Minutes of the Meeting of Tuxford Town Council held on Tuesday 20 March 2012 at 7.30pm in the Tuxford Methodist Church Hall

Present: Councillors Anderson (Chairman), Moulds, Holland, Taylor, Bett, Willatt, Fox, Richards, Griffiths and Smith.

Also present: Mrs Lisa A Hill (Clerk) and Mrs Nicola Grewcock (Assistant Clerk) and one member of the public.

C146/1112 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Silcock and these were accepted.

C147/1112 Declarations of Interest

There were no new declarations of interest.

C148/1112 Minutes of the previous meeting

Resolved: that the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting, held on 21 February 2012, and the Special Meeting, held on 6 March 2012, be accepted as a true record. The Minutes were signed by the Chairman.

C149/1112 Matters arising from the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 21 February 2012

C149.1 Minute C134 – the Clerk reported that, following recent complaints regarding the removal of Christmas wreaths at the cemetery, an article should be placed in the Tuxfordian. A draft copy of the article was distributed. It was Resolved: that this article should be placed in the Tuxfordian. Action – Clerk.

C149.2 Minute C135.1 – the Clerk reported that a letter had been received from the solicitors appointed by the Memorial Hall Trustees regarding the amendments to the Land Registry document confirming their appointment.

C149.3 Minute C136.1 – the Clerk reported that Lis Harris had received full funding for the Tuxfest event in May 2012.

C149.4 Minute C136.2 – the Clerk reported that the commemorative coins purchased for the children of Tuxford Primary School had arrived. The primary school Head Teacher would notify the Clerk when a date for the school’s garden party, where the coins will be presented, had been confirmed.

C149.5 Minute C137 – the Clerk reported that the application form to enter the Best Kept Village competition 2012 had been completed and returned.

The meeting was adjourned to allow questions from members of the public.

There were no questions from the members of the public, the meeting re-convened to discuss the following items.

C150/1112 Financial monitoring and invoices for approval

C150.1 The Clerk circulated copies of the monthly financial monitoring sheet that monitored actual versus budgeted expenditure for each budget head. The sheet covered the first eleven months of the 2011/12 financial year and showed that total expenditure was under-budget. The Clerk gave reasons for the variances between budget and actual expenditure and answered questions on the financial information (see Agenda Item 5.1 attached).

C150.2 The Clerk circulated copies of the income and expenditure sheet to 29 February 2012 (see Agenda Item 5.2 attached).

C150.3 The Clerk reported on invoices approved for payment previously at the Finance and Services Committee meeting held on 13 March 2012 (see Agenda Item 5.3 attached). The Clerk reported that all invoices had been approved.

C150.4 – The Clerk reported that Mr Andrew Storr, who has been appointed as internal auditor for the past few years, was willing to carry out the Council’s internal audit again this year. He had however increased his fee for this from £150 to £175. It was Resolved: that Mr Andrew Storr should be appointed as internal auditor again this year for a fee of £175.00 Action – Clerk.

C151/1112 Planning Applications

Councillor Holland, Chairman of the Planning Committee, explained decisions on planning applications made by the Planning Committee under delegated powers at its meeting on 6 March 2012.

There was no objection made to planning application 50/12/00001, Mr Mike Maloney, Ashvale Road, Tuxford, to install one freezer unit and three chiller units.

There was no objection made to planning application 50/12/00008, Mr L Vaccari, 13 Lexington Gardens, Tuxford, to erect a two storey side extension.

C152/1112 Planning Decisions

Councillor Holland reported that Bassetlaw District Council had approved planning applications 50/11/00052/L (Mr Clark, alterations to shop front, 5 Eldon Street), 50/11/00064/L (Mr T Silcock, strip and re-roof existing building with renewal of dormer windows and associated works to flashings, paraphets, chimneys, etc, The Mailhouse, Eldon Street), 50/11/00068 (Mr Beardsall, erect single storey rear extension, 22 Marnham Road) and 50/11/00070 (Punch Taverns, erect timber framed canopy, Sun Inn). Planning application 50/11/00066, to erect a farm managers dwelling at Westwood Farm, had been refused. Planning applications 50/10/00023 and 50/10/00024/L for the Newcastle Arms had been withdrawn.

C153/1112 Recommendations of the Finance & Services Committee

C153.1 The Clerk reported that the cemetery fees were last increased in 2011. The Clerk had recommended to the Finance & Services Committee that the fees remain the same this year and a full review carried out in 2013. After discussion, it was Resolved: to accept the recommendation of the Finance & Services Committee that the cemetery fees remain the same for 2012. Action – Clerk.

C153.2 The Clerk reported that the Finance & Services Committee had agreed it would be more practical for administration purposes if the Council had access to on-line banking facilities. The Clerk reported that, at present, turnaround of financial monitoring could be tight. Previously the Council had expressed concerns over the security of on-line banking. However, the bank was responsible for making the on-line system secure. After discussion, it was Resolved: to accept the recommendation of the Finance and Services Committee, that on-line banking should be introduced, in the first instance to access information only, but with a view to making payments in the future. Action – Clerk.

C154/1112 Restoration of the Victorian Finger Post in the Market Place – Community Buy-In

C154.1 Councillor Holland reported that Simon Britt, Bassetlaw District Council’s Conversation Officer, had suggested that a ‘community buy-in’ towards the restoration of the Victorian Finger Post would be appropriate. The Council had previously paid for the original restoration report at a cost of £400 which could be used as the community contribution. It was Resolved: that the cost of the restoration report should be Tuxford’s community buy-in contribution. Action – Clerk.

C155/1112 Projects

C155.1 New Depot - The Clerk reported that application borrowing had been approved at its Special Meeting on 6 March 2012. Borrowing approval had been forwarded to Nottinghamshire Association of Local Council’s (NALC) for approval before it is sent to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).

C155.2 Regeneration and highway matters - The Clerk reported that an email had been received from Andrew Warrington, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) Highways Department regarding reclassification of the B1164/A6075. Mr Warrington had confirmed that the improvement of the road direction signs in the town would not be delayed whilst the reclassification was considered further.

The Clerk reported that NCC had conducted a traffic survey in Tuxford on Friday 16 March 2012 to ascertain the amount of lorries coming through the town.

The Clerk reported that work had begun on installing the raised kerbs on Lincoln Road ready for the new bus stops.

The Clerk reported that the Ashvale Road speed limit signs were still due to be installed before the end of the month.

The Clerk reported that there was no further news on the replacement bus shelter outside the Sun Inn. An update would be requested from NCC.

C155.3 Restoration of the Victorian Finger Post in the Market Place – Councillor Holland reported that an historic paint analysis had been completed to determine the original paint colour scheme. This, perhaps unsurprisingly given it was to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, was red, white and blue, actually a sombre maroon, navy blue and off white. Councillor Holland presented a sample of these colours to the Council. It was proposed to use the same colour scheme on the restored finger post. The public would be asked for their views on this. Quotations for the proposed work were being sought and Councillor Holland was currently completing the grant application form. Councillor Holland reported that Listed Building consent had been granted.

C155.4 Nottinghamshire County Council’s Local Improvement Scheme – The Clerk reported that no further information was expected until May.

C155.5 Gilbert Avenue Playing Field – The Clerk reported that the land on Landa Grove, currently owned by Chevin Homes, was due to be sold at auction. A list giving details of who plays at Gilbert Avenue and how frequently had been requested to assist the Council with its grass cutting schedule.

C155.6 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – The Clerk reported that the Memorial Hall Committee were organising a Picnic in the Park to be held on the Memorial Hall field on Sunday 3 June 2012.

C155.7 Olympic Torch – The Clerk reported that the Olympic Torch would be coming through Tuxford at 09.33am on Thursday 28 June 2012, coming from Markham Road, onto Eldon Street and heading out of Tuxford along Ollerton Road.

NCC are holding a ‘Knots in Notts’ campaign to celebrate the arrival of the Torch Relay in Nottinghamshire by pledging to make a positive difference in the community and create a lasting legacy. Further information regarding this can be obtained from the Clerk.

C155.8 Christmas – The Clerk reported that quotations had been received for 5ft Christmas trees but these had been expensive. After discussion, it was Resolved: to use the Christmas trees we already had for another year and review the situation next year. Action – Clerk.

The Clerk reported that a quotation for the re-wiring of the Christmas lights/sockets had been received, however a more detailed breakdown of this was still awaited. Councillor Holland expressed an interest in details of the proposed electrical work. Action – Clerk.

C156/1112 Correspondence for action

There was no correspondence for action.

C157/1112 Tuxford Matters

C157.1 – Councillor Fox announced that he would not be putting himself forward for re-election as a Councillor and would be resigning from the Council with immediate effect.

C157.2 – Councillor Willatt reported that the litter bin at the bus stop outside the Sun Inn would be better place at the other side of the bus shelter, or an additional bin installed. The Clerk would investigate this after the new bus shelter had been installed. Action – Clerk.

C157.3 – Councillor Griffiths reported that there was a large amount of glass on the foundations of the old Memorial Hall and requested an article be placed in the Tuxfordian regarding this. Action – Clerk.

C157.4 – Councillor Anderson reported on the Police Precept and Budget Conclusion for 2012/13. The increase in the Police Precept would fund more Community Support Officers.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.35pm