Department of Clubs
Dear Prospective Club Leader(s):
As the Director of Clubs for Liberty University’s Student Government Association (SGA), I want to commend you for being proactive in your efforts to create a new student-led club and ask that you allow us to partner with you throughout this exciting journey.
Liberty is home to about 120 on-campus clubs and student organizations. Possessing different visions, each of these clubs pursues various passions and ideas while remaining true to the same mission. In everything we do, we seek to bring God the utmost honor and glory. As a club leader, you are choosing to become a part of the face of Liberty and will therefore be expected to adhere to an even higher standard. I do not say this to deter you from starting a new club, but rather to encourage you to examine your personal motivation behind this endeavor.
If, following your reflection, you determine you are still willing and able to take on this unique responsibility, I invite you to complete the club application below and submit it to the Deputy Director of Clubs, Jessica Webster, via email (). Jessica will be your primary point of contact throughout this application process, and I assure you she is both ready and willing to answer any questions you may have along the way.
Along with the application below, my office asks that you please submit both a Club Constitution, parallel in format to the example provided you, and a Schedule of Events/Meetings. The latter document should include your club’s planned activities and events for the year, along with an estimate of your club’s scheduled meetings (dates and times do not have to be exact).
Finally, at the end of this application is a letter to your club’s prospective Faculty Advisor. If he or she is willing to abide by the terms outlined in the letter, then please return his or her signed copy with the rest of the required documents.
I want to assure you how very happy I am that you have chosen to consider joining Liberty’s club family. We value each of our clubs and strive to assist them in reaching their full potential. With all of that being said, I wish you the absolute best of luck in your application process.
Danielle Bush
Director of Clubs
The following list provides you with an overview of the New Club Application process. As each person/committee approves your application, it will move on to the next person/committee. Please be advised that your application will have to be approved by each individual reviewer in order to be approved as an official University club. Because this process contains so many steps, it is possible that your application could take up to a full semester to be approved. We are here to help. If you have any questions along the way, please do not hesitate to ask.
1. The Deputy Director of Clubs, will personally work with your club leadership to complete the entire New Club Application.
2. Once the Deputy Director of Clubs has received the final draft of your application, he/she will send it to the Joint Committee on Clubs. The Committee will thoroughly review your application and club constitution to determine if all the information within meets SGA standards. If your club is denied by the Joint Committee on Clubs, depending on the reason for your application’s denial, you may have the opportunity to work with the Committee to revise your application. Please see the Club Policy Handbook for reasons for denial and steps thereafter.
3. Upon the approval of the Joint Committee on Clubs, the Director of Clubs will review your application for approval or denial.
4. Upon the approval of the Director of Clubs, the Student Body President will review your application for approval or denial.
5. Upon the approval of the Student Body President, Mark Hine, the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs, will review your application for approval or denial.
6. Upon the approval of Dr. Hine, Jerry Falwell, Liberty University’s President, will review your application for approval or denial.
7. Upon the approval of President Falwell, the Director of Clubs will contact you via email to inform you of your club’s new official status.
Full Name of Club:
Purpose of Club:
Club President’s Information:
Expected Graduation Year:
Student ID#:
Liberty Email:
Phone Number:
Club Faculty Advisor’s Information:
Liberty Email:
Phone Number:
Please answer the questions below fully and completely. Approval or denial of your application rests mostly on the answers to these questions and your club’s constitution.
How will this club benefit Liberty University as a whole?
How will this club bring honor to God and/or joy to His church?
How long do you plan for this club to last? In other words, will this club cease to exist when you (the president/executive council) graduate and/or leave Liberty? If not, how will you ensure its future success?
Create a two to three sentence description of your club. Include your club’s mission, purpose, goals, etc. If approved, this description will be posted on the SGA Clubs Page.
Special Requests for SGA:
Faculty Advisor Date
Club President Date
Dear Faculty Advisor,
In accordance with University Policy, the Student Government Association (SGA) requires that each official campus club have an active Faculty Advisor to oversee the club’s activities. The moment a club no longer has such an Advisor, the club will be marked as inactive and will have to reapply for official club status through Liberty’s SGA.
It is required that each Faculty Advisor fulfill certain responsibilities pertaining to the role. If upon reviewing the responsibilities listed, you still wish to take on this position, you must complete the statement of consent and sign below.
· The Faculty Advisor must be actively involved with said club and will act as a mentor to the students involved with the club.
· The Faculty Advisor is required to meet with the President of said club on a biweekly basis.
· The Faculty Advisor is required to meet with the Executive Council of said club on a monthly basis.
· The Faculty Advisor is required to attend at least two of the general club meetings per semester.
· The Faculty Advisor is required to work in conjunction with the Treasurer of said club to create the club budget and request funds from the Student Government Association. Ultimately, the Faculty Advisor has final approval on all club expenditures.
· Depending on the club’s categorization, the Faculty Advisor may be required to go through certain and necessary training to request funds from the Student Government Association.
As the Faculty Advisor of ______, I, ______, fully comprehend the responsibilities and duties that I must fulfill and agree to meet every requirement listed above to the best of my abilities.
Signature Date
Constitution and Bylaws of the Liberty University Fencing Club.
Article I: Name
The name of this club shall be “Liberty University Fencing Club.”
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the Liberty University Fencing Club is to provide an enjoyable place to learn to fence competitively and to practice fencing skills. The primary goal of the Liberty University Fencing Club is to train Liberty University students, affiliates, and those interested in the classical skill of sport fencing. The LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Fencing Club will use and teach the three main weapons of sport fencing: foil, saber, and epee. Secondary goals of the LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Fencing Club include promoting the physical fitness of club members, providing times of fellowship, and promoting school spirit.
Article III: Membership
Section 1: Qualifications
In order to become a member of the Liberty University Fencing Club, one must be a student or faculty member at Liberty University. There is no other academic requirement for membership. Membership is allowed to those who are not affiliates of Liberty University if they are able to provide their own equipment. Membership may be annulled or banned by the head executive officer with a recommendation that the officer consult the executive council.
Section 2: Minimum membership requirements
There will be no minimum membership requirements for the Liberty University Fencing Club. Members who desire to fence regularly are encouraged to obtain their own mask, glove, jacket, foil, and chest plate. A buyback policy will be established so that the LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Fencing Club may buy any serviceable equipment for half of what the student paid for it. This equipment will be used for other members in the club. It should be remembered that being a part of the club is a privilege, not a right, and any members that agree to be a part of the club are there by their own will.
Section 3: Club joining process.
Any person that wishes to become a member must sign a waiver that will be kept on file by the officers of the club. Upon signing this form and paying dues an individual will become a member. Prolonged nonparticipation in the activities of the club will be interpreted as the desire to annul membership.
There will be two different levels of membership dues. The first level is the Team dues. Members who are a part of the Liberty University Fencing Team are required to pay either $50 for the semester or $90 for the year. The second level is club commitment fees. In order to use the club equipment and practice with the club, members must pay $25 for the semester. Club members are also given the option to pay $50 a semester or $90 a year which will null them any fees for Liberty University Fencing Events that require a charged fee. This does not include public outings or any event not hosted by Liberty University Fencing. It is understood that being a part of the club includes physical activity such as warm ups, stretching, and workouts provided by the Head Coach.
Club dues are optional until initiated to be required as decided on by Club Advisor, Club President, and Club Vice President.
Section 4: Team joining Process
The Liberty University Fencing Club will provide a team for collegiate and individual competition. A member may join the Team from approval of the coach, the club adviser, and the club president. A team member must understand and agree to be present and on time at all meetings including practice. Failure to do so may result in corrective action provided by the Head Coach.
Article IV: Organization
Section 1: Relationship of LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Fencing Club to Liberty University
The LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Fencing Club is directly affiliated with Liberty University as a club type sport. It is established for the benefit of the LIBERTY UNIVERSITY community. The goal of the club is to become an official club sport.
Section 2: Fiscal year and administrative term
The fiscal year is that of the regular calendar year from January to December. A term may last as long as the person holding the position is willing. Membership and offices will normally continue until 1) graduation or 2) members deem it necessary with a documented rational and definitive cause to remove a member or officer by means of a majority vote, or 3) the person in question voluntarily ceases to participate in the club.
Section 3: Team organization
The club will attempt to provide two teams, one for each gender. Each Gender team will consist of 4 Fencers for each Weapons and alternates if available.
Team members are encouraged to have their own equipment with their name and country code on the pants, glove, mask, jacket, and/or lame as well as any appropriate weapons, body cords, and mask cords. Team members are also encouraged to have a current USFA membership and pay for individual events if the club decides to attend such events.
Article V
Officers: Appointment of Officers
1. Club officers (Advisor, President, and Vice President) will nominate members for selected executive and director offices. President will appoint secretaries on a need basis.
2. Officers will be elected by a majority vote of the members attending the annual meeting of the club.
2. If openings arise during the year or if a new office is found to be necessary, the Executive Committee can appoint officers as needed by majority vote of the committee.
3. The following offices are described but not mandated by the constitution.
4. All officers are to adhere in accordance and action to Robert’s Rules of Order.
5. All officers are expected to abide by the Liberty Way and can be discharged if found at fault of not doing so.
Executive Officers
President: The roles and duties of the president consist of
1. Regular attendance at club events.
2. Presiding over meetings and having the power to cast a tie-breaking vote in the case of a stale mate among the club officers.
3. Supervising the instruction of others in the art of fencing.
4. Presenting new strategies to the board on what direction the program should take.