
July 25, 2017, SICCM Conference Room

Call to Order: Acting Chairman Ron House called the SICCM Board Meeting to order at 10:06 am in the SICCM Conference Room.

Roll Call: Those present were:

Brad Colwell, SIU Carbondale and Edwardsville

Ron House, John A. Logan College

Brian Chapman, SIU Carbondale

Peggy Bradford, Shawnee Community College

Randy Pembrook, SIU Edwardsville – Represented by Brad Colwell

Absent: Penny Quinn, Kaskaskia College

Others Present:

Mary Sullivan, SICCM

Approval of

Consent Agenda: Director Sullivan recommended approving the Board meeting minutes of the May 23, 2017 meeting, financial reports, ratification and Payment of Bills. Brad Colwell made a motion to approve the aforementioned documents as recommended; seconded by Brian Chapman. On a roll call vote, all voted yes.

Executive Director

Report: 1. SICCM Website

The SICCM website has been updated. Thanks to John A. Logan with their assistance of this project.

2. One-Stop Operator

Director Sullivan and Tracy Norris have been working closely with Kathy Lively, Mantracon, with operating the One-Stop Center.


A new DCFS FY 2018 contract was signed and sent in on Friday, July 21st.

4.  DHS

SICCM was awarded the DHS TANF and SNAP grants again for FY 2018. SICCM is in the process of redoing the budget and will have it submitted this week.

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5.  Surgical Technology Program

Director Sullivan provided a recent letter from the Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting.

6.  Letter from Shawnee Community College

Director Sullivan handed out a letter received from Shawnee Community College.

Old Business: Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program Accreditation

Director Sullivan provided updated information on the OTA Program Accreditation.

Motion for

Executive Session: Brian Chapman made a motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1)(11) of the Open Meetings Act; seconded by Brad Colwell. On a roll call vote, all voted yes. The Board went into Executive Section at 10:50 am.

Motion to Reopen

Executive Session: Brian Chapman made a motion to reopen the public meeting; seconded by Brad Colwell. On a roll call vote, all voted yes. The meeting was reopened at 11:51 am.

New Business: 1. SICCM Attorney

The Committee authorized the Acting Boardman to explore and hire outside legal counsel to address potential legal matters.

2. Southeastern Illinois College (SIC) Correspondence

The correspondence was received by the Committee. The Committee will come back and address the issue at a later date.

3. FY17 and FY18 SICCM Institutional Assessments

The Committee will further explore the issue of FY17 and FY18 SICCM Institutional Assessment non-payments.

4. USDA Veterinary Technology Program Equipment

SICCM will work with the USDA regarding disposition of equipment.

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5. Retirement

Brian Chapman made a motion to approve a letter of retirement for Director Sullivan; seconded by Peggy Bradford. On a roll call vote, all voted yes.

Adjournment: The next Board meeting is scheduled for September 26, 2017, SICCM conference room, 10:00 am

There being no more business, a motion was made by Brad Colwell; seconded by Brian Chapman to adjourn at 12:20 pm. The motion was unanimously approved.


Acting Chairman – Dr. Ronald House


Secretary – Dr. Mary J. Sullivan