Project Update October 2008 No.1

Project Update September 2012 No.1


This project will consist of reconstructing the intersection of Kino Parkway and 22nd Street by elevating Kino Parkway over 22nd Street to provide two continuous through lanes of traffic in each direction. On and off ramps will have one left turn and one right turn lane for drivers wishing to enter and exit Kino Parkway. 22nd Street will be widened to provide three through lanes in each direction, exclusive right turn lanes, and dual left turn lanes. Both roads will have bike lanes and a landscaped center median separating the traffic lanes.

This project will include new asphalt paving, bike lanes, new curbs, six foot wide sidewalks, bus pullout improvements on 22nd street, landscaping, landscape lighting, street lighting, and traffic signalization.

The nearby intersection of 22nd Street and Cherrybell Stravenue will be modified to restrict through traffic and a new traffic signal will also be installed at 18th Street and Park Avenue as part of the overall traffic circulation mitigation plan.

A new detention basin will be developed as part of this project. New storm drains and water modifications will also be made as part of this project.

Public art will also be included in this project and integrated into the new bridge and lighting design.


The contractor is the Ashton Company. The contract amount is twenty-one million dollars


Construction will begin in October 2012. This is a two and one half year contract (30 months). The Ashton Company plans to accelerate work to be completed in twenty-two months (22 months).


The project will be built in phases to minimize impacts to the neighborhood and address concerns by school, business, neighborhood, and commuters. Two lanes of traffic will be provided at all times on 22nd Street and Kino Parkway during construction.

Some night work may be required to make utility modifications that affect service.

Speed limits will be maintained at 35 miles per hour unless sharp detours or lane restrictions require a speed reduction.


Contractor: the Ashton Company

Superintendent: Eric Ruder ………………………………….631-3338

Project Engineer:Robert Woodall………………………….. 624-5500

Project Manager: Brian Andrews.……………………………624-5500

The City of Tucson

Field Representative: Alfredo Rosete.……..……………… 400-5561

Project Manager: Fred Felix …………………….………… 400-1205

Please contact us if there is a problem or to advise us of a special need you may have as it relates to utility service, your access, or the traffic circulation in your neighborhood during construction.

We realize this work may cause some inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.