Teacher Pre-Implementation Survey
Updated November 2016
Teacher Pre-Implementation Survey
Note: This survey was designed to measure changes in teacher attitudes and skills, and district context and readiness for change over the course of a specific ed-tech product pilot. While specific curricular references have been removed, this survey should be modified to meet your district’s unique measurement needs.Introduction
Your district is beginning to pilot an ed-tech tool. As part of the evaluation of the product, Digital Promise is distributing surveys to participating teachers. The purpose of this study is to understand the effectiveness of this ed-tech tool in your school district. This survey asks questions about your experience with education technology leading up to this pilot experience to capture background and context information.
Other than anonymous demographic information, no sensitive items are included in this study and therefore pose no risk. Any potentially identifying information will be removed to assure that the data are completely anonymous. Upon publication of this evaluation, the anonymous data may be made available through a research data repository.
This survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. All responses will be anonymous. Your participation is voluntary and while it is most useful to submit complete responses, you may skip questions or withdraw from the survey at any time. If you have any questions about this survey or the evaluation, please contact [NAME] ([EMAIL]. Thank you for your participation!
District Context
- Do you currently use ed tech tools in your classroom? (yes, no)
- If yes, for what purpose(s)? (check all that apply)
- Core curriculum
- Communication
- Supplemental materials
- Enrichment
- Remediation
- Reward
- What is the duration of time that students typically use technology devices in your classroom in an average week?
- Less than 1 hour
- 1-2 hours
- 2-3 hours
- 3-4 hours
- more than 4 hours
- What do you hope your students will learn by using this ed tech tool?
- To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your school’s readiness to pilot a new ed tech tool? (Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree, NA)
- Educators at this school are motivated to try new ed tech tools.
- Educators at this school can keep track of student progress while implementing the new ed tech tool.
- Educators at this school will do whatever it takes to try the new ed tech tool.
- Educators at this school are confident that the school leaders will support their use of the new ed tech tool.
- Educators at this school can handle challenges that might arise from using a new ed tech tool.
- Educators at this school can coordinate tasks so that implementation goes smoothly.
- To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your current school? (Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree)
- I am free to teach how I feel is best for my students.
- My workload is manageable.
- I can find materials at my school that I need for my lessons.
- My school encourages me to incorporate technology in my lessons.
- My students at my school are enthusiastic learners.
- My school has dedicated tech support to help me in the classroom.
- I feel supported by the school administration.
- My school has fast and reliable internet.
- The demands placed on me by my school are not realistic.
Attitudes about Technology
- To what extent do you agree with the following statements about technology? (Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree)
- I feel comfortable navigating most of the technology that I encounter at my job.
- To prepare students for the 21st century, they must be digitally literate.
- I often explore and assess new technology for use in my classroom.
- Technology is useful for organizing student data and communicating but not for meaningful teaching and learning.
- I like using technology because it engages students more than some other types of instructional strategies.
- There is a wide range of ed tech product quality and I wish there was a better way to choose the best tools for my classroom.
- I frequently experiment with new technology and I am usually the first of my colleagues to try a new digital tool or resource.
- I frequently deliver instruction to my students through the use of digital tools and resources.
- I think technology can be distracting at school.
- I know how to use technology better than my students do.
- I like to look things up online.
- For how many years have you been teaching? _____years
- What grade level(s) do you primarily teach? (select one K-12 option)
- How old are you? ______years
- What is your gender?
- In which school district do you teach?