Aztec and Inca Study Guide
Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. Provide complete thoughts, not complete sentences. The more detailed you are the better.
Chapter 15 Section 1
- Why did the Aztecs hire themselves out as mercenaries?
- What were the key factors in the rise of the Aztec Empire?
- How did the Aztecs adapt to the geographical challenges of Tenochtitlan?
Chapter 15 Section 2
- Describe how the Aztecs organized their society (social structure).
- Kings and Nobles
- Priests and Warriors
- Merchants and Artisans
- Farmers and Slaves
- Why did the Aztecs practice human sacrifice? Whose blood was most nourishing to the gods?
- How did the Aztec religion encourage warfare among the Aztecs?
- What advancements did the Aztecs make in Science, Art, and Language?
Chapter 15 Section 3
- What was the geography of the Incas like? Where was their capital? What was Machu Picchu built for?
- Why did the Incas establish Quechua as an official language?
- What was Pachacuti known for?
- How was the defeat of the Aztecs and Incas similar?
Chapter 15 Section 4
- How were the religions of the Aztecs and Incas similar?
- What was life like for upper and lower class Incas?
- Define mita.
- Why was the Inca road system so important to their empire?
- What was impressive about Inca masonry?
- Why were the bodies of Inca kings mummified?
Writing Prompt-On the exam you will be required to write an argumentative paragraph response to the following:
Aztecs vs. Incas: Which civilization was more advanced?
Complete the exercise on the back of this page to guide your thinking.
Aztec vs. Inca
Read about the Aztecs in “The Aztecs Build an Empire“ p. 410-413 and “Science, Art and Language” p.419-421, and the Inca in “Central Government and Language” p. 424, “Economy” p. 424-425, “Religion” p. 429, and “Building, Art and Oral Literature” on p. 430-431.
Use that information to complete the chart below. Figure out which civilization did each achievement and award them points. At the end add them up to determine which was more advanced.
Achievement / Point Value / Aztec / IncaBuilt causeways to connect their island to the shore. / 15
Built rope bridges to cross rivers and canyons / 20
Preserved their kings as mummies / 5
Used turquoise in much of their art / 5
Knew of over 100 plants to use as medicine / 15
Built pyramids / 10
Created a type of book known as a codex / 15
Spoke the language known as Quechua / 15
Kept records using ropes known as quipus / 15
Organized their trade with markets / 15
Built the city of Machu Picchu on top of a mountain / 20
Famous for their textiles (products made of wool) / 10
Created a calendar like the Mayan one / 10
Built huge stone buildings without using cement / 20
Built a road system / 25
Built chinampas to provide more farmland / 25
Built a life-sized corn field out of silver and gold / 5
Answer the questions below in complete sentences after completing the chart. You may write your answers on the back of this sheet.
- Based on the point totals which civilization appears to have been more advanced? Do you agree that civilization was more advanced? Why?
- Would you rather have lived in the Aztec or Inca Empire? Why?
- Which of the Achievements above do you feel is most important? Why?
- Choose one item in the list that you think should have a higher point value. Why do you think that item is so important?