Gibbs High School
PSCC Bridge Math SAILS
Course Description
o SAILS – Seamless Alignment and Integrated Learning Support
o A senior level math course designed to provide both remediation and advancement at the collegiate level.
o Students must have an 18 or below on the ACT (or PLAN) to be eligible for SAILS.
o Successful completion of all 5 Modules (meets Learning Support Math requirements) and all 4 STEMs + the final exam (fulfills the MATH 1030 Introduction to College Mathematics) will result in completion of Learning Support Math and MATH 1030 and will give students 3 credit hours of math from PSCC.
Hyperlink to local curriculum, state standards, and/or competencies
o Course Structure
§ There are 5 modules that correspond to the 5 Learning Support Math competencies. Each module consists of a video lesson and homework for each topic, Check Points over some topics, a module review and a module test.
o Media/Homework
§ Each topic has a Media and Homework component. Media contains video lessons that must be viewed by the student and usually includes a shortcut to the associated online textbook lesson. Students should take notes and may re-watch a video as often as necessary. Media and Homework are labeled by chapter, section and short description. (Note: A few topics include several short videos, as opposed to one longer one, and a few include PowerPoints.)
§ Students must score 80% on the homework before they can move to the next topic.
§ Topics and Modules must be completed in order, as they are listed on the Checklists.
o Module Tests
§ Students successfully complete a module when they score 80% or higher on the module test. Non-graphing calculators, clean paper and pencil are the only resources that may be used on an exam, with the exception of the Formula Sheet for Module 1 and the Unit Conversions sheet for Module 5. Refer to Academic Integrity forms for specific guidelines regarding testing.
o Course Structure
§ There are 4 parts to the STEM portion and it is similar to the modules layout, except that there is a Quiz, not a Review, before the Test. There is also a Final Exam, to be taken upon successful completion of the STEM 4 Test.
o Media/Homework
§ Similar to the modules. A few topics are repeats of topics covered in Modules 1-5. For these topics, the Media portion may be the same but the Homework set is not.
§ Students must score 80% on the homework before they can move to the next topic.
o STEM Tests
§ Same guidelines as with the module tests. Note: No formula sheets of any kind are allowed on the STEM tests.
o Final Exam
§ After successful completion of STEM Tests 1 – 4, students must take and pass (with 70% or higher) a paper and pencil, multiple choice Final Exam that is provided by Pellissippi State. This Final Exam is comparable to the one given in PSCC’s MATH 1030. PSCC will provide the exam, which will be given and graded by the SAILS teacher.
Materials Needed
o Headphones
o Pencils
o 1 subject spiral notebook
o TI-30 Calculator (for classroom use only)
o All math courses have a $10.00 fee.
o This fee is for the purpose of providing calculators and supplies for classroom use.
o School-based
§ Each student will have access to the computers in the Math Lab.
o On-line
§ Students will be provided login information to for access to all Modules/STEM media, homework, quizzes, and tests.
§ Textbook (provided online through the sailstn website)
o Students must score at least 80% on the homework/test.
o Students must score at least 70% on the Final Exam.
Grading Policy
o Grades will be determined by accumulation of points.
o Grade Scale:
A 93-100
B 95-92
C 75-84
D 70-74
F below 70
o Module/STEM Tests and quizzes – 40% of total grade
o Homework, Check Points, and Reviews – 35% of total grade
o STEM Exam – 25% of total grade
Explanation of Assignments
o Students must score at least 80% on the homework assignments.
o Each homework assignment, check point, and review will be worth 10 points.
o Students will earn 5 extra points on all homework assignments with a score of 90% or better.
Explanation of Test
o All tests must be taken at GHS.
o All tests are worth 100 points.
o Students must score at least 80% on tests in order to continue.
o Absolutely no cell phones will be allowed during testing!
Course Completion Policy
o Because this course is self-paced, students MUST adhere to all pacing deadlines.
o Failure to meet the pacing deadlines could result in not meeting graduation requirements.
o Students are encouraged to work ahead. Remember: “when you are finished, you are finished.”
Portal Post Policy
o Student grades will be posted to the Portal at least once per week (if applicable).
o Attendance Policy
§ Regular classroom attendance is strongly encouraged in order to complete the SAILS program.
§ All tests MUST be taken at GHS.
o Classroom Policy/Procedures
§ Headphones must be used at all times to listen to the media.
§ Students must adhere to a respectful classroom culture.
§ Students should NOT access non-academic websites on the computer.
§ Students will be provided a 1 subject spiral notebook to use for notes/scratch paper.
§ TI-30 calculators will be available for classroom use only.
§ Cell phones will be placed in the teacher’s desk while testing.
§ The classroom teacher will be available for questions on homework problems during class.
o Honor Code
§ Students must sign, understand, and comply with the Academic Integrity Form provided by PSCC.
Communication Strategy:
o Students are encouraged to communicate any problems they may be having with class content to the teacher. Students are encouraged to check their grades frequently to maintain an understanding of what their grade is.
o Parents are encouraged to email or call the instructor with any questions or concerns.
o Email Addresses for SAILS+ Instructors
o School Phone Number
§ (865) 689-9130 ext. 1114
· Extention 1114 – Carol Mitchell
· Extention 1118 – Kristi Everette
Intervention Strategy:
o Tutoring is available on homework during class time or before/after school in the Flying J Tutoring Center.
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