Español II
HHS 2012-2013
Teacher: DrewKeller Room: E105 Email:
ConferencePeriods: 3rd/8th periods Phone: 512.594.1250
TutoringDays: Monday & Friday- 8:00am-8:45am
WelcometoSpanish II! Thisisanexciting and engagingtwosemestercoursethatisdesignedtohelpstudentsimprovetheirabilites inreading, writing, speaking and comprehendingSpanish. Studentsenrolled in Spanish II musthavecompletedSpanish I successfully in ordertobe placed in thiscourse. Throughthiscoursestudentswillencountermanyopportunitiestodiscovertheculture of theSpanishlanguagewhilelearningtheimportantgrammar and vocabularytiedwithin. Bytheend of thiscourse, studentswillbeabletoread, write, and speakSpanish at a beginningtointermediatelevel. StudentswillbeabletocomprehendspokenSpanish as well, at a beginningtointermediatelevel.
OurrequiredtextbookisExprésate 2. Textbookswillbeissuedbythebookroom and are expectedtobebroughttoclass DAILY.
- Spanish-EnglishDictionary
- Pens/Pencils
- 3-Ring binderwith 5 sectionsdivided as follows:
- Diario
- Apuntes
- Dictados
- Pruebas/Exámenes
- Tarea
Eachstudent in thiscourseisexpectedtoabidebythePflugerville ISD Code of Conduct and StudentHandbookwithregardtoAcademicintergrity. Anyworksubmittedby a student in thiscourseforacademiccreditwillbethestudent’sownworkunlessotherwisespecificallydirectedbytheteacher. Plagiarismwillnotbetolerated.
ClassExpectations and Guidelines
- Thisclassismostlyconducted in SPANISH. Itis HIGHLY encouragedtospeak and write in Spanishwhile in class (outside of classwouldn’thurteither! ).
- Be respectful of everyone in theclassroom. Thismeans: personal spaces, belongings and aboveallwe do NOT puteachotherdown. Respectisgivenforeffortputforth.
- Be preparedforclass. Whatyou are requiredtobringtoclassisnot a choice. Therewillbeconsequencesformaterialsleft at home.
- Personal belongingsnotrelatedtoclassmaterials (make-up, food, homeworkfromotherclasses) are tobeleftinsideyourbackpackorbook-bag in a safe place underorbesideyourdesk.
- Seebelow note regardingelectronicdevices:
-They are off orsilent.
-They are not in use at anypointduringtheclassperiod.
Consecuenceifthis rule isbroken:
- Deviceisturned in to me and thengiventothefront office.
-80% of a student’s grade willbebasedonSummativeAssessments (Major grades/Tests/Projects/Etc.)
-20% of a student’s grade willbebasedonFormativeAssessments (Minor Grades/Homework/ Dailywork)
*Parents and students may check progress on the TXGradebook Program.
- Students scoring below “70” on a Major (Summative) Grade shall be allowed (or may be required) to redo the assignment/test (or similar) after completing prerequisite work. The higher grade, with a maximum of “70”, shall be recorded.
- Retesting/redoing should be completed within five school days (unless the teacher makes alternative provision for extenuating circumstances).
Late Work:
- Students will be afforded opportunity to submit late work for FormativeAssignments during each grading period.
- Late work submissions in this regard must be submitted by the end of the grading period, with the grading period defined as each 3 week segment in the year.
- Late work submissions in this regard must be good-faith efforts at the assignment; trivial attempts at assignments will not be accepted or graded. The teacher will determine the worthiness of the late assignment submitted.
- Late work submitted will receive the grade obtained if completed in a timely manner, yet no higher than a 70.
- Extra credit assignments are NOT subject to this Late Work provision.
La Palabra de Honor is a classpledgethateachstudentwillsignto honor theclassexpectations and guidelines and alsotoacknowledgeeachstudent’sawareness of HendricksonHighSchool’sgradingprocedures, make-up workguidelines, and attendancepolicies.
Thepledgewillalso mean thatthestudentunderstands and promisestoupholdthepolicies, procedures and expectations of theteacher and the syllabus given.
I have read the above information and understand what is expected to be successful in this classroom
Student signature______date______
I have read the above information and understand what is expected of my child in order to be successful in this classroom and pledge my support.
Parent/Guardian signature______date______