BPM Change Management Enhancements
Deployment Planand Schedule
Version 2.0
January 7, 2012
Table of Contents
1.1Executive Summary
2.BPM CM System Deployment Strategy
2.1User Registration
2.2URL Access
2.3Deprecation of URL
3.Deployment Dates, Times, and Outage Durations
4.Project Description
5.Communications and Support
5.1Communication Schedule
5.2Routine Issues and Support
1.1Executive Summary
In May 2012, the California ISO launched an effort to replace the existing Business Practice Manual (BPM) Change Management system to improve usability, increase stakeholder participation, redesign the system architecture and enhance functionality.
The primary goal of this project is to replace the obsolete technology being decommissioned by the ISO, while concurrently improving the usability of the BPM website. Because critical functionality is not working for both internal users and market participants, the ISO is leveraging existing SharePoint technology with a fast-paced, iterative construction and testing approach using an Agile-Blend development methodology. The end result will be a low cost solution that will reduce or eliminate customer complaints with the current BPM system.
The benefits of this system replacement are:
- SharePoint built-in functionality (easy implementation, support, common user interface concepts)
- Significant reduction in number of screens
- Improved usability (intuitive user interface, user sorting/filtering – report function no longer needed, PRR details on single screen, fewer clicks)
- Increased functionality (automating market notices/agendas/presentations/board report)
- Streamlined representation reflects the desired simplicity of BPM process
- Supportable application (no longer a Remedy solution, eliminates custom development now needed with current system, uses proven technology
This document is intended to provide market participants with a description of the timeline and activities for the Business Practice Manual (BPM) Change Management system replacement.
2.BPM CM System Deployment Strategy
2.1User Registration
Users will be asked to register through a Registration Screen, supplying User Name Password, Company Name, Name of Company Representing, Email Address and Phone Number. Users will receive an email with instructions to complete registration. Once registered, users will be able to login and perform functions allowed by users dependent on designated roles; external users; BPM Coordinators; or BPM Change Managers.
2.2URL Access
The current BPM CM System is accessed through The new BPM CM system will be accessed through effective Monday, January 7, 2013.
2.3Deprecation of URL
The old URL will not be available after the deployment date. In the event that data migration issues occur during deployment and the data is not available on the new BPM system, the old URL will remain accessible for 30 days post-deployment to allow for document retrieval. However, the old BPM system will not allow a user to create or update BPM or PRR records – this must be performed in the new BPM system.
3.Deployment Dates, Times, and Outage Durations
The California ISO BPM CM System Replacement is scheduled for deploymenton January 7, 2013.This deployment willincur a short outage to the BPM system during the cutover.The table below highlights theimpact of the deployment and provides relevant details for market participants.
Cutover:January 7thDeployment – BPM CM System
Item # / System / Deployment Time / Outage duration during deployment1 / BPM / 14:00 / 30 - 40 minutes
All times are shown in Pacific Standard Time
4.Project Description
The current BPM website was developed collaboratively between the ISO and stakeholders, and was intended to contain implementation detail, consistent with and supported by the ISO Tariff, including: instructions, rules, procedures, examples, and guidelines for the administration, operation, planning, and accounting requirements of ISO and the markets. A stakeholder focus group supported the original development and testing. The deployment of the site in March 2009 was mandated by FERC, as part of the MRTU go-live plan. Scope and design decisions were made largely to achieve that mandate. As a result, some functionality, and the enhancement requests were deferred. It was communicated to the stakeholders that the ISO intended to implement those enhancements in the next release of the software.
The current BPM system and process has poor usability for ISO and external users. Numerous functional defects in the existing system cause the ISO’s BPM change manager to duplicate progress tracking in a separate spreadsheet. Further, cumbersome sub-processes, two physical systems, status and stages to track phase progress, details spread across numerous screens, and poor user account management make it difficult for users. These same challenges make it difficult for IT to support the system. Finally, the ISO has determined it will no longer support the current BPM product due to obsolescence.
In November 2011, a team of representatives from ISO Customer Services & Stakeholder Affairs, Standardization and Quality and Corporate Systems developed clear requirements and completely redesigned the BPM application. Existing functionality was streamlined for the following:
- View PRR
- Submit PRR
- Comment
- Review New PRR
- Impact Analysis
- Recommendation
- Final Decision
- Appeal
- Adopt (Ownership Change)
- Automatic workflow progression through Business Rules
- Calendar
- Account Registration and Maintenance
- Withdrawal
- Simplification of BPM Library
- Improve accuracy and Redesign of Board of Governors Report
New functionality was added to close the gaps in the initial system design, including automation of market notices and meeting agenda/presentation, as well as new user views to replace reporting.
One of the major improvements is the usability of the system. Navigation in the new system is structured in such a way that the user can access the required information quickly and without any difficulty. Information provided has been reorganized such that all the related information can be found at a single location rather than requiring the user to navigate to multiple locations. Information presentation has also been modified to suit the user needs. Context and Role sensitive help has been provided in the system to facilitate the users.
5.Communications and Support
5.1Communication Schedule
Below is the Communication Schedule for BPM CM System Replacement:
Item # / Description / Communication Method / Frequency / Responsible Party1 / Market Notices /
- CAISO.com
Date: 01/03/2013 for Deployment / CAISO
2 / Release Users Group (RUG) / Web Conference Information
Web Address:
Meeting Number: 866-528-2256
Access Code: 4914267
Teleconference Information
Call-in Number: (866) 528-2256
International Call-in Caller Paid: (216) 706-7052
Access Code: 4914267 / Every other week / CAISO
3 / External Training Demo / Web Conference Information:
Meeting No. 866-205-4243
Access code 4011761
Teleconference Information
Call-in: 800-230-1092 / December 12, 2012 / CAISO
5.2Routine Issues and Support
All normal support processes should be followed for support functions. The ISO Help Desk canbe reached at (916) 351-2309.
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