World History 1

Teacher:Mr. Felsmann

South Building


Summary:World History I, the first course in the two-year program in World History, focuses on building geography skills, cultural awareness, and the study of humanity’s history from prehistory to 1500 C.E., including the Renaissance and Reformation. Current issue studies are integrated throughout the course with the goal of providing students with the skills and knowledge to become responsible citizens in a global society.

Grading ScaleAccording to District Policy:

A+ / 98-100% / C+ / 78-79
A / 92-97 / C / 72-77
A- / 90-91 / C- / 70-71
B+ / 88-89 / D+ / 68-69
B / 82-87 / D / 62-67
B- / 80-81 / D- / 60-61

Evaluations:Grades will be based on a point system. All graded assignments will be given a point value. For example, a homework assignment might be worth 25 points. If you receive 24 of those points you would receive a 96% for that assignment.

It will be the responsibility of the student to collect graded assignments from the basket marked with their class period in the room and record those grades so students know their grade to date at all times. At the end of each marking period every student will receive a computer generated grade sheet. This grade sheet will include all assignments for the marking period, points earned and points possible.


The following areas will be used for grades:

  1. Tests- There will be a test at the end of every chapter. Tests will be made up of multiple-choice questions, short answers, fill in the blanks, and essay questions. There will also be a Unit Test at the end of each unit.
  2. Quizzes- There will be vocabulary and other various quizzes with each chapter.
  3. Class/Homework assignments- Assignments will vary depending on the chapter and material covered.
  4. Projects/Presentations- There will be a variety of projects and presentations throughout the year.
  5. Participation/Effort Grade- see Effort Grade handout

Absences and

Late PolicyStudents are responsible for all work missed. If you are not sure what will be covering you may email to see what you need to work on so that you are not behind. Students are responsible for all work missed and will be responsible to pick up the work missed as soon as they are back in school.

Unexcused late homework will not be accepted for full credit. Each day the assignment is late it will be points off your effort grade.

If you missed a test you are to take that test the first day you return to class. The test will be taken during class. Students missing class for field trips, educational trips, etc should submit assignments and take tests before the absence.

Academic Integrity- Plagiarism is a serious offense in academics and is defined in the student handbook as “using someone else’s words or ideas without citing the source of that information”. Guidelines for the written research work can be found at . All students are expected to abide by these guidelines and should refer to the student handbook for the appropriate consequences for non-compliance.

Class Rules1. Respect yourself, your classmates, the teacher, and the school at all


2. Do not be late to class. Students are expected to be on time, no exceptions. Being late for any unexcused reason will result in the deduction of effort grade points. Students who are late more than three times, as stated in the student handbook, will be issued a detention.

3. Restroom passes will be given without question. Please just sign-out and take the pass. Excessive use will be discussed with the individual and his/her parents. The exception to this rule will be on test/quiz days when hall passes will not be given.

4. Above all, “Be true to thyself’

Note- It is important to me that you are successful in this class. I fully understand that we all learn in different ways and I will work with you, and give you every opportunity to succeed based on your individual needs and interests.