Title: Three Perfect Menu Ideas for a Memorial Day Barbecue

Summary: Tired of doing the same old chips, guac, and burgers or brats for your barbecue parties? Here are three perfect menu ideas for your next barbecue, wine and beer pairings included.

Keywords: memorial day barbecue menu, memorial day party ideas, memorial day grilling recipes, bbq menu ideas, barbecue and wine pairing menu


Another summer, another great American holiday to honor our service members: Memorial Day.

If you’re confused about all of the service member’s holidays, here’s a quick recap:

Memorial Day: honors those who died while in service

Veteran’s Day: honors all of those who served

Labor Day: honors the contributions of American workers (not military-specific)

If you, like many other Americans, are celebrating your day off with a fun-filled barbecue, try not to forget what you’re celebrating in the first place. Wave that American flag, and honor those who gave their lives so that we could have all that we do today.

On to the celebrations!

I don’t know about you, but I get tired of just throwing out chips, guac, and brats whenever friends come over for a barbecue. Let’s give this day some special time and attention and wow our guests while we’re at it!

Here are three perfect menu ideas for a Memorial Day Barbecue (or any day, really!):

Menu 1: The Make-Ahead Menu


Jalapeñopoppers are stupid-easy to make! Just don’t forget to wear gloves, or don’t rub your eyes if you don’t have any!

JalapeñoPoppers by Genius Kitchen:

Main:Pulled pork

I don’t think I have ever met anyone that didn’t like pulled pork. Talk about the quintessential barbecue food that will seriously make everyone drool and ask for more.

The great thing about this recipe is that you can make it the day before. The recipe below instructs you to cook it in an oven, but you should totes throw that pork booty in a crockpot so you can sleep, run errands, or get a little tipsy on wine before your friends arrive. (Hello, social lubricant.)

Pulled Pork by Lee Drummond:

Dessert: Cheesecake

Ahh, cheesecake. Whoever decided to turn cheese into a semi-sweet dessert was a genius. Make this simple cheesecake with blueberry compote, and your guests will think you’re the next upcoming pastry chef in town.

The Ultimate Cheesecake by Tyler Florence from Food Network:


You’ll want wine on the lighter, sweeter side to balance out some of the big flavors in this meal, like a Sauvignon Blanc or a pale Rose.

Beer: Pale Ale or Porter

Menu 2: The Lighter Fare Menu

Appetizer:Avocado Cucumber Shrimp

A light, fresh appetizer with a little Cajun flair, these avocado cucumber shrimp bites are sure to be a crowd-pleaser and still leave plenty of space for the following courses.

Avocado Cucumber Shrimp Appetizers from Natasha’s Kitchen:

Main: Chicken Kabobs

I think Kabobs are just so much fun to eat at a barbecue party! They’re easy to walk around with, and they keep the kids entertained. Plus, it’s super easy to eat with a kabob in one hand and a drink in the other – #winning!

Yummy Honey Chicken Kabobs by Ann Marie from Allrecipes.com:

Dessert: Apple Pie

Is there anything more American than apple pie? Okay, there probably is, but apple pie is such a crowd-pleaser, and it’s great for holidays!

Apple Pie from Betty Crocker:

Here’s a double pie crust recipe that’s just like momma makes it.

Homemade Pie Crust by Sally’s Baking Addiction:

Wine:Go with a fruity white wine with more complex flavors, like Gewurztraminer or Chenin Blanc.

Beer: Amber or Brown Ale

Menu 3: The Fully Decadent Menu

Appetizer: Goat cheese & olive skillet

Start of with a POW with this simple yet sumptuous goat cheese skillet recipe:

Goat cheese with olives, lemons, and thyme from Epicurious:

Main: Barbecue bacon cheeseburger

If you’ve been dreaming of a cheat day that’s worth your while, a barbecue bacon cheeseburger is sure hit the spot.

BBQ Bacon Burger by Longhorn Steakhouse:

Dessert:Chocolate cake w/ raspberry sauce

This chocolate cake will satiate your richest cravings. Get ready for a drool-worthy dessert.

Chocolate Flourless Cake with Raspberry Sauce by Simple Seasonal:

Wine:Complement these big flavors with a medium-dry, robust red like a Smokey Zinfandel or a Petite Sirah

Beer: Porter or Oatmeal Stout