Aberporth Village Hall and Recreational Ground

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on

Thursday, 4th September 2014

The chairman Dai Ogilvie opened the meeting.

Members Present: Mrs S. Lewis, A. Straker, S. Kennar, J. Tucker, A McCreary

and Messrs G. Davis, M. Harwood, M. Davies, T. Tucker.

1. Apologies: M. Bott, J. Taylor, G. Edwards, J. Edwards, H. Evans, J. McKay.

2. Minutes of the Last Meeting: Accepted as a true record, proposed by Sue Lewis, seconded by Anne McCreary.

3. Matters Arising: - To Do List

1/32 Thom’s wall – on-going

2/32 Woodland Walk Path – completed. Some wire needs renailing.

5/36 VH Car Park – patch up still waiting for completion of Nursery.

6/36 Bryn Seion CP – patch up to wait until Oct.

13/37 Clearance of area near bottle banks – on going.

15/37 Entrance posts to Bryn Seion CP. Brian Woolley has very kindly offered to paint the top of the entrance posts to make them more visible.

16/38 Filing cabinet locks – still need repair. The door to the room is being replaced.

19/38 Seat by bus stop – still needs repainting.

31/43 Path to Dolwen Beach – This was reapired with duff, but heavy rain washed it away. The Community Council are to be approached to see if this path comes under the grass contract.

32/43 Noise from main hall – the heavy curtain has been installed on a temporary basis.

37/45 Noticeboard by bus stop – ongoing

42/48 Constitution of a CIO. A copy of the model constitution for Village Halls should be ready for the next meeting.

49/49 Hand rail leading to the VH – needs sanding.

  1. Child protection Policy: The need for this policy came from one of the grant application for computers. It has been drawn up from examples of Child Protection policies online and has been approved by CAVO. It was agreed that the following amendment be made: The second bullet point should read:

‘Any new individual wishing to hire the hall for activities with children or vulnerable adults must ensure that those working with the same have a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau)/DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Certificate. This must be indicated at the time of booking. The only exception to this is when the hall is hired out for a private children’s party.’

The person responsible for Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Protection matters will be Sue Lewis.

  1. Grant Applications for computer equipment
  2. CAVO Awards for all. Godfrey Green has compiled questionnaire, which he wishes to distribute to help with an application for funding for computers. It was agreed that this could be distributed, although it would be better if targeted at the Food Co-operative on a Tuesday morning.
  3. Gannet Grant [Tivyside] – Dai has completed this – again a grant for computer equipment.
  4. Community Grant – again for computer equipment. We can keep putting in bids until we are successful!

6. New Hall: A meeting with the architect, Naill Maxwell is due to take place on the 5th September. The topographical Survey has been completed and a draft report from the ecological survey has been received. It shows that there is not a problem with bats. CAVO have organised a ‘Funding fair’ on 9th September to which members were invited.

7. Newsletter: After dates had been confirmed, it was agreed that this could go for print.

8. Storeroom: those running the Food Co-operative had tidied this. A new lock is to be fitted on the door by Ken McCreary

9. Hall Cleaning: This was discussed in detail. Anne McCreary had to spend a long time before the WW1 event, cleaning the toilets. It was agreed to increase the cleaner’s hour to 6 hours per week and that there should be a schedule with all three toilet areas a priority.

10. Treasurer’s Report. As the treasurer was not present the chairman read the report:

Receipts during July and August£10803.00

(Car Parks £8720.00)

Payments £1287.18

24.08.2014 Transfer from Current Acc. to Business Money Manager £8.000

Current Acc.£9680.78


Re Build Acc.£4956.38

The chairman reported that a cheque had been received from BT for £750 – presumably for the work on the car park for fibre optics. The RNLI had given us a cheque for £450 as they had put their hut on the car park for the summer season. The lifeguards had not parked their vehicles on the car park thus freeing spaces.

11. Correspondence – none

12. Any Other Business

  1. The bench on Lower Welfare Park has been refurbished.
  2. The broken floor tile in the kitchen needs repair
  3. The First Aid box is to be put on the wall in the kitchen
  4. The lower shelf in crockery cupboard in the kitchen needs support!
  5. Parking in the VH car park by people not using the hall is proving to be a problem. A sign indicating it is for hall users only is to be put in the car park.
  6. There is to be a competition in the school to design a logo for the village hall. It was agreed that a prize of £100 should go to the school and £20 should go to the winner for the best logo.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

Date:……………………………… Signed…………………………………..
