. / Second to the left of P
C. / Between Q and R
D. / To the immediate right of V
20. / Which one is sitting just right to the V?
A. / P / B. / T
C. / R / D. / S/Q
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven friends who left for seven different destinations—Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chandigarh and Jaipur—each one on a different day of the week. R left for Jaipur on Monday. On the last day of the week the person left for Bangalore. T left the next day of P, who left for Chandigarh and on the previous day of W. S left for Kolkata on Friday. Q did not leave for either Hyderabad or Bangalore and W left for Delhi.
21. On which day of the week did Q leave?
1) Sunday2) Saturday3) Wednesday4) Data inadequate5) None of these
22.Who left for Bangalore?
1) T2) P3) V4) Data inadequate5) None of these
23.On which day of the week did T leave?
1) Tuesday2) Thursday3) Sunday4) Wednesday5) None of these
24.Which of the following combinations of person-place is not correct?
1) R—Jaipur2) P—Chandigarh3) T—Hyderabad4) V—Bangalore5) All are correct
25.Who left on Tuesday?
1) P2) W3) Q4) V5) None of these
Seven people A b C D E G F are sitting in a circle. Five of them are facing the centre while two of them are facing opposite to the centre. C sits third to the left of d and both are facing the centre. E is neither an immediate neighbor of d nor c. The one sitting exactly between d and f is facing opposite to the center. G sits third to the right of a and g is facing the centre. One of b’s neghbour is facing opposite to the centre.
26. which of the following pairs represents persons facing opposite to the centre?
1) a and f, 2) e and f, 3) a and e, 4) cannot be determined, 5) none of these
27. who is sitting to the left of a?
1) c, 2)g, 3) e, 4) b, 5) none of these
28. who is sitting to the immediate left of e?
1) c, 2) g, 3)b, 4)a, 5) none of these
29. what is the position of f with respect to b?
1) fourth to the left, 2) second to the right, 3) third to the right, 4)second to the left, 5) none of these
30. if all the persons are asked to sit in a clockwise direction in an alphabetical order starting from a, the position of how many will remain unchanged, excluding a?
1) three, 2)one, 3) two, 4) none, 5) four
Seven conferences on Marketing, Finance, HR, Real Estate, Hospitality, Management, and Banking were scheduled to be held in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Bhopal and Chennai, on one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.
Conference on Hospitality was held in Hyderabad on Friday. Only one conference was held between conference on hospitality and Finance. Conference on Management was held immediately after HR but immediately before Banking. Conference on Management was not held in indore. The conference held on Monday was held in Delhi. Only one conference was held between conferences on Banking and the conference held in Mumbai. The conference on HR was not held in Mumbai. Conference in Pune was held immediately before conference in Indore. Conference on Real Estate was not held on Monday. Conference in Chennai was not held after conference in Mumbai.
31. if delhi is related to pune and banking is related to real estate in a certain way, then to which of the following would indore be related to, following the same pattern?
1) Bhopal, 2) Chennai, 3) mumbai, 4) delhi. 5) none of these
32. in which of the following cities was conference on banking held?
1) Chennai, 2) Mumbai, 3) delhi, 4) Bhopal, 5) indore
33. how many conferences were held between conference on marketing and real estate?
1) none, 2) one, 3) two, 4) three, 5) four
34. on which of the following days was the conference on hr held?
1) Monday, 2) Tuesday, 3) Wednesday, 4) Thursday, 5) Friday
35. which of the following conference was held on Monday?
1) banking, 2) management, 3) hr, 4) marketing, 5) cannot be determined