Gateway to Space Design Document

Colorado Space Grant Consortium

Gateway to Space

Fall 2006

Design Document

Team Cutthroat

Written by:

Chris Alley

Annie Frederick

Josh Marshman

Julie Price

Lance Tokmakian

Kent Welborn

9 October 2006

Revision A

Revision Log

Revision / Description / Date
A / Conceptual Design Review / 9 Oct
B / Preliminary Design Review / 17 Oct
C / Critical Design Review / 9 Nov
D / Analysis and Final Report / 30 Nov

Table of Contents

1.0 Mission Overview…………………………………………………………..3

2.0 Design……………………………………………………………………….3

3.0 Management.………………….………………….…...…………………….6

4.0 Budget……………………………………………………………………….7

5.0 Test Plan and Results………………………………………………………..8

Team Cutthroat1

Gateway to Space Design Document

1.0 Mission Overview

Our aim is to detect cosmic rays in the atmosphere during our launch and flight using an RM-60 Geiger counter. We will compare the flux (in counts per minute) with altitude to determine if the level of cosmic rays is influenced by the atmosphere level. In addition, we will compare the flux of cosmic rays and altitude to previous near space satellites that also flew Geiger counters. We can utilize this data to determine a possible pattern for cosmic rays and if their level has increased or decreased since the given experiments. However, if there is no trend, but an irregular burst we will be able to check for irregular activity with the sun. Our resource is and it provides pictures and data of solar activity. We believe that as the BalloonSat reaches a higher altitude, the flux of cosmic rays will increase.

2.0 Design

We are incorporating the still camera, video camera, the timing circuit, its battery pack, the heater, its battery pack, and the HOBO Data Logger into the bottom of the satellite. The RM-60 Geiger Counter will be flush with the top in order to collect the best data possible. The basic stamp will also be attached to the top of the satellite next to the Geiger counter. There will be room inside the box for wiring the components to batteries. The structure will be a 15.45 cm x 15.51 cm x 8.5 cm foam core box, held together by aluminum tape and hot glue. The satellite will be lined with a HeatSheet to contain the heat produced by the heater and the hand warmers. Our still camera and our video camera will be directed out opposite sides of the BalloonSat.

In order to detect radiation, we need to integrate a Geiger counter into our system. This will add extra weight and take up space in our limited allowance for size. The Geiger counter itself limits our experiment because it can’t tell us where the cosmic rays came from or what type they are.


  • RM-60 Geiger Counter
  • Video Camera
  • 2GB SD Memory Card
  • HOBO Data Logger
  • Basic Stamp
  • Temperature Probe
  • Timing Circuit
  • Picture Camera
  • Film
  • Power Supply- Lithium Ion Batteries
  • Insulation
  • Foam Core
  • Aluminum Tape
  • Wires/Telephone Cord
  • Heater

-Integration of Components


-Functional Block Diagram

-Subsystem and Overall System Requirements

The specific requirements include sendinga scientific experiment and two camerasup with the satellite. Our group will be sending an RM 60 Geiger counter up and comparing the radiation results to the altitude, a video camera trained on the horizon, and the provided still camera pointing out of the bottom of the satellite.

The entire system will be assembled in the recommended foam core construction, which can easily be rebuilt in case of structural failure. The box is 15.5 cm x 13.5 cm x 13.5 cm and snugly holds all of our components. We will use plastic tubing to secure the flight cord through the center of our satellite. On each end of our box, the cord will be tied and secured with washers. The entire system will be kept above freezing by the use of hand warmers packed around each set of batteries and each camera. We will be able to shave weight from the video camera if it is necessary to keep the satellite under 800 grams.

-Our video camera has its own memory and battery source and will be independent from the other subsystems.

-The Basic stamp and Geiger counter will be connected and create their own subsystem. The Geiger counter will provide the power source for this subsystem and the Basic Stamp will record all the data.

-The Hobo creates its own subsystem. It has two temperature probes (one internal and one external), onboard memory, and its own battery.

-The heater, 9 volt battery pack, and switch will be a subsystem. The batteries provide power, no memory is required, and the heater will keep each of the other subsystems warm.

-The still camera will be controlled by the 555 timer chip and both will be powered by a battery pack controlled by a switch. This subsystem will provide us with pictures of the ground as our camera will be pointing down.

3.0 Management

-Organizational Chart

Name / Description
Kent Welborn

(303) 882-4988 / Kentis the team leader and he keeps the team members on task, delegates responsibilities to team members, and sets deadlines. Kent will also help develop special features of the design and will help with our schedule before and on launch day. He is also responsible for making our purchases and helping the team maintain the budget.
Lance Tokmakian

(925) 367-7762 / Lance is in charge of systems and constructing the functional block diagram. He will also be in charge of how the team is meeting all the general proposal requirements. Lance will help with the special features that are on the satellite and do research on parts of the satellite.
Julie Price

(719) 337-9069 / Julie is in charge of organizing a mass budget as well as creating a detailed and itemized budget. She helps with researching in order to keep the mission under budget and checks on the design of the satellite. She will help with the research and data analysis after the completion of the mission.
Josh Marshman

(704) 877-0432 / Josh is helping with the design concept and how to delegate and organize the various tasks of the mission. He will oversee the tests and help with scheduling the tests. He will be in charge of the launch program and the overall safety of the team and the mission.
Annie Frederick

(970) 744-1435 / Annie is responsible for structures by relating design information to her team and the general audience. She is also helping illustrate the design and how it will work. She researches different components of the satellite in order to compile information for their integration.
Christopher Alley

(303) 349-4738 / Chris is responsible for keeping the team organized and helping keep each team member knowledgeable about the task that they are to be performing as decided from the meetings and delegation of tasks. He is also helping with the schedule and deadlines for the mission as well as the overall design and mission of the satellite.


Oct. 3- Have design completed and parts ordered

Oct. 7- Design Document Revision A completed

Oct. 10- Ordered parts received, begin construction

Oct. 12- Complete satellite prototype

Oct. 13- Drop Test (one day for adjustments)

Oct. 15- Design Document Revision B completed

Oct. 16- Whip Test

Oct. 17- Drag Test

Oct.17- Critical Design Review Presentation

Oct. 18- Subsystem Test(one day for adjustments)

Oct. 20- Functional Test (one day for adjustments)

Oct. 22- Cooler Test (one day for adjustments)

Oct. 24- Mission Sim Test

Oct. 26- Continue with last minute adjustments needed

Nov. 5- Design Document Revision C completed

Nov. 9- Have satellite finished ready to turn in on Nov. 10

Nov. 11- Launch Day!

Nov. 15- Begin work on Design Document Revision D

Nov. 30- Design Document Revision D completed

Dec. 5- Final Team Presentation


-Mass Budget:

Item / Weight (g)
RM-60 Geiger Counter / 110
Mustek DV-5200 5.4MP Digital Video Camera / 162.6
2GB SD Memory Card / 5
Hand Warmers / 10
HOBO Data Logger / 35.5
Basic Stamp / 7
Timing Circuit and Batteries / 67.4
Picture Camera, Film / 129.8
Foam Core, Aluminum Tape, Hot Glue, Tube/Washers / 100
Heater and Batteries / 166.8
Total / 796 g


Item / Purpose / Price ($)
RM-60 Geiger Counter / Count cosmic rays and store data for retrieval after flight / 155.50
Telephone Cord / Attachment of RM-60 to laptop / 10.00
Mustek DV-5200 5.4MP Digital Video Camera / Film ascent and descent of BalloonSat / 76.98
2GB SD Memory Card / Storage of data from camcorder / 40.00
Hand Warmers / Source of heat / 2.00
HOBO Data Logger / Record temperature through flight / Included
Basic Stamp / Record flux from Geiger counter / 35.00
Temperature Probe / Attached to HOBO Data Logger to sense external temperature / Included
Timing Circuit / Will allow the camera to take a picture approximately every three minutes / Included
Picture Camera / Record ascent and descent of BalloonSat through pictures taken approximately every three minutes / Included
Film / Store pictures taken with picture camera / 5.00
Foam Core / Structure of BalloonSat / Included
Aluminum Tape / Main source of adhesive for the BalloonSat / Included
Hot Glue / Secondary source of adhesive for the BalloonSat / Included
Tube/Washers / Flight cord to be passed through center of BalloonSat without tearing / 2.00
Batteries / Power supply / Included
Miscellaneous / If more batteries are needed, something breaks / 10.00
Contribution from Team / Supplementation of Budget / -61.48
Total / 275.00

5.0Test Plan and Results

-Test Plan

  • Oct. 13 Drop Test: The Drop Test will be performed outside the EngineeringCenter. The foam core structure and simulated mass, which will consist of rocks secured inside the box, will be dropped from approximately 15 meters onto concrete and then kicked down a flight of stairs to test the structural integrity of the design.
  • Oct. 16 Whip Test: The Whip Test will take place outside the EngineeringCenter. The structure will have the secured simulated mass and the flight string secured through the aperture and will be swung in a circular motion to replicate the whipping motion throughout flight, namely after burst.
  • Oct. 17 Drag Test: The Drag Test will take place around campus with the box and mass attached to a string fastened to a bicycle. This test will simulate the landing of the satellite and therefore test its structural integrity.
  • Oct. 18 Subsystem Test: The Subsystem Test will be performed in the Brackett Lounge. All of the electronics in the box will be turned on at this time in order to verify their individual functionality.
  • Oct. 20 Functional Test: The Functional Test will take place in the Brackett Lounge. All of the electronics in the box will be turned on at the same time to make sure that all of the systems work together, as they will need to during flight.
  • Oct. 22 Cooler Test: The Cooler Test will take place in the EngineeringCenter. The complete satellite will be placed in a cooler with dry ice. All of the components will be turned on and will have to last three hours without shutting off or malfunctioning, as will be needed during flight.
  • Oct. 24 Mission Simulation: The Mission Simulation will be performed in the Brackett Lounge. All of the electronics will be turned on for three hours with an extra half hour allotted for extended flight. If this test succeeds, the satellite will be ready to launch.

Team Cutthroat1