Participation Points Make-Up Assignment
When you are absent you lose participation points. If your absence is excused, please choose one of the following assignments to make-up your points. The paper heading should include your name, period, date, and the date of your absence, as well as the number of the assignment you’ve chosen below.
- Write a brief (1 page, 12 pt. font, double-spaced) summary of an article related to theatre. The article may be from any magazine or newspaper. Dramatics Magazine is a good place to start looking; they are available in the theatre bookcase. Write in paragraph form and be sure to use complete sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar, punctuation, and citations. Follow the outline given below to ensure all points are earned. This assignment will make-up one excused absence.
- Review
- Give an overview of the information you read about. Write in your own words. Use quotation marks and cite properly when quoting from the article or book.
- Personal Reaction
- Discuss why you chose this topic.
- Explain what you gained by studying this topic.
- Attach a copy of the article or a link to the article if it is on a website.
- Attend a theatre performance and write a 1-2 page (12 pt. fond, double-spaced) summary or reaction paper. Attach your ticket stub or program to the paper. This assignment will make-up two absences.
- Research a famous actor. Write a paper (1 page, 12 pt. font, double-spaced) detailing your findings. Make sure to properly cite your information. This assignment will make-up one absence.
- Find 3 internet sites about theatre that you feel would benefit fellow students. First, give the URLs (web addresses), print a copy of at least one page from each site, and write a brief (1 page, 12 pt. font, double-spaced) explanation as to why you found these sites beneficial. This assignment will make-up one absence.
Turning in make-up work:
Submit all papers to Print a copy of the paper and attach any additional items to it, such as ticket stubs, articles read, etc.
Due Dates:
Participation point make-up work must be turned in by the next due date after the absence and within the same quarter as the absence. If a student misses a due date, the absence can no longer be made up. Make-up work is due by the following dates:
1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter / 3rd Quarter / 4th QuarterThur. August 17 / Thur. Nov. 9 / Thur. Feb. 1 / Thur. April 19
Mon. Sept. 25 / Mon. Dec. 18 / Mon. March 5 / Mon. May 21