2003 Chinese Youth Retreat Camp for Leadership Excellence


Counselor Information

The Sun Ray sponsored C.Y.R.C.L.E. Thanksgiving retreat is geared towards preparing a child for leadership excellence as well as providing an educational experience. The campers will encounter lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, games and outdoor interaction with nature. The campers range from 4th grade to 10th grade. Everyone has a curriculum along with different activities that are appropriate for each age.

C.Y.R.C.L.E. needs responsible counselors to maintain order and to secure the efficiency of the camp’s programs. There are 10 maximum positions available. Counselors must be of grades 11th and 12th. Counselors must fill out the attached application before the due date to be reviewed; there may be an interview with the program director and head counselor. Upon being chosen, the counselors will be notified, and if the position is accepted, is bound to the responsibilities of a C.Y.R.C.L.E. counselor.

All C.Y.R.C.L.E. counselors are required to attend a minimum of 2 meetings (immediate exceptions may be possible, but must be reviewed with the Head Counselor or program director). Most meetings will be held at the Hebron Valley location of the Sun Ray Carrollton Chinese School from 2:00-4:00 PM (times and places may vary). These meetings are important because we will be discussing codes of conduct and camp related preparations.

The job of the counselors is to ensure the safety of all the campers. They will assist in running the camp smoothly. Counselors will have few assistant counselors (if any) ranging from 9th to 10th grade. Assistant counselors will aid in the process and learn leadership through first hand experience. During the meetings, counselors will collaborate and prepare lessons to teach the kids, according to their own talents and ideas, and organize games and activities that will appeal to the campers. Transportation down to the campsite, food, and housing accommodations are provided. Tuition fee is required. Families of the counselors are also welcome in a limited account.

Remember: Counselors must fill out the attached registration application for the C.Y.R.C.L.E. camp.

We hope to welcome you to the team!

Thank You,

Steven Tsai

2003 CYRCLE Program Director

For more information email me


Voicemail with your name, number, and/or question at (972)-713-3088

2003 Chinese Youth Retreat Camp for Leadership Excellence

Counselor Application

Name: Last ______First ______Preferred Name ______

Sex: M F Age: ______Birthdate: ______/______/______

Grade: ______Current School: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Home Phone Number: ( _____ ) ______

Other Number to Contact: ( _____ ) ______

Email Address: ______

Screen name: ______

Academic Grade Average (please circle): A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- OTHER

Extracurricular Activities/Jobs: (ex:sacker at Kroger) ______


Previous Leadership Positions: (ex: drum major of school band) ______


Special Talents/Ideas that you could bring to this camp and enrich the experience of the campers: (ex: play guitar)




Please return by September 27,2003

To Steven Tsai (972) 713-3088

5105 Malvern Dr.

Plano, TX 75093

For more information contact Steven Tsai or the Sun Ray Chinese School

Selected Counselors will be notified before the SEPTEMBER 27 Meeting.

2003 C.Y.R.C.L.E. Schedule

Time / November 27
(Thursday) / November 28
(Friday) / November 29


2003 Chinese Youth Retreat Camp for Leadership Excellence

Counselor’s Responsibilities

We need you to attend a minimum of TWO meetings. Failure to attend may result in dismissal as a counselor, you will still be a camper.

  1. Organize “Counselor Activities” for Day TWO
  2. Designate areas of the campsite for specific purposes
  3. Set up system of punishment and reward
  4. Enforce Code of conduct and curfew
  5. Successfully Lead Activities
  6. Execute all prior planned activities
  7. Organize and prepare necessary materials for campers
  8. Instruct an assistant counselor
  9. Prioritize and maintain the security of all the campers
  10. Set a good example
  11. Be nice, fun, but don’t forget your duties.

2003 Chinese Youth Retreat for Leadership Excellence

Punishment Code

  1. Disrespect to any adult supervisors/counselors.

Foul Language.


Skipping designated activities.

Punishment- 1st offense: warning

2nd offense: talk with counselor + camp chores

3rd offense: talk to principal + no after camp activities

4th offense: parent contact

  1. Members of opposite sex in cabins with doors closed and no adult supervision.

Not in room by curfew or bed checks.

Punishment- Talk with counselor. Clean up duty (bathroom, after meals,

after activities)

  1. Stealing and vandalism.

Going to lake without permission by a counselor or adult.

Punishment- Talk with the principal.

Lose after camp privileges.

Early pick up from after camp privileges.

  1. Possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco is absolutely prohibited.

Possession of dangerous items such as knives, guns, explosives, etc. is also prohibited.

Punishment- IMMEDIATE pickup by parents.

REMEMBER: these rules are here for your own good and safety. They are to help prevent any possible disasters. Thank You.

By signing below, I agree to the rules above and agree to obey them all or suffer the consequences.


Camper signaturedate