Course number and title: 1111 Intro to Music Technology

Submission date: 3/11/08

Submitted by: Peter Lach

Course: MUSI 1111

Instructor (name/email): Mary Lynne Bennett/

Date: 3/1/08

Course Outcomes / Direct assessment measures / Satisfactory performance standards
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to…(fill in the course outcomes below) / Student performance with respect to this outcome will be measured by (fill in below the direct measurement tool to be used for each outcome) / Satisfactory student performance on the direct assessment measure will consist of (fill in the level of proficiency on the direct measure that will indicate that a student meets the associated outcome)
Students utilize basic computer concepts and programs / written midterm and final exam / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will utilize database and spreadsheet software to do administrative bookkeeping and assessment as music educators / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will utilize the Internet to find resources which can enhance and enrich themselves and their students / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will utilize equipment used in creating electronic music / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will record one concert/recital this semester / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will record a performance using Smart Music software / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will design a web page / midterm project / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will utilize CAI software / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will use notation software to write and arrange music / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will use Pyware drill software to write marching band drill / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will use sequencing software / final project / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will use sound editing software / class assignment / Masters 70% or more of the content
Students will discuss why it is important to incorporate technology into a music curriculum / written midterm and final exam / Masters 70% or more of the content