Minutes of General Business Meeting of Taroona Primary School Association

23rd March 2010

Meeting commenced 7:31pm


Grant Robinson, Gina Hurn, Maria Rushton, James Heyward, Ann Preece, Dawn Lewis, Kate Brown, Annemiek Rafferty, Sarah Black, Megan Holmes, Kate Johnson

Apologies Stefan Stimson, Marg Sprague, Caroline Skuja, Andrew Bain

Visitors Karen Rees, Mike Derbyshire, Malcolm Rice, Sarah Heyward


Move to approve – M. Rushton Seconded – A. Preece

Matters Arising

·  Meetings will be on Mondays. Maria to check dates of THS meetings to avoid clashes.

·  Road safety and traffic – can we encourage more walkers

·  Parking safely and “politely” reminders in newsletter, windscreen slips

·  Student Council selections – No changes at present to way the School council is selected or how many times students may be elected but Grant will look at this matter if it arises as an issue in next year’s school review.

·  Soccer – please can toilets be opened for use during soccer matches on school oval? – Grant to check if this is possible with security alarms etc. There must be a person who is responsible for security etc.

·  Quiz night - still waiting to confirm date, 15th and 22nd May suggested.

Correspondence – none

Principal’s Report

·  Redevelopment delay terrapins going on Saturday, work to begin soon after that. Hopefully finished by end of October.

·  Alterations have been made to Kindy moderations to save money

·  Lady Gowrie should have their own space – may pay for their own refurbishments.

·  Can paint be low odour / low allergenic etc (please)

·  One class is in the library and one in the music room whilst building goes on.

·  Class in library – noise levels being monitored for disruption – classes have change of books rather than whole lesson in library.

·  Ms Fallon allowing use of her room for art etc

·  There are new smartboards in middle school block, Ms Anderson has a portable one, there will be 5 in the new classrooms

·  Some money has been quarantined for library

·  New carpets in middle block – 17th April

·  Corner of tennis court will be used for builders’ equipment etc

·  Grant looked in why we are not in the Kingborough Directory – we do have small listing but other schools pay for larger advert. Grant will be contacted next year as to whether the school wishes to take this option and whether it needs to.

·  Jeanette and Sarah opening uniform shop on Wednesday after school.

Financial Report

Move to accept – G. Hurn Seconded – M. Rushton

$26,000 approx – suggested buffer $10,000 for end of year uniform shop purchases etc. Stocktake at end of the year.

Suggestion from Mike to take loose coins to the Sandy Bay Commonwealth bank coin counting machine – extremely time saving!

TPSA will stay a member of the State School Parents and Friends Association – Moved to accept – M. Rushton Seconded A. Preece

Any other business


·  Voucher book – probably not as there are several outlets for these

·  Quiz night – going ahead

·  Coffee morning once a month

·  Art Auction? – needs to be in consultation and with support of staff

·  Fire sculpture night – It was suggested that Lucy Bleach may be willing to do another one – Grant concerned that this might be more work for the teachers. Will look at it and discuss it with staff. Would need to be on a small scale.

·  Family movie night

·  Cocktail night - November/December

·  Student Tea Towels

Suggestion for use of Donations

·  Staff choose a specialist in residence for use of whole school – art, dance, science, maths etc? In area of need/ to fit in with school priorities. Committee keen to support/offer something that is not usually offered to students (special)

·  Books for library

·  Possible support to Early Childhood play area

·  Native plants

Date for next meeting – 26th May 2010

Meeting concluded at 8:55pm