Directory of CAUL Institution Senior Staff

Updated 3 February 2019

See also Australian University Library Web SitesList of CAUL Members

Australian Catholic University / Macquarie University / The University of Newcastle
Australian National University / Monash University / University of Notre Dame Australia
Bond University / Murdoch University / The University of Queensland
Central Queensland University / Queensland University of Technology / University of South Australia
Charles Darwin University / RMIT University / University of Southern Queensland
Charles Sturt University / Southern Cross University / University of Sydney
Curtin University of Technology / Swinburne University of Technology / The University of Tasmania
Deakin University / University of Adelaide / University of Technology, Sydney
Edith Cowan University / University of Ballarat / University of the Sunshine Coast
Flinders University / University of Canberra / The University of Western Australia
Griffith University / The University of Melbourne / University of Western Sydney
James Cook University / The University of New England / University of Wollongong
La Trobe University / University of New South Wales / Victoria University
University of New South Wales @ ADFA

AustralianCatholicUniversity (updated 15/6/07)

Mr James Graham
Library Manager (Brisbane)
PO Box 456
Virginia QLD 4014
Phone: 07 3623 7117
Fax: 07 3623 7268
Email: / Dr Stephen Oakshott
Library Manager (Sydney)
Locked Bag 2002
Strathfield NSW 2135
Phone: 02 9701 4117
Fax: 02 9701 4281
Mr Stuart Whelan
Library Manager (Victoria)
Locked Bag 4115
Fitzroy VIC 3065
Phone: 03 9953 3099
Fax: 03 9953 3175
Email: / Ms Annette McGuiness
Library Manager (Canberra)
PO Box 256
Dickson ACT 2602
Phone: 02 6209 1117
Fax: 02 6209 1114
Ms Josephine Frawley
Library Manager (Infrastructure and Strategic Initiatives)
PO Box 650
Ballarat VIC 3353
Phone: 03 5336 5317
Fax: 03 5336 5305
Email: / Ms Heather Pearsall
Library Manager (Electronic Services)
Australian Catholic University
Locked Bag 2002
Strathfield NSW 2135
Phone: 02 9701 4384
Fax: 02 9701 4302

AustralianNationalUniversity (updated 27/11/00)

Michael Evans
Associate Director, Academic Services (Library) (RG Menzies Building)
6249 4615
email: / Sue Kosse
Associate Director, Strategic Planning and Public Relations (Library) (RG Menzies Building)
6249 2988
Carolyn Austin
Business and Resources Manager (Library) (RG Menzies Building)
6249 2002
email: / Sally-Anne Leigh
Manager, Asia-Pacific Cluster (RG Menzies Building)
6249 3681
Helen Roberts
Manager, Law Cluster (LawFacultyBuilding)
6249 4068
email: / Paul McNamara
Manager, Science Cluster (WK HancockBuilding)
6249 2983
Margaret Henty
Social Science and Humanities Cluster (JB Chifley Building)
6249 2982
email: / TonyWatson
Manager, Library IT & Network Support Unit (LITNSU) (RG Menzies Building)
6249 4374
Rebecca Pallavicini
Manager, Electronic Publishing and Marketing Unit
6249 2994
email: / Sigrid McCausland
University Archivist (RG Menzies Building)
6279 9602

BondUniversity (updated 20/3/09)

Wendy Abbott
Associate Director, Customer Service
Phone: 07-55951524
Fax: 07-5595 1480
Email: / Mark Sutherland
Associate Director, CorporateServices
Phone: 07-5595 1424
Fax: 07-5595 1480
Paul White
Law Librarian
Phone: 07-5595 1520
Fax: 07-5595 1516
Email: / Peta Hopkins
Information Systems Librarian
Phone: 07-5595 1519
Fax: 07-5595 1480
Gail White
Information Resources Librarian
Phone: 07-5595 1535
Fax: 07-5595 1480
Email: / Alan French
Associate Director, ICT
Phone; 07-5595 3515
Fax: 5595 1480

CentralQueenslandUniversity (confirmed 26/3/07)

Debbie Orr
Reference Services Librarian
Ph 07 49309347
Fax: 07 49306436
Email: / Elke Dawson
Technical Services Librarian
Ph: 07 49306838
Fax: 07 49306831

CharlesDarwinUniversity (updated 27/3/07)

Anne Wilson
Associate Director Client Services
Telephone: (08) 8946 6187
Email: / Anthony Hornby
Associate Director Library Resources and Technology
Telephone: (08) 8946 6011

CharlesSturtUniversity (updated 4/4/07)

Kerryn Amery
Director, Operations and [Deputy to Exec Director]
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 7003
Bathurst NSW 2795
Ph: 02 6338 6139
Fax: 02 6338 4986
Email: / Sarah Bishop
Director, Development
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 7003
Bathurst NSW 2795
Ph: 02 6338 4528
Fax: 02 6338 4986
Karen Fitzpatrick
Section Manager, Collection Services
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 681
Wagga NSW 2678
Ph: 02 6933 2136
Fax: 02 6933 2900
Email: / Jan Murphy
Section Manager, Collection Services
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 681
Wagga NSW 2678
Ph: 02 6933 4310
Fax: 02 6933 2900
Alice Ferguson
Section Manager, Collection Services
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 681
Wagga NSW 2678
Ph: 02 6933 4215
Fax: 02 6933 2900
Email: / Jennifer Morrice
Manager, Business Services
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 7003
Bathurst NSW 2795
Ph: 02 6338 4486
Fax: 02 6338 4986

CurtinUniversity of Technology (updated 26/3/07)

Ms Karen Tang
Associate Director, Corporate Services
(08) 9266 7152
fax (08) 9266 3213
email: / Ms Julie Woodland
Manager, Corporate Services
(08) 9266 7235
fax (08) 9266 3213
Mr. Peter Green
Associate Director, Resources and Access
(08) 9266 7184
Fax (08) 9266 3213
email: / Mr. David Wells
Manager, Resources and Access
(08) 9266 7158
Fax: (08) 9266 3947
Ms Jackie Hanlon
Associate Director, Flexible Delivery and Lending Services
(08) 9266 7163
Fax: (08) 9266 3371
email: / Ms Lynne Vautier
Manager, Flexible Delivery and Lending Services
(08) 9266 7597
Fax: (08) 9266 3371
Mr. Libero Parisotto
Associate Director, Research and Learning Services
(08) 9266 4392
Fax: (08) 9266 3213
email: / Ms Kerry Bedford
Manager, Research and Learning Services
(08) 9266 7249
Fax: (08) 9266 3947
Ms Lesley Wallace
Acting Manager
John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library
(08 )9266 7549
Fax: 08 9266 4185

DeakinUniversity (updated 26/3/07)

Ms Sue Owen
Associate Librarian, Client Services
Ph: 03 9251 7180
Fax: 03 9244 6693
Email: / Ms Joan Moncrieff
Associate Librarian, Information Management and Access
Ph: 03 5227 8239
Fax: 03 5227 8000

EdithCowanUniversity (updated 15/6/07)

Dan Archibald
Manager Library Services
/ David Howard
Manager Collections and Access

Greg Bates,
Senior Librarian,
/ Ian Christophersen,
Senior Librarian,

Agnes Noronha,
Library Account Manager,
/ Lyn Leslie,
Library Account Manager,

Julia Gross,
Library Account Manager,
/ Lisa Billingham
Innopac Librarian,

Swee Kit,
Senior Librarian,
/ James Koh
Senior Librarian - Subscriptions

FlindersUniversity (updated 11/4/07)

Catherine Brown
Associate Librarian Information, Infrastructure and Resources
Telephone: (08) 8201 2777
Fax: (08) 8210 2508 / Ian McBain
Associate Librarian (Learning and Research Services )
Telephone: (08) 8201 2023
Fax: (08) 8201 2508
Helen Culshaw
Law Librarian
Telephone: (08) 8201 3581
Fax: (08) 8201 2508 / Miranda Morfey
Medical Librarian
Telephone: (08) 8204 5462
Fax: (08) 8277 3721
Kate Sinclair
Senior Liaison Librarian
Telephone: (08) 8201 5183
Fax: (08) 8201 2508 / Ian Brown
Information Technology Librarian
Telephone: (08) 8201 2732
Fax: (08) 8201 2508
Tom Snook
Metadata and Acquisitions Services Librarian
Ph: 08 8201 2083
Fax: 08 8201 2508 / Lynda Clarke
Subscriptions and Document Services Librarian
Telephone: (08) 8201 2471
Fax: (08) 8201 3916

GriffithUniversity (27/3/07)

Mr Con Graves
Director, Library and Learning Environment Services
Phone: (07) 5552 8705
Fax: (07) 5552 8839
Email: / Ms Sanja Tadic
Manager, InfoServices
Phone: (07) 3735 7716
Fax: (07) 3735 7845
Dr Michael Crock
Director, Flexible Learning and Access Services
Phone: (07) 3382 1339
Fax: (07) 3382 1333
Email: / Ms Lynne Russell
Manager, Learning Services
Phone: (07) 3735 7987
Fax: (07) 3735 7845
Mr Martin Borchert
Associate Director, Access Services
Phone: (07) 3735 7467
Fax: (07) 3735 4075
Email: / Ms Maureen Sullivan
Manager, Lending Services
Phone: (07) 3735 7465
Fax: (07) 3735 5329

JamesCookUniversity (confirmed 26/3/07)

Mr Ward Saylor
Manager, Information and Research Support

telephone (07) 4781-4512
fax (07) 4781-6099 / Ms Katrina Valese
Manager, Document Services

telephone (07) 4781-4591
fax (07) 4781-6164
Ms Carolyn Tredrea
Manager, Information Resources

Telephone (07) 4781-4532
Fax (07) 4781-5886 / Ms Kate Elder
Manager, Library Services, Cairns

telephone (07) 4042-1033
fax (07) 4042-1026

La TrobeUniversity (updated 26/3/07)

Ms Barbara Paton
Deputy University Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 1928
Fax: (03) 9479 3018
Email: / Ms Helen King
Associate Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 1658
Fax: (03) 9479 3018
Ms Jeanette Dazkiw
Campus Librarian Bendigo
Ph: (03) 5444 7528
Fax: (03) 5444 7877
Email: / Ms Linda Sheridan
Campus Librarian, Albury-Wodonga Campus
Ph: (02) 6024 9747
Fax: (02) 6024 9750
Mr Ted Chrisfield
Digital Audio-Visual Projects & Services Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 2137
Fax: (03) 9479 5647
Email: / Ms Dorota Pudlowski
Metadata Services Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 2923
Fax: (03) 9479 5647
Ms Eva Fisch
Collections Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 2926
Fax: (03) 9471 0993
Email: / Ms Alison Bates
Resource Acquisitions Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 2931
Fax: (03) 9479 5647
Ms. Fiona Salisbury
Reference & Information Services Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 1926
Fax: (03) 9471 0993
Email: / Mr Ian Smith
Manager, Library Human Resources
Ph: (03) 9479 1918
Fax: (03) 9479 3018
Ms Rosemary Cotter
Administration Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 1934
Fax: (03) 9479 3018
Email: / Mr Vincent Galante
Head, Library Information Systems
Ph: (03) 9479 2934
Fax: (03) 94791 0993
Ms Lea Beranek
Resource Delivery Services Librarian
Ph: (03) 9479 2950
Fax: (03) 9471 0993
Email: / Mr Geoff Payne
Director, Library Corporate and Financial Services
Ph: (03) 9479 1922
Fax: (03) 9479 3018

MacquarieUniversity (updated 29/3/07)

DeputyUniversity Librarian
Tel. 02 9850 6535
Fax. 02 9850 9236
/ Alison BRIGGS
Manager, Library Business Services
Tel. 02 9850 7552
Fax 02 9850 7504

Manager, Information Access
Tel. 02 9850 7553
Fax. 02 9850 7513
(from 18/4/07) / Andrew AUPEK
Manager, Library IT
Tel. 02 9850 6558
Fax. 02 9850 7912

Glenys OXLEE
Manager, Information Resources
Tel. 02 9850 7543
Fax. 02 9850 7568
Manager, Library Development
Tel. 02 9850 7509
Fax. 02 9850 7568

Manager, Resource Access
Tel. 02 9850 7547
Fax. 02 9850 7590

MonashUniversity (updated 28/3/07)

Ms Janette Burke
Director, Central Services
Monash University Library Building 4
Victoria Vic 3800
Telephone: + 61 3 9905 2672
Facsimile: + 61 3 9905 2610 / Ms Wilna Macmillan
Director, Client Services - Science, Health and Engineering
Monash University Library Building 4
Victoria 3800
Telephone: +61 3 9905 9407
Facsimile: +61 3 9905 2610
Ms Sue Clarke
Director, Information Resources
Monash University Library Building 4
Victoria 3800
Telephone: + 61 3 9905 2676
Facsimile: + 61 3 9905 2617 / VACANT
Director, Client Services – Humanities and SocialSciences
MonashUniversityLibraryBuilding 4
Victoria 3800
Telephone: + 61 3 9905 2680
Facsimile: + 61 3 9905 9142

MurdochUniversity (confirmed 15/6/07)

Del Shiers
Manager, Collection Services
Ph 08 9360 2451
Fax 08 9310 2780
/ Mike Hawley
Manager, Support Services
Ph 08 9360 2272
Fax 08 9310 2780

Jean McKay
Manager, Liaison Services
Ph 08 9360 2513
Fx 08 9310 2780
/ Deborah Hamblin
Manager, Rockingham Campus Library
Ph 08 9360 7062
Fax 08 9360 7036

Grant Stone
Manager, Scholarly Resources
Ph 08 9360 2696
Fx 08 9310 2780

QueenslandUniversity of Technology (updated 22/4/07)

Jenny McCarthy
Associate Director, Library Services (Development)
Telephone: (07) 3138 2962
email: / Carolyn Young
Associate Director, Library Services (Information Resources)
Telephone: (07) 3138 1659
Robyn Smith
Branch Library Manager, Gardens Point Campus
Telephone: (07) 3138 2914
email: / vacant
Branch Library Manager, Kelvin Grove Campus
Stephen O'Driscoll
Branch Library Manager, Carseldine Campus
Telephone: (07) 3138 4630
email: / Susan Carter
Acting Law Library Manager, Gardens Point Campus
Telephone: (07) 3138 2231
Sarah Fredline
Library Systems Manager
Telephone: (07) 3138 3378
email: / Ann Huthwaite
Manager, Library Resource Services
Telephone: (07) 3138 3268

RMITUniversity (updated 26/3/07)

Deirdre Gillespie
Associate Director,Library Corporate
tel: 03 9925 3553
fax: 03 9663 3047 / Stephen Gillespie
Associate Director, Library Information Services
tel: 03 9925 2573
fax: 03 9663 3047
Barbara Burstall
Manager, Library Resources & Access
tel: 03 9925 3107
fax: 03 9663 3047 / Lynn Murdoch
Manager-Swanston Library
email: lynn.
tel: 03 9925 2443
fax: 03 663 3047
Annette Sullivan
Manager – Carlton Library
tel: 03 9925 4559
fax: 03 9925 4396 / Valma Datson
Manager – Bundoora Library
tel: 03 9925 7431
fax: 03 9925 7777
Tanya Bramley
Manager – Business Library
tel: 03 9925 5688
fax: 03 9925 5685

Southern Cross University (updated 20/8/07)

Mr Craig Littler
Library Services Manager

phone 02 6626 9491
fax 02 6622 0093 / Ms Judy Hibberd
Library Manager, Coffs Harbour Campus

phone 02 66 59 3238
fax 02 66 59 3234
Phil Finnimore
Manager, Electronic Resources & Systems

phone 02 66 20 3455
fax 02 6622 0093

SwinburneUniversity of Technology (updated 26/3/07)

Gary Hardy
Associate Director
John Street, Hawthorn, 3122

Phone: 9214 8858
Fax: 9818 3651 / Rose Humphries (to 30/3/07)
Information Services Manager, Hawthorn/Prahran
John Street, Hawthorn, 3122
& St John Street, Prahran, 3181

Phone: 9214 5888/9214 6787
Fax: 9214 6555
Anatolij Lisov
Information Services Manager, Lilydale/Healesville
Melba Avenue, Lilydale, 3140

Phone:9215 7119
Fax:9215 7118 / Clare Carlsson
Information Services Manager Wantirna/Croydon
369 Stud Road, Wantirna, 3152

Phone:9210 1135
Fax 9210 1298
Carol Lloyd
Coordinator, Administrative Services
Office of Director, Information Resources
Tel: +61 3 9214 5310
Fax: +61 3 9818 3651

The University of Adelaide (updated 2/4/07)

Mrs Patricia Scott
Metadata Services Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 5373
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Email: / Ms Margaret Hosking
Book Resources Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 5285
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Ms Ruth Slater
Acquisition Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 4258
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Email: / Ms Cheryl Hoskin
Special Collections Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 5224
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Ms Ellen Randva
Research and Reference Services Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 3630
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Email: / Ms Margaret Colmer
Lending Services and Document Delivery Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 5349
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Mr Stephen Cramond
Electronic Information Resources Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 4809
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Email: / Mr Paul Wilkins
Deputy University Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 5223
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Mr Gordon Abbott
Elder Music Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 3687
FAX: (08) 8303 4431
Email: / Ms Sue Milne
Law Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 5348
Fax: (08) 8303 3659
Ms Angela Mills
Roseworthy Campus Librarian
University of Adelaide
Ph: (08) 8303 7843
FAX: (08) 8303 7965
Email: / Ms Angela Mills
Waite Campus Librarian
University of Adelaide
Ph: (08) 8303 7310
Fax: (08) 8303 7103
Mr Stephen Beaumont
Facilities & Planning Librarian
Ph: (08) 8303 5016
Fax: (08) 8303 4369
Email: / Mr Stephen Thomas
Senior Systems Analyst
Ph: (08) 8303 5190
Fax: (08) 8303 4369

University of Ballarat (updated 26/3/07)

Carmel Grant
Information Resources Management Librarian
Tel: 03 5327 8078
Fax: 03 5327 8231
Kerry Matheson
Mt Helen Campus Librarian
03 5327 9588
03 5327 9803 fax
/ Nancy Lange
TAFE Campuses Librarian
03 5327 8234
03 5327 8231 fax

University of Canberra (updated 15/6/07)

Helena Zobec,
Associate Librarian

phone (02)6201 5632
fax: (02)6201 5301 / Marilyn Edmond ,
Information Development Manager
phone: (02) 6201 5429
fax (02)6201 5301
Louise Cooper
Academic Planning Librarian (Communications and Education)

phone: (02) 6201 5280
fax (02)6201 5068 / Pat Tandy
Academic Planning Librarian (Health, Design and Science)

phone (02)6201 2010
fax (02)6201 5068
Valerie Perrett
Academic Planning Librarian (Business, Law and Information Sciences)

phone: (02)6201 5279
fax (02)6201 5068

The University of Melbourne (updated 27/3/07)

Donna McRostie and Karen Kealy
Acting Directors, Information Management
Tel: 03 8344 6996

Tel: 03 8344 7806
/ Ms Helen Page and Mr Alan Arnold
Acting Directors, Information and Education Services
Tel: 03 8344 8307

Tel: 03 8344 6601

Peter Jones,
Director, Legal Information Resources
Tel: 03 8344 6203
/ Anthony Nantes,
Services Portfolio Office Manager
Tel: 03 8344 0582
fax: 9348 2079

Andrew Vincent,
Organisational Development Manager
Tel: 03 8344 3468
fax: 9348 2079
/ James Beckford Saunders,
Marketing and Communication Manager
Tel: 03 8344 4106
fax: 9348 2079

The University of New England (updated 2/4/07)

Julia Leong
Information Services
/ Warren Gilson
Technical Services

Russell Nicholson
Electronic Services Development
/ Mr Carl Petersen
Executive Officer
Phone: 02 6773 2787
Fax: 02 6773 3943

University of New South Wales (updated 27/3/07)

Howard Amos
Deputy University Librarian
Telephone: 9385 2656
Fax: 9385 8002 / Lyn Bosanquet
Director, Information Services
Telephone: 9385 2678
Fax: 9385 8002
Janet Fletcher
Director, Information Resources
Telephone: 9385 2610
Fax: 9385 8002

University of New South Wales @ ADFA (updated 27/3/07)

Sue Beatty
Technical Services Librarian
Business: (02) 6268-8101
Fax: (02) 6268 6085
E-mail: / Vijeeth Shakespeare
Systems Manager
Business: (02) 6268-8110
Fax: (02) 6247 2324

The University of Newcastle (updated 2/4/07)

Alison Rigby
Associate Librarian, Client Services
Ph. 02 492 16455
/ Marion Wilson
Associate Librarian, Corporate Services
Ph. 02 492 15824

Kirsten Neilson
Senior Librarian, Bibliographic Services & Datasets Coordinator
Ph. 02 492 15827
/ Helen Lloyd
Senior Librarian, Electronic Information Services
Ph. 02 492 17104

Fatu Kigbo
Senior Librarian, Ourimbah
Ph. 02 434 84032
/ Leone Clough
Huxley Library Team Leader
Ph. 02 492 18623

City Campus Library Team Leader
Ph. 02 492 18880
/ Catherine Moffat
Senior Librarian, Intellectual Property and Promotions
Ph. 02 434 84026

Sharon Howells
Lending Services Coordinator
Ph. 02 492 17147

University of Notre Dame Australian (4/4/07)

Ms Lyn Quince
Manager Broome Campus Library
08 9192 0644
Email / Mr Bruce Bott
Manager Craven Law Library, Fremantle
Loans Desk 08 9433 0741
Ms Jan Harmsen
Manager Galvin Medical Library, Fremantle
Loans Desk 08 9433 0256
Email / Mr Michael Cullen
Manager St Benedict's Library, Sydney
Loans Desk 02 8204 4352

The University of Queensland (updated 26/3/07)

Heather Todd
Executive Manager, Biological and Health Sciences Library Service
Tel: 07.3365.2576
Fax: 07.3365.6416
Email: / Mary Lyons
Executive Manager, Corporate Services
Tel: 07.3365.6415
Fax: 07.3365.1737
Grace Saw
Executive Manager, Physical Sciences and Engineering Library Service and International and Consultancy Services
Tel: 07.3365.3828
Fax: 07.3365.3658
Email: / Christopher Taylor
Executive Manager, Information Access Service
Tel: 07.3365.6623
Fax: 07.3365.6888
Andrew Bennett
Executive Manager, Library Technology Service
Tel: 07.3365.6722
Fax: 07.3365.7930
Email: / Ros Follett
Executive Manager, Social Sciences and Humanities Library Service
Tel: 07.3346 4329
Fax: 07.3365.1481

University of South Australia (confirmed 18/6/07)

Ms Irene Doskatsch
Deputy University Librarian, Academic and International
Telephone (08) 8302 6279
Fax (08) 8302 6756
(Located at Mawson Lakes Campus) / Mr Stephen Parnell
Deputy University Librarian, Information Infrastructure
Telephone: (08) 8302 6634
Fax (08) 8302 6756
(Located at Mason Lakes Campus)

University of Southern Queensland (updated 25/6/08)

Ms Alison Hunter
Manager, Systems & Projects
Division of Academic Information Services
Telephone: (07) 4631 1524
Facsimile: (07) 4631 1841
Ms Robyn Tweedale
Principal Manager, Information Services
Division of Academic Information Services
Telephone: (07) 4631 1845
Facsimile: (07) 4631 1841 / Ms Clare Tittel
Principal Manager, Information Access
Division of Academic Information Services
Telephone: (07) 4631 1895
Facsimile: (07) 4631 1841

University of Sydney (updated 26/3/07)

Kate Sexton
Deputy University Librarian

tel: 02 9351 2991
fax: 02 9351 7765 / Su Hanfling
Director, Sciences and Technology Libraries

tel: 02 9351 5426
fax: 02 9351 7765
Karen Johnson
Director, Digital and Technical Services

tel: 02 9351 2987
fax: 02 9351 7765 / Libby O'Reilly
Director, Health and Medical Libraries

tel: 02 9351 3618
fax: 02 9351 7765
John Rodwell
Director, Humanities and Social Sciences Libraries

tel: 02 9351 2888
fax: 02 9351 7765 / Ross Coleman
Director, Sydney eScholarship

tel: 02 9351 3352
fax: 02 9351 7765

The University of Tasmania (updated 6/12/07)

Di Worth
Associate Librarian

Phone 03 6226 2208
Fax 03 6226 2878 / Wendy Hoyle
Launceston Campus Librarian

Phone 03 6324 3551
Fax 03 6324 3008
Karmen Pemberton
Morris Miller Librarian

Phone 03 6226 2395
Fax 03 6226 2878

University of Technology, Sydney (confirmed 26/3/07)

Pamela Leuzinger
Director (Library Client Services Unit)
Email Address:
Telephone: +61 2 9514 3336
Fax: +61 2 9514 3331 / Fides Datu Lawton
Director (Library Resources Unit)
Email Address:
Telephone: +61 2 9514 3335
Fax: +61 2 9514 3331

University of the SunshineCoast (updated 28/3/07)

Sharon Lenord
Manager, Library
(P) 07 5430 2816,
(F) 07 5430 2811
/ Chris Capel
Library Resources Coordinator
Ph: 07 5459 4721
Fax: 07 5430 2810
Elizabeth Crawter
Information & Research Services Coordinator
Ph: To be advised (by early May)
Fax: 07 5430 2810
email: To be advised / Meredith Mooi
Systems & Digital Resources Coordinator
Ph: 07 5459 2801
Fax: 07 5430 2810

The University of Western Australia (updated 26/3/07)

Mr Ralph Kiel
Associate Librarian, Information Systems
Ph (09) 380 2336
Fax (09) 380 7832
/ Ms Liz Burke
Associate Librarian, Reader Services
Ph (09) 380 2341
Fax (09) 380 7832

University of Western Sydney (confirmed 8/10/07)

Robyn Benjamin
Associate Librarian
Phone: 02 9852 5892
Fax: 02 9852 5940
email / Meg Boness
Associate Librarian
Phone: 02 9852 5939
Fax: 02 9852 5940
Margaret Pavincich
Client Services Librarian
Phone: 02 9852 5931
Fax: 02 9852 5940
Email: / Ms Diane Dougall
Resources Management Co-ordinator
Phone: 02 9852-5884
Fax: 02 9852-5940
Ms Lisa Tyson
Library Systems Manager
Phone: 02 9852-5890
Fax: 02 9852-5940

University of Wollongong (updated 27/3/07)

Mr Neil Cairns
Associate Librarian, Technology Services
02 42 21 3541
fax : 02 42 214100
/ Ms Margie Jantti
Associate Librarian, Client Services
02 42 21 3163
fax: 02 42 214100

Ms Lyn Wailes
Associate Librarian, Resources
02 42 213550
fax: 02 42 214100
/ Ms Amanda Smithers
Manager Development & Marketing
02 42 213332
fax: 02 42 214663

Ms Helen Mandl
Associate Librarian, Planning and Development
02 42 214176
fax: 02 42 214100
/ Mrs Pam Epe
Manager Collection Development
02 42 213165
fax: 02 42 214663

Mr Neil Grant
Electronic Services Coordinator (Datasets Coordinator)
02 42 213547
fax: 02 42 214663
/ Mr Mike Manning
Database Manager
02 42 215472
fax: 02 42 214663

Ms Kim James
Quality Coordinator
02 42 215536
fax: 02 42 214663
/ Ms Donna Dee
Manager Library Resources
02 42 215608
fax: 02 42 214663

VictoriaUniversity (updated 27/7/09)

Laura Maquignaz
Manager Library Information Resources
Tel: (03) 9919 2145
Fax: (03) 9919 2453
/ Frances O'Neil
Manager Library Services
Tel: (03) 9919 2330
Fax: (03) 9919 2955

Adrian Gallagher
Manager Learning Commons
Tel: (03) 9919 4503
Fax: (03) 9919 4761
/ Garry Potter
Manager Library Staff Resources
Tel: (03) 9919 4352
Fax: (03) 9919 4161


Directory of CAUL Institution Senior Staff