Press release
Immediate release
2 April 2013
Last chance to book early bird places at Vision UK 2013 conference
There is less than a week left to take advantage of the early bird rates for the Vision UK 2013 conference, with early bird booking set to close on Monday 8 April.
Vision UK 2013 is the leading eye health and sight loss sector conference and is taking place on Tuesday 11 June at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London and a pre-conference dinner will take place on Monday 10 June at the Hotel Russell in London.
This year’s conference will feature the launch of the refreshed UK Vision Strategy. The conference will include a series of workshops where delegates will have the opportunity to contribute to implementation plans for the refreshed strategy, and hear from experts in the public health and eye care sectors.
A number of speakers and chairs have been confirmed for the conference and include Peng Tee Khaw, Professor and Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, and Dr Waqaar Shah, Ophthalmology representative at the Royal College of GPs (RCGP). Dr Shah has recently been appointed as the RCGP Clinical Champion for eye health.
Anita Lightstone, Programme Director, UK Vision Strategy and Interim Chief Operations Officer, VISION 2020 UK, said: ‘’It is an exciting time as we launch the refreshed UK Vision Strategy and the conference will provide an excellent opportunity for those in the eye health, public health and sight loss sectors to plan how to successfully implement the Strategy over the next five years’’.
Submissions for the conference poster competition are also set to close on Monday 8 April. Poster entrants are asked to submit abstracts which focus on delivery of the UK Vision Strategy outcomes. If you would like to enter a poster, please submit an abstract to by Monday 8 April.
Early bird rates close Monday 8 April, so book now to take advantage of the discounted rates. Visit http://www.vision2020uk/ or phone 01920 88 51 62.
- Ends –
For further information please contact Katherine Huntly, Communications Manager on 0207 391 2177 or
Notes to Editors
· Vision UK 2013 is the VISION 2020 UK annual conference, focusing on the UK Vision Strategy. The conference is hosted by the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).
· Vision UK 2013 is the only conference in the UK which offers the opportunity to engage with people from across the eye health and sight loss sector.
· The UK Vision Strategy is a VISION 2020 UK initiative led by RNIB. The Strategy was developed in response to the World Assembly's global resolution to reduce avoidable sight loss by the year 2020 and it provides a cohesive framework for improved eye health and sight loss services across the UK.
· In 2012 key sector stakeholders were consulted on the refresh of the UK Vision Strategy. Consultation responses have formed the basis of the refreshed strategy.
· Full details of the UK Vision Strategy's aims and achievements can be found on