Haiku – Lesson Plan

Objective: Students will write a Haiku poem. Syllables, adjectives and adverbs will be targeted in this lesson.

Materials: Videos from Youtube.com and exercise sheets with pictures will be used for vocabulary assistance and subject matter for poems.

Assessment: Students will be assessed after pair work as they present their poem.

Pre-Lesson & Warm Up 3-5 Minutes T-SSS

Today we will learn about Haiku? What is it? Does anyone know?

Haiku is poem. It was created in Japan and today many U.S. students learn Haiku because it helps with syllables, adjectives and rules in writing.

What is a syllable? What is an adjective? What is an adverb?

Lesson – What is Haiku 7-10 Minutes T-SSS Youtube.com video (Haiku Playlist)

First, let’s watch this video of young students learning Haiku.

Do you think you understand what Haiku is?

How many lines in a Haiku poem? 3

Tell me about the syllables in each line. 5-7-5

Usually it is something about nature, but it can be about anything.

Do we all understand what a syllable is? You can put your hand to your chin or you can clap. Example.

Lesson – Examples of Haiku 5-7 Minutes T-SSS Youtube.com video (Haiku Playlist)

Let’s seesamples of Haiku poetry.

Stop several times to have students read/discuss the poems.

Review that Haiku can be about any subject.

Exercise – Practice Writing Haiku 5-7 Minutes SSS-T

Let’s write a Haiku together.

Pick a subject.

Now, let’s choose some adjectives or adverbs that describe the subject.

Can someone create the first line? Does it have 5 syllables?

Second? Does it have 7 syllables?

Third? Does it have 5 syllables?

Exercise – Create Haiku with a Partner 8-10 Minutes S-S Worksheet with Picture

Let’s write Haiku with a partner. The subject is on the worksheet. After you are done, you will read the poem to the class and we will try to guess what your poem is about.

So remember, your adjectives should tell us about the subject.

Exercise Review – Share with the Class 8-10 Minutes S-S Worksheet with Picture

Each pair reads their poem. Class guesses the subject matter.

Please read your poems to the class.



Banana Adjectives/Adverbs that describe banana




FlamingoAdjectives/Adverbs that describe flamingo




Diamond RingAdjectives/Adverbs that describe diamond ring




CatAdjectives/Adverbs that describe cat




CloudsAdjectives/Adverbs that describe clouds




KiteAdjectives/Adverbs that describe kite


