Chapter 37 – Study Guide #1

1)What change took place in the American real estate market during the 1950s?

2)When were the first electronic computers built?

3)What fast growing company during the 1950s became the prototype of the “high tech” American corporation?

4)List 4 business practices that were changed or created entirely by the advancements made in computer electronics?

5)What was invented in 1948 that made all of these advancements possible?

6)What other industries also grew rapidly during the 1950s?

7)What company was a leading participant in the robust growth of this industry? What did this company produce in 1957?

8)What is “Air Force One?”

9)“white collar” workers = ______

10) “blue collar” workers = ______

11)What happened to the number of “white” and “blue” collar workers during the 1950s?

12)In response to this change, what happened to organized labor (labor unions)?

13)Describe the “cult of domesticity”

14)Three fourths (3/4ths) of all jobs created from 1950-1980 were what types of jobs? Who filled the majority of these jobs?

15)The explosion of employment opportunities available for women during the 1950s caused many debates. From one perspective, women working alongside men was nothing new. What did people who argued that it was not a new phenomenon argue that it was similar to from our nation’s past?

16)Who is Betty Friedan? What did she write? What did she write about?

17)Where was the first McDonalds? When did it open?

18)What opened in 1955 in Anaheim, California?

19)TV stations in 1946 = ______; TV stations in 1956 = ______

20)Similar to HD televisions, smartphones, and tablets today, how or why did televisions become more accessible to Americans during this time period?

21)How much did a hamburger cost at McDonalds in 1955? How many burgers did they claim to have sold by that point?

22)What is a “televangelist?” Who are 3 famous examples?

23)How did television affect sporting event attendance?

24)Give two examples of how population shifts from the East coast to the South and West altered professional sports.

25) Who was the most influential and famous figure in American popular music during the 1950s?

26)How did “traditionalists” respond to Elvis Presley and his music? What kinds of music do you think traditionalists listened to?

27)In your own words, how are the introductions of Elvis Presley and Playboy magazine symbolic of a change in American post-WWII culture?

28)Who is John Kenneth Galbraith? What did he write and when? What did he claim/say? (Look up the words “opulence” and “squalor”)

Chapter 37 – Reading/Study Guide #2

1)What 4 problems stood in the way of the Democratic party’s chances of victory in the Election of 1952?

2)Democratic candidate – Election of 1952 = ______

3)Republican candidate – Election of 1952 = ______

4)Republican vice-presidential candidate – Election of 1952 = ______

5)What was the vice-presidential candidate accused of doing?

6)Who is Checkers?

7)Who heard Nixon talk about Checkers, and how innocent he was?

8)What did television allow politicians to do?

9)What was/is the problem with political advertising via television?

10)Election of 1952

Winner ______Votes ______Electoral Votes______

Loser ______Votes ______Electoral Votes ______

11)What did Eisenhower promise the American people he would do? Did he make good on his promise? If so, when?

12)When was an armistice finally signed in Korea? What had Eisenhower hinted at if something didn’t get signed soon?

13)Korean “conflict”


American Deaths______

Other Deaths______

Cost to America______


14)Joseph McCarthy


15)What did Joseph McCartney do in February 1950?

16)How many were actually communists (according to him?) How many did he get fired?

17)In your own words, what did McCarthy accuse the Democratic Party of doing?

18)Eisenhower did not try to stop McCarthy. Why not? In turn, who practically controlled personnel decisions at the US State Department?

19)What did McCarthy do that he probably regrets in early 1954? Who watched? What was the outcome for McCarthy?

20)Of the 15 million black citizens of America in 1950, how many still lived in the South?

21)Discriminatory conditions of African Americans in the South (1950s):

1)______2) ______3)______

22)Registered black voters in the entire South: ______

23)Registered black voters in Deep South: ______

24)What happened in Mississippi in 1955?

25)How were African Americans treated differently in the North than in the South?

26)What did Wendell Wilkie write in 1943? What did he propose?

27)What did the Supreme Court rule unconstitutional in 1944? What effect did this have?

28)What did the Supreme Court rule in the case Sweatt v. Painter in 1950? Who was the NAACP’s chief legal counsel in this case?

29)What did Rosa do?

1)What: ______

2)Where: ______

3)When: ______

30)Who was encouraged by the actions of Rosa Parks? What method of protest did this person believe in?

Chapter 37 – Study Guide #3 MATCHING

1)President Harry Truman hears about the lynching of black World War I veterans in 1946._____

2)Segregation in public schools is “inherently unequal” and unconstitutional. Plessey vs. Ferguson doctrine is dead. _____

3)Massive resistance from the South to Supreme Courts ruling in Brown vs. Board. _____

4)Orval Faubus tries to uses National Guard troops to prevent “Little Rock Nine” from going to school. ______

5)Civil Rights Act of 1957 ______

6)Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1957 ______

7)Greensboro “sit-in”, 2/1/1960 ______

8)Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), April 1960______

9)Eisenhower wants to balance federal budget and guard the people from “creeping socialism” ______

10)Mexican government scared that illegal Mexican immigrants would undercut legal workers imported by bracero program ______

11)Eisenhower doesn’t like the tribal preservation policies of the “Indian New Deal” from 1934 ______

12)Interstate Highway Act of 1956 ______

13)1952 Republican platform ______

14)Joseph Stalin dies in 1953 ______

15)Vietnam (Indochina) becoming increasingly communist/America becoming increasingly anti-communist _____

16)Ho Chi Minh _____

17)Ngo Dihn Diem ______

18)March, 1954, Dienbienphu _____

19)Dienbienphu falls to nationalists lead by Ho Chi Minh ______

20)Geneva Accords _____

21)Warsaw Pact _____

22)Government of Iran began to resist the power of Western companies that controlled Iranian petroleum. ______

23)Egyptian president seeks funds to build a huge dam on the upper Nile River for urgently needed irrigation and power. Americans initially offer to help him out. ______

24)October 1956, France and Britain attack Egypt ______

25)Eisenhower Doctrine, 1957 _____

26)Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) formed, 1960 ______


A)“Declarations of Constitutional Principles” signed by many congressional representatives and senators; many “private” schools created

B)Eastern European counties and the Soviets wanted to balance out the now stronger NATO alliance in the West

C)Eisenhower sent federal troops to respond to a direct challenge to federal authority; troops escorted children to class

D)Middle Eastern countries want greater control over the oil on their land; form together with Venezuela; have stranglehold on Western economies for decades

E)Nikita Khrushchev becomes new Soviet premier; Eisenhower wants to negotiate with the new guy; New guy rejects Ike’s plan

F)Permanent Civil Rights Commission formed to investigate violations of civil rights/protect voting rights

G)Chief Justice Earl Warren and the “Warren Court” rule in favor of Brown in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, May 1954

H)Pro-Western president put in power in South Vietnam at Saigon by Geneva Accords

I)Black students spontaneously demand service at a whites-only Woolworth’s lunch counter; would not leave; others joined nationwide protest.

J)Divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel; United States did not sign.

K)Truman ends segregation in federal civil service and orders “equality of treatment and opportunity in armed forces.

L)Formed by Martin Luther King Jr.; aimed to use the vast power of black churches and their members to fight for increased civil rights for black people

M)French troops trapped hopelessly; Joint Chiefs of Staff want to help them out; Eisenhower didn’t want to get into war in Asia

N)Formed after successful “sit-in” movement to give more focus and force to similar future efforts

O)Eisenhower says to “let them boil in their own oil”; countries are forced to withdraw their troops after United States refuses to supply them with oil.

P)Eisenhower responds with philosophy of “dynamic conservatism”’; gives control over offshore oil to states; encourages competition for TVA

Q)American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) helps overthrow government of Iran, installs a new leader in country.

R)Communist leader of North Vietnam

S)United States will provide military and economic aid to Middle Eastern nations threatened by communist aggression.

T)“Operation Wetback”; 1 million Mexicans apprehended and returned to Mexico; 1954

U)President Nassar asks communist countries for help; America withdraws offer to help; Nassar nationalizes the Suez Canal (owned by British/French)

V)Americans pay nearly 80% of French war costs to protect area from fall to communism; almost $1 billion/year

W)Eisenhower proposes that Indian tribes no longer be recognized and Indians be made to assimilate into mainstream

X)$27 billion dollar plan; offered benefits to trucking, automobile, oil, and travel industries; hurt railroads and downtown areas

Y)Americans refuse to help French after they are defeated at Dienbienphu

Z)Called for a “new look” in foreign policy; John Foster Dulles; balance the budget + cut military spending; liberate victims of communism

Chapter 37 Study Guide 4DUE THURSDAY 4/10/14

  1. Who were the Republican and Democratic candidates in the election of 1956?
  2. Who won the election of 1956? Was it an easy or close victory?
  3. What did the winner of the election fail to win for his party? (What party controlled congress? It was the first time since 1848 that what happened?)
  4. Why did Eisenhower’s critics claim that he was a “part-time president?” (What did he do a lot of instead of being president?)
  5. What was a key area in which Eisenhower focused his attention during his second term?
  6. What was the Landrum-Griffin Act, passed by Congress in 1959, designed to do? What did it prohibit?
  7. What did the Soviets do on October 5, 1957? (What was it called?) What did they do a month later? (and what was it called?)
  8. What did Eisenhower establish to counteract or match what the Soviets had accomplished?
  9. What did the new US program accomplish in February 1958?
  10. Why did Congress pass the National Defense and Education Act (NDEA) in 1958?
  11. What did “humanity-minded scientists” urge the Soviets and Americans to do in the late 1950s? How did the two nations respond?
  12. Despite their many differences (or possibly, their hatred for one another,) when did Eisenhower invite Khrushchev to America? Why?
  13. Who did Khrushchev speak to in America? What did he propose the Soviets would do?
  14. Where did Eisenhower and Khrushchev meet? What did Khrushchev promise at this meeting that the Soviets would do immediately?
  15. Where were the Soviets and Americans going to meet for a follow-up meeting in May 1960?
  16. What happened that resulted in the collapse of the Paris “summit conference?”
  17. Why were Latin American countries mad at America during the late 1950s? (2 reasons)
  18. Where in Latin America did the CIA direct a coup (aka: secret plan) to overthrow a “leftist” (communist-leaning) government in 1954?
  19. Who was the communist dictator of Cuba that had been in power since the 30s?
  20. Who took over power of Cuba in 1959? How?
  21. How did the American government react to the events in Cuba? How did the Cuban government react to that (what did they do?)
  22. What did America place on Cuba in 1961? What did Congress pass in 1996 that strengthened this?
  23. Who was the Republican Party’s candidate in 1960? Who was his VP running mate?
  24. Who was the Democratic Party’s candidate in 1960? Who was his VP running mate?
  25. JFK was a Roman Catholic. How did southern Democrats respond to this?
  26. How did television have a huge impact on the outcome of the Election of 1960? What did this demonstrate about the impact of TV in politics?
  27. JFK was the first ______and the ______person to date to be elected.
  28. What political party controlled Congress from 1955 to 1961? What impact did that have on getting laws passed?
  29. When did Alaska and Hawaii become states?

30. List 8 (or more) American writers/playwrights during the 1950s and/or 1960s and their most f amous works. CIRCLE THE ONES THAT YOU HAVE HEARD OF BEFORE