IDS 101 Creativity, Innovation, & Problem Solving / 3 / *KIN 1XX Activities Course / 1
IDS 103 CU Foundations I / 1 / PHI 211 Philosophy in Culture / 3
IDS 104 CU Foundations II / 1 / ENG 212 Writing in Culture / 3
HIS 114 World Civilizations II / 3 / COM 112 Communication in Culture / 3
KIN 100 Foundations of Wellness / 2 / *Global Studies Requirement
*Social Science Course / 3 / REL 212 World Religions / 3
REL 103 Biblical Hermeneutics / 3 / REL 236 NT Literature for BRM majors / 3
REL 130 OT Literature for BRM majors / 3 / **Track classes** (see below) / 3-4
Electives / 11 / Electives / 10-11
Total Freshman Hours / 30 / Total Sophomore Hours / 30
IDS 311 Imagination in Culture / 3 / SCI 311 Science in Culture / 3
*REL 3XX NT/OT Lit or Theo Electives / 6 / Lab Science Course / 4
**Track classes** (see below) / 3-4 / CMI 462 Senior Seminar / 2
REL 354 Theology I / 3 / **Track classes** (see below) / 6-8
REL 356 Theology II / 3 / *REL 43X Biblical Analysis Course / 3
REL 380 Internship / 3 / Electives / 10-12
Electives / 8-9
Total Junior Hours / 30 / Total Senior Hours / 30
B.S. requires 120 credits
B.A. requires 129 credits
English Comp Eng 099,114 / 0-6
Math Comp or MAT 096,107,110 / 0-9
Junior Writing Portfolio / 0

You may choose from one of the three Tracks:

I. Biblical Languages Track (16 Credits): Greek GRK 101-102; Hebrew HEB 101-102

II. Philosophy Track (12 Credits):  Plato and Aristotle PHI 213,  Augustine and Aquinas PHI 215,  Philosophy of Religion PHI 353,  Philosophical Ethics PHI 412

III. Ministry Track (12 Credits):  Learning Liturgy & Technology CMI 221,  Inter/Intra-personal relations CMI 252,
 Spiritual Formation CMI 331,  Counseling Families CMI 481

*Please also see the back…

*KIN 1XX Activity Course Options (1 credit each): (Check Advising Handbook/5 Year Plan for other Potential Options)

KIN 111 Badminton(F/S)KIN 124 Pickleball(F)

KIN 113 Golf(F)KIN 125 Rockclimbing(S)

KIN 115 Tennis(F)KIN 127 Martial Arts(F/S)

KIN 116 Raquetball(F/S)KIN 129 Beginning Dance(S)

KIN 119 Downhill Skiing(J)KIN 132 Coed Soccer(F)

KIN 121 Outdoor Skills – Summer Greece TripKIN 133 Volleyball(F)

KIN 122 Intro. to Arnis(F)KIN 143 Jogging(F)

KIN 123 Beginning Fencing(S)KIN 146 Physical Conditioning(S)

KIN 124 Pickleball(F)KIN 148 Weight Training(F/S)

*English Course Placement Criteria – English placement is based upon ACT information provided at the time of enrollment. Students placed in classes lower than ENG-212 must progressively move to the next level course (I.E. A student enrolled in ENG-099 must also take ENG-114 and ENG-212.)

*Math Placement Criteria – All students will be given a Mathematics Placement Examination prior to enrollment in mathematics courses. The Math Department may place students in MAT-096, 107, of 110 according to the result of the placement examination. Students who qualify for MAT-110 may take that course (or higher level MAT class for which they meet prerequisites.)

*Lab Science Course Options (4 credits each):

BIO 111 Introduction to Biological Sciences (Botany, Zoology)(F/S)

BIO 151 Foundations of Biological Science(F/S)

BIO 241 Anatomy & Physiology 1(F)

SCI 111 Physical SciencePre: core req. in math(F)

SCI 261 AstronomyPre: core req. in math(S)

SCI 262 Geology(F)

*PSY XXX and/or SOC XXX Course Options (3 credits each):

PSY 111 General Psychology(F/S)

PSY 237 Child Psychology(Pre: PSY 111)(S)

PSY 238 Adolescent Psychology(Pre: PSY 111)(F)

PSY 239 Adult Psychology(Pre: PSY 111)(S)

PSY 322 Theories of Personality(Pre: PSY 111)(S)

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology(F/S)

SOC 243 Social Problems(Pre: SOC 111)(S)

SOC 321 Social Theory(Pre: SOC 111)(F ‘11)

SOC 346 Child Welfare(S)

SOC 353 Social Psychology(Pre: PSY 111 and SOC 111)(F)

*REL 33X Biblical Literature Course Options (3 credits each):

REL 330 Mosaic Literature(Pre: REL 104/130 and REL 205/236)(F)

REL 334 Prophetic Literature(Pre: REL 104/130 and REL 205/236)(S ‘10,‘12, ‘14)

REL 335 Pauline Literature(Pre: REL 104/130 and REL 205/236)(S ’10, ’12, ’14)

REL 336 General Epistolary Literature(Pre: REL 104/130 and REL 205/236)(F ’09, ’11, ‘13)

REL 338 2nd Temple Judaism/Dead Sea Scrolls (Pre: REL 104/130, REL 205/236, andHIS 113)(S ’11, ‘13)

REL 339 Gospel Literature(Pre: REL 104/130 and REL 205/236)(S ’11, ‘13)

*REL 4XX Biblical Analysis Course Options (3 credits each): (Check Advising Handbook/5 Year Plan for other Potential Options)

REL 437 Acts of the Apostles(S)

REL 438 Seminar in Romans(S ’11, ‘13)

REL 440 Revelation(Pre: REL 104/130 and REL 205/236)(S ’11, ‘13)

REL 431 Luke(Pre: REL 104/130 and REL 205/236)(S ’11, ‘13)

*Global Studies Requirement:

1. Minimum two-week international study experience as approved by International Programs Committee.

2. Minimum three-credit cross-cultural internship as approved by division.

3. Global Studies course as approved by the International Programs Committee.

4. Students with a non-U.S. high school diploma are exempt.

[1]Bachelor of Arts requires 1 year of foreign language.