DATE: 2-2-16

President Amy Brewster called the meeting to order at 7pm. The attached attendance sheet serves as roll call of members present at the meeting.

I. President’s Report (Amy Brewster)

A. Approval of (month) general membership meeting minutes
President Amy Brewster requested a motion to approve the November’s planning meeting minutes previously distributed electronically to the board of directors. Robyn Guerassio, VP of Finance made the motion to approve these minutes and Jenny Gillis, Treasurer seconded the motion. The group approved the motion by a voice vote and the January minutes are now permanent record.

B. Planning Meeting Agenda - Attached

II. Treasurer’s Report (Jenny Gillis)

A. Monthly budget review

B. Attach copy of proposed Budget

III. Principal’s Report (Lisa Smithson)

The playground blacktop has been shoveled.

IV. Delegate’s Report (Kathy Broadbent/Carolyn Brown)
PTACHC meeting on 2-1-16

- budget presentation

- snow days: all snow days used. Last day of school June 16th.

- Adequate coordinance: every 20 years; roads based on growth of the county

- Calendar: holiday discussion – which ones to include?

August 29th – 1st day of school for 2016-17 school year.

- BYOD: bring you own device

Pilot program: 80% against for elementary schools

Tech committee to included appropriate stake holders

- Tuesday April 26th primaries for the BoED

V. Committee Reports

After School Programs (Carolyn Brown):
snow day make up week built in at the end of semester

Community Outreach (Angela Paliotta):
Talking with PPW – Lucy to discuss where needs are (House of Ruth, Hope works, Food pantry)?

Cultural Arts (Chrissie Lazaris):
no report

Family Socials (Carrie Silver):

Dance Theme 80’s

Fifth Grade Activities (Kiesha Johnson and Rebecca Gruber):
t-shirts are in

Garden (Kim Sands):
no report

Health and Wellness (Ericka Haycock):
Walking Wednesday to start up after spring break.

Hospitality (Marissa Knisley):
no report

International Night (Eden Tesfayohannes):

Spring event- 3 acts acquired (Irish performers, Indian performers, Palmer gymnastics). Supplies purchased. Email sent to volunteers.

Membership (Sarangi Parikh):
Event Done - no report

Memory Book (Shari Hammond):
On schedule. Cover shared: Amy Wong 5th grade won cover contest, runners up to be posted on back cover.

Original Works Fundraiser (Michell Schalik):
Event Done – no report

Retriever Rally (Christina Miller & Pam Desmond):
Event Done – no report

Retriever Run (school year 2016-2017):

Shopper Incentive Programs (Erin Fitch):
BoxTops Race to the 28th.

Spirit Wear (Jen Levy):

Online sales. Can not do samples.

Silent Auction (Missy Rohrbac):
- Big items are coming in.

- Reminder to follow up on outstanding requests.

- Invitations: Robyn working on design (ETSY) photo cards are inexpensive

- Tickets:

-early birds pricing $45 per person RSVP by March 4th

-regular price $50 per person

-by at door

-teacher price $25


-teacher raffles

-signed sheet music by Taylor Swift


-pieces picked up from Pottery Place and being distributed to parent volunteers

-group painting times will be posted

-working on procuring Auctioneer

-consignment items – no. PTA would not be getting the bulk of the money.

Staff Appreciation (Evie Callahan & Pam Jee):

Getting a vendor for food for conference week.

Staff Representation (Terry Bell):
no report

STEM---FIRST® LEGO® Leagues (Erin Edwards):

Trash Barbarians going to State Tournament on March 5th @ UMBC.

FLL Juniors: 7 teams; 33 kids

Student Directory (Niti Blackwell):

Event Done – no report

Room Parent Volunteer Coordinator (Cathie Boarman):

No report

Young Authors Program (Mandy Kalirai):

Spring event

VI. Special Orders/Unfinished Business
The () meeting did not include any new business items that remain unfinished.

VII. New Business
No members approached the floor with new business items.

VIII. Announcements
No members approached the floor with announcements.

President Amy Brewster adjourned the meeting at 7:40pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Jeannette Balciunas, Secretary