City of Ranier, Koochiching County, Minnesota
July 16th , 2012 at 6:30 p.m.
A regular meeting of the Ranier City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. in the Ranier Community Building.
Members present: Mayor Ed Oerichbauer. Councilmembers: Dan Klocek, Brenda Bauer, Fred Woods, and City Clerk: Kim Nuthak
Members absent: Councilmember John Walls
Ranier employees: None
Others in attendance: Arden Barnes, Thomas Hall, Al Sullivan, Tara Nelson, Resident from Clark’s Park Area
Mayor Ed Oerichbauer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Motion by Councilmember Bauer, second by Councilmember Klocek and carried to approve the council agenda with an addition to add the review of the special event insurance for the Ranier festival on August 11th, 2012 and Post Issuance Debt Compliance Policy review.
Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve the minutes from the previous regular council meeting.
The Council reviewed the Ranier Municipal Liquor Store operating statement for the month of June 2012 with a monthly profit of $4,491.29 and a year to date profit of $18,943.34.
Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Klocek and carried to approve June 2012 Ranier Municipal Liquor Store operating statement with a profit of $4,491.29.
Regarding the request from Tara Nelson for the City of Ranier to fund the advertising of the Ranier festival, Mayor Oerichbauer explained Tara was asked by Clerk Nuthak to provide a budget for the advertising of the event from previous years but Ms. Nelson did not comply with the request. After discussion, the council made the motion to approve to fund up to $300 towards the advertising of the event however, the invoices will have to be brought to the City of Ranier for reimbursement.
Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve up to $300 for the advertising of the Ranier festival with the stipulation that the invoices would be sent to the City Clerk’s office for payment.
Regarding the Ranier festival, Maintenance Teddy Pearson provided the council with information about special events insurance from Cheryl Miller for the possibility of lawn mower races on the 11th of August. Pearson requested permission to look into possible insurance to have the races here in Ranier. After discussion, the following motion was made.
Motion by Councilmember Klocek, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve allowing Cheryl Miller to look into insurance for the lawn mower races for the Ranier festival.
After review of the list of bills for the month of June 2012, the following motion was made.
Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Klocek and carried to approve the payment of the bills as presented.
Water $ 18,721.56
General $ 15,274.99
Rec Club $ 0.00
Liquor $ 24,318.09
Total $ 58,314.64
Mayor Oerichbauer read Ordinance # 144 regarding the updating of the water service lines from the curb stand to the meter. Also, the ordinance was amended to reflect different fees and fines for inspection and the taking of unmetered water.
Motion by Councilmember Klocek, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve the amending of Ordinance #144.
Clerk Nuthak read the Post Issuance Compliance Policy in its entirety. After discussion, the following motion was made.
Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve the Post Issuance Compliance Policy.
Motion by Councilmember Klocek, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve the termination of the Schnick easement agreement for the Three Points North water project.
Motion by Councilmember Bauer, second by Councilmember Woods and carried to approve the Evanoff easement agreement for the Three Points North water project.
Motion by Councilmember Bauer, second by Councilmember Woods and carried to approve the Howe easement agreement for the Three Points North water project.
Motion by Councilmember Bauer, second by Councilmember Woods and carried to approve the Randy and Kelly Pozniak amended easement agreement for the Three Points North project.
Tara Nelson addressed the council with a request of the City to purchase two benches for either side of the railroad tracks. Mayor Oerichbauer stated he will look into this request and address it at the next meeting.
A Resident from the Clark’s Park Area questioned how she could also receive city water. Mayor Oerichbauer stated there is a water project happening at this time so the city is not able to take on another project this year however, it will be noted for future consideration.
Arden Barnes questioned how the city will make sure the residents from the Three Points North water project area do not contaminate the city water with their wells. Mayor Oerichbauer explained the City will take the appropriate action to avoid any issues with cross contamination. Also Barnes questioned if there was an ordinance for the burning of garbage in the city limits. Mayor Oerichbauer indicated there is not however, there is a state law forbidding it. Oerichbauer directed Ms. Barnes to contact law enforcement with her concerns.
Motion by Councilmember Bauer, second by Councilmember Klocek and carried to adjourn the regular council meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Oerichbauer Date
City Clerk Nuthak Date