6 points / Proficient:
4 points / Part Proficient:
2 points / Incomplete:
0 points / PTS
Topic/Content / -Message is focused;
-few things you said were on slide / -Message is mostly focused;
-some things you said were on slide / -Message somewhat focused;
-most things said were on slide / -No message presented;
-everything you said on slide
Text Conciseness / -Each slide limited to 6 words/line and 6 lines/slide;
-bullets or numbered lists used to help visually prioritize points;
-only highlights are presented –all details spoken / -More than half of slides were limited to 6 words/line and 6 lines/slide:
-bullets or numbered lists used appropriately;
-some details presented on slides / -Less than half of slides were limited to 6 words/line and 6 lines/slide;
-few bullets or numbered lists used;
-most details presented on slides / -Most or all slides had more than 6 words/line and 6 lines/slide;
-Few or no bullets or numbered lists used;
-all details were presented on slides
Design Consistency / -Design theme is consistent throughout presentation;
-Design theme is easy to read;
-Design theme is appropriate for content / -Design theme is consistent for more than half of presentation;
-Design theme is basically easy to read –some areas lack readability;
-Design theme is appropriate for content / -Design theme is consistent for less than half of the presentation;
-Design theme is somewhat easy to read – relevant slides are somewhat hard to read;
-Design theme is not the best match for the content / -Design them is not consistent at all throughout presentation;
-Design theme is not easy to read;
-Design there is not appropriate for the content
Design Colors / -Colors used are consistent and contrasting that make the text more readable;
-Colors are appropriate for design / -Colors used are somewhat consistent & contrasting;
-Colors are appropriate for design- / -Colors are not consistent but are contrasting (or vice versa);
-Colors are appropriate for design / -Colors used are not consistent nor contrasting;
-Colors are not appropriate for design
Design Fonts & Styles / -Fonts & styles are easy to read;
-Fonts & styles emphasize important text;
-No more than 2 fonts are used throughout presentation;
-Font size varies using nothing smaller than 24 pts / -Fonts & Styles are easy to read;
-Fonts & Styles emphasize important text;
-1 or 2 of the remaining exemplary elements are missing / -Fonts & Styles are somewhat easy to read;
-Fonts & Styles do not always emphasize important text;
-1 or 2 or the remaining exemplary elements are missing / -Fonts & Styles are not readable;
-Fonts & Styles do not emphasize important text;
-Both of the remaining exemplary elements are missing
Use of Visuals & Sounds / -Visuals used to replace text where possible; -White space is used well to keep slide balanced, easy to read; - Music is appropriate / -Visuals are used to replace text most of time; - White space is used in over half of slides; -Music is appropriate / -Some visuals are used to replace text in less than half of the slides; -White space is used in less than half of the slides; - Music is okay or missing / -Visuals are rarely or not used; -White space is missing throughout the presentation making slide hard to read;
-No music added
Mechanics / -Grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization are correct. No error in text. / -Includes 2-3 grammatical errors, misspellings, punctuation errors. etc / -Includes 3-4 grammatical errors, misspellings, punctuation errors, etc / -Includes more than 5 grammatical errors, misspelling, punctuation errors, etc
6 points / Proficient:
4 points / Part Proficient:
2 points / Incomplete:
0 points
Oral Presentation
- Opening Statement / -Great opening statement grabber
-Communicates ideas with enthusiasm, proper voice projection, appropriate language, and clear delivery / -Good opening statement grabber
Communicates ideas with proper voice projection.
-Adequate preparation & delivery / -Has ordinary opening statement
-Some difficulty communicating ideas due to voice projection, lack of preparation, or incomplete work / -No opening statement grabber
-Great difficulty communicating ideas. -Poor voice projection;
- Little preparation or incomplete work.
Oral Presentation
- Construction / - Contains 3 parts: introduction with opening statement; persuasive body; conclusion
-Very easy to follow persuasive elements of presentation / -Contains 3 parts: opening statement; persuasive body; conclusion
-Easy to follow persuasive elements of presentation / Contains at least 2 parts of exemplary elements
-Somewhat easy to follow persuasive elements of presentation / -No obvious construction (3 parts)
-Structure is haphazard and not easy to follow persuasive elements
Oral Presentation
- Content / -Persuasive body begins with topic sentence; follows w/3-5 highlight words to develop single point; brings in evidence (expert opinion, survey data) to meet needs of person doing business in that country
-Conclusion is positive and interesting; strongly supports introduction; restates points made in body; states exactly action customer should take
-Includes business card in presentation in intro and in conclusion / --Contains 2 or 3 exemplary elements of persuasive body and 3 or 4 exemplary elements of conclusion / -Contains 4 or less exemplary elements of both persuasive body and conclusion / - Contains 2 or less exemplary elements of both persuasive body and conclusion