Notes of meeting held on 16 May 2016

Warren Farm Barns

Attending Meeting:

Cllr David MirChairman

Rob FairbanksSurrey Hills AONB Unit

Lucy O’ConnellMole Valley District Council

Jon RogersHurtwood Trails

Richard KellyB1KE

Paul RedsellNational Trust

Mark WestonBritish Horse Society

Caroline PriceSurrey Hills AONB Unit

Pennie KingAdministrator – Surrey Hills AONB Unit

1. / Introductions and apologies
Apologies: Doug Clare; Dave Farmer; Stuart McLachlan; George Chapman; Mark Panton
2. / Notes of Meeting held on 5 October 2015
The notes were agreed and will be posted on the Surrey Hills website.
3. / Matters Arising
4. / London Marathon Trust/Summer Lightning: RF informed the group that the London Marathon Trust will only offer funding which has a minimum of 10 years security over land tenure. The Access Agreement that is currently in place was not robust enough. DM and RF are meeting with a barrister who is a Director of Surrey Hills Enterprises. They will ask for advice regarding the liability issues that have been raised by landowners. PR said that the National Trust would give a licence for certain activities but would not sign over a tract of land. It was suggested that a licence could be granted by landowners for a certain period. The issue of landowners’ liability can be lessened if they dedicate the land under Section 16. It was agreed to put this idea on hold until legal advice has been obtained.
4.2 / Consultation: A walk of the proposed Summer Lightning improvements had taken place with horse riders. GBr had suggested that better signage, and making sure existing signage could be seen, was very important.
5. / ‘Coast to Capital’ LEP: LO’C confirmed that they had got through the first round and had been invited to submit a full application by mid July. The Rural Payments Agency want Mole Valley DC to combine their bid with a bid from Tandridge DC to develop a Destination Management Plan. There may then be further funding to take some of the activities further.
6. / Equestrian Working Group: It was suggested that the Aim and Objectives of the Equestrian Working Group should include a bullet point stating “Be aware of mountain bike trails”. The Mountain Bike Code of Conduct contains a section on how cyclists should act around other trail users, including horse riders.
4. / Draft Aims and Objectives
After a discussion on the Aims and Objectives of the group various changes were suggested. RF to amend and PK to attach to notes of meeting. / RF/PK
5. / Trail Network Identification: Presentation by Jon Rogers
5.1 / There was a debate around whether cyclists prefer to do a loop or stick to the same 5 or 6 downhill tracks. It was agreed that research should be carried out on the demand for a loop. RK suggested three way marked trails from the summit, rather than a big loop, would be more likely to encourage people to use local amenities. RF said that it is important that we identify a sanctioned network of trails to take to landowners. These trails would be signed as the sanctioned routes and this should help to control the majority of bike riders. Landowners need to know what is in it for them. DM said that to lessen the risk of conflict, it would probably be best to identify both a circular route and some downhill tracks. PK to circulate JR’s presentation with the notes of the meeting. / PK
5.2 / JR informed the group that the bridleway next to Summer Lightning has seen a decrease in usage. PR stressed that the National Trust does not block tracks, as its policy is to work with cyclists rather than against them. DM thanked JR for all his hard work.
6. / Summer Lightning Extension
Summer Lightning to Wolvens Lane is boggy but there is no money to do repair it. The money that had been earmarked is instead going to do the sections before and after the cricket pitch. Work on the section before the cricket pitch should start in June. RK confirmed that there is good, trained volunteer support in the autumn and winter. Volunteers are given instructions what to do and where, depending on the seasons. £1,000 in principle has been awarded from the Surrey Hills Trust Fund towards trail enhancement, subject to a landowner agreement.
7. / Website Development (Caroline Price)
Surrey Hills Website: CP confirmed that there is a section on road cycling routes on the Surrey Hills website. Only mountain bike trails that are on permissive routes, and have the landowner’s permission, can be posted on the SH website. RK pointed out that if we promote a family route we will need to be mindful that it cannot be anywhere unsanctioned; that we would need to include notes about the degree of difficulty and the length of the circuit, etc. It would also need to be on a circuit that can be used all year round.
8. / Landowner Issues
8.1 / Forestry Commission: LC informed the group that the “Waggledance” section of the trail was created before the FC’s National Trail Policy so it now needs to be formalised as a sanctioned trail. RK confirmed that he was in touch with the FC regarding this.
8.2 / Hurtwood: There are now around 5 new significant landowners on the Hurtwood. The Friends of the Hurtwood are in the process of trying to tie them into the Access Agreement.
9. / Update on Surrey Countryside Access Forum (RK)
9.1 / RK reported that a countywide off road strategy has not yet been progressed.
10. / Any Other Business
10.1 / It was agreed that many of the issues covered by the Mountain Bike Working Group are similar to those of the Equestrian Working Group. One is the identification of suitable car parks. RF to talk to Lisa Creaye-Griffin on behalf of the working group about open access to car parks as the Open Access Agreement should prevent barriers being installed in car parks. PK to send details of Equestrian Working Group to Mark Weston. / RF
11. / Date of Next Meeting:
Monday 21st November 2016; 14:00 – 16:00, Warren Farm Barns


ChairmanCllr David Mir, Mole Valley District Council

Support Officer:Pennie King, Surrey Hills AONB Unit

Landowner/manager: Peter Evelyn, Wotton Estate and Surrey CLA

Paul Redsell, National Trust

David Lees, Friends of the Hurtwood

Lucy Bryce, Surrey Wildlife Trust

Miguel Castillo-Garcia, Forestry Commission

David Collier, Forestry Commission

George Chapman, Batcheller Monkhouse

Agencies:Rob Fairbanks, Surrey Hills AONB Unit

Claire Saunders, Surrey County Council

Hannah Gutteridge, Surrey County Council

Lucy O’Connell, Mole Valley District Council

Users/volunteers:Richard Kelly, B1KE

Ian Warby, BIKE

Simon Pratt, Sustrans

Jon Rogers, Hurtwood Trails

Mark Panton, Cyclist

Businesses:Raluca Bunea, Peaslake Village Stores

David Farmer, Cycleworks

Roger Young, Head for the Hills

Parish councils/ Stuart McLachlan, Capel PC

Community liaison: Shere PC

British Horse SocietyMark Weston

PR:Caroline Price, Surrey Hills Marketing Communications Officer

Copied for information to:

Cllr Helyn ClackSurrey County Council

Steve MitchellSurrey County Council

Gail BrownriggHorse Rider

Claire McCaffery-ClarkeBritish Horse Society

Howard WagstaffPedal and Spoke

Nirvana Cycles

Ben Tudor

Brian Cohen