Study Guide-Exam II

Chapter 10

Know which recombinant proteins are approved for human use and what they are used for

Know how to genetically engineer bacteria for expression of your favorite gene (YFG)

Antibody structure and function with respect to disease therapy (eg., Herceptin)

Compare and contrast: Ribozymes, antisense RNA, and RNAi (especially RNAi)

Know the two types of gene therapy and the vectors used for gene therapy

Explain how to treat cystic fibrosis and SCID using human gene therapy

What are stem cells (embryonic and adult) and why are they of interest to the medical community?

Compare and contrast human therapeutic cloning and mammalian cloning

Chapter 11

Know how traditional vaccines are made (2 approaches); advantages and disadvantages of traditional vs rVaccines

Structure of a typical animal virus

Compare and contrast: subunit vaccine, peptide vaccine, DNA vaccine, vector vaccine

Chapter 12

Realize that genetically engineering the gene encoding an enzyme can alter a naturally occurring pathway; give 2 examples

Chapter 15

Know the biology of the Bt toxin (its synthesis, mode of action, and variants)

What is a baculovirus and how can it be used a biocontrol agent?

Chapter 17

Know the biology of the Ti plasmid and the binary Ti plasmid system

Explain how the binary Ti plasmid system and the microprojectile bombardment (biolistic) system is used to genetically engineer plants (i.e., know how to genetically engineer plants for expression of your favorite gene)

What are reporter genes and how do they work?

Chapter 18

Know what genes have been genetically engineered in plants and what new traits are conferred as discussed in class

Reasons for non-identical expression of foreign genes in genetically modified plants

Standard testing of GM plants for transgene insertion, expression, and protein

Chapter 19

Use of microinjection and engineered stem cells in creating transgenic animals

Making and selecting genetically engineered stem cells for gene knockouts

Cre-loxP system for gene knockouts

Reasons for non-identical expression of foreign genes in genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Be familiar with the animal genetic engineering examples covered in class

Methodology and applications of mammalian cloning via nuclear transfer

Recent Nobel Prizes

Why do think Nobel prizes were awarded to individuals who pioneered work with GFP and RNAi?


2 Exam questions (Bring your typewritten answers to class; limit each answer to 1 single sided page)

1.Explain how you would go about creating a traditional vaccine for the H1N1 virus, and then explain how you could produce an effective recombinant subunit vaccine for this H1N1 virus in yeast. What are the advantages/disadvantages of each of these vaccines?(10 points)

2. Humans are now eating food from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), particularly from plants. Give five examples in which you identify the genetically engineered plant, the altered trait, and the gene construction responsible for this trait. List any concerns that opponents have expressed with regard to the specific examples you have selected. (10 points)