JOB TITLE: Shift Coordinator (Person Participating In Management- PPIM)
Solis MMC Children’s Services, in partnership with Solis Trust, was established in 2005 and provides responsive, quality services to children and families who are assessed as being in need. We do so through the provision of a continuum of services that integrates disability services, emergency residential respite, medium and long-term children’s residential centres, assessment centre and community based services.
Solis MMC is committed to developing solution focused services for young people and families.
In developing this Job Description, we are cognisant of National Standards for Residential Services for Children with Disabilities (2013) and the Consultation Standards for Children’s Residential Centres 2017, our need to comply with these standards and the need to focus the role of the Centre Manager (PIC) on ensuring our compliance with the said standards.
The role of the Shift Coordinator (hereafter referred to as PPIM) is to work directly with the Centre Manager ensuring the day-to-day management of the residential centre. The PPIM will retain an integral practice role and ensure that the highest quality of care is provided to young people. The role will encompass administrative duties as well as responsibilities pertaining to the progression and practice of the staff team and the implementation of Placement Plan objectives for young people; ensuring that they are receiving the agreed quality and quantity of services. The PPIM will be accountable for the centre functioning in the absence of the Centre Manager.
- Three years’ experience working in a residential setting.
- Minimum qualification of diploma or level 7 equivalent.
- Full driving license.
The duties and responsibilities of the PPIM are outlined below and have been identified based on the National Standards for Residential Services for Children with Disabilities (2013), through which our disabilities services are regulated. The post holder will also be required to undertake other duties as determined by the Person In Charge (PIC).
1.1 The rights and diversity of each child are respected and are promoted
1.1.1 The PPIM will be responsible for promoting and supporting the rights of each child on a day to day basis and reflect this within records.
1.1.2 The PPIM will also ensure that each child is afforded e quality with regards to gender, race, disability, religious belief and family status and that this is common practice amongst their team.
1.1.3 The PPIM will ensure that the children’s voices are heard and that they are involved in decisions affecting their life and care when appropriate. They will coordinate and facilitate young people’s meetings The PPIM will be responsible for Chairing Young People’s House Meeting’s, ensuring that the agenda for such meetings is relevant, creative and responsive to young people and centre current needs. Minutes will be promptly recorded and the SCO will be accountable for communicating any issues arising from these meetings to the Centre Manager.
1.1.4 The PPIM will assume key working responsibility to advocate on the behalf of their key child.
1.2 The privacy and dignity of each child is respected
1.2.1 The PPIM will show respect and treat each child with dignity through the appropriate implementation of boundaries which also take into consideration the need to keep them safe. The PPIM will cater for children to have time alone as long this is deemed safe. The PPIM will communicate any limits to the privacy of any child to that individual. They will ensure that the RSW adheres to this also.
1.2.2 The PPIM will ensure that all intimate care needs are delivered in a sensitive manner and in line with organisational policy and the HIQA Guidance for Intimate Care. They will also monitor intimate care practice by RSWs.
1.2.3 The PPIM will ensure that all personal possessions of each child are respected and the significance of any particular item is recognised.
1.3. Each Child Exercises Choice and Experiences Care and Support in Everyday Life.
1.3.1. The PPIM will involve each child in programme planning to support their right to have a choice in their daily life. This will include activity planning and contributing to meal planners. This will also supporting existing talents and provide opportunities for new experiences to develop new interests.
1.3.2. The PPIM will assist children on a daily basis whilst promoting autonomy and independence as far as possible within each individual’s ability.
1.3.3.The PPIM will ensure that daily routines of the children are maintained within each shift. Routines will be appropriately recorded within Placement Support Plans and reviewed at team meetings, during supervision and following any incidents.
1.3.4. The PPIM on shift will ensure that all special occasions and personal achievements are marked and celebrated with the children. The PPIM will maintain good records of this.
1.4. Each Child Develops and Maintains Relationships and Links with Family and the Community.
1.4.1. The PPIM will ensure that family/ friend access is supported and facilitated in line with the Social Workers approval. The PPIM will ensure that all access and family contact is well evidenced within care records.
1.4.2The PPIM will support children’s integration into their local communities through involvement in activities, outings, shopping and education.
1.5. Each Child Has Access to Information Provided in an Accessible Format that takes Account of their Communication Needs.
1.5.1. The PPIM will discuss the National Standards with their key child to an appropriate level to their individual cognitive and communication ability.
1.5.2. The PPIM will ensure professional communication with family members in providing feedback on their child’s progress and development. They will keep clear records of communication with families within care folders.
1.6. Each Child Participates in Decision Making, has Access to an Advocate, and Consent is Obtained in Accordance with Legislation and Current Best Practice Guidelines.
1.6.1. The PPIM will ensure understanding of particular support needs of children with disabilities and will facilitate consultation and participation as far as possible.
1.6.2.The PPIM will ensure that each child’s view in all decision making is listened to with care and respect and that this is evidenced.
1.7. Each Child’s Complaints and Concerns are Listened to and Acted Upon in a Timely, Supportive and Effective Manner.
1.7.1. The PPIM will support children with their right to make a complaint. They will as far as practicably possible find a resolution to the complaint themselves at a local level and discuss the child’s satisfaction with this. The PPIM will be responsible for communicating all complaints to the PIC highlighting what action has already been taken or to ensure that the PIC responds to the complaint.
1.7.2. The PPIM will be responsible for advocating for young people in a key working capacity. This will entail attending professionals meetings with or on their behalf, contacting external agencies such as EPIC or communicating grievances to the PIC.
2.1 Each Child Has a Personal a Personal Plan which Details their Needs and Outlines the Supports Required to Maximise their Personal Development and Quality of Life.
2.1.1. The PPIM will be responsible for the completion of reports for Child in Care Reviews and attend such meetings. The PPIM will be responsible for recording the centres own minutes of this.
2.1.2. The PPIM will develop a comprehensive and achievable Placement Plan for their key child following a Child in Care Review in consultation with the PIC.
2.1.3. The PPIM will facilitate the daily implementation of the Placement Plan through completion of identified areas of work within Individual Work Schedules. The PPIM will lead their team in delegating pieces of work for completion with each child on a daily basis to ensure that assessed needs and goals are being proactively addressed.
2.1.4. The PPIM will monitor and review the Placement Plan progression through the completion of Weekly Reports, team meeting discussion, through the monthly Supervision process with the PIC and also at the end of the six month period in preparing for the next Child in Care Review (Where applicable).
2.2. The Residential Service is Homely and accessible and Promotes the Privacy, Dignity and Safety of Each Child.
2.2.1 The PPIM will ensure that the premises are clean, safe and free from obstruction which could impact accessibility.
2.2.2 The PPIM will be responsible for the prompt reporting of any maintenance issues to the PIC and taking any practicable action to rectify these. The PPIM must maintain up to date records within the maintenance book.
2.2.3 The PPIM will be responsible for ensuring the appropriate upkeep and maintenance of all centre vehicles on each shift. The PPIM will ensure that the Daily Vehicle Inspection sheet is completed accurately, distributed to the relevant parties, signed and filed. Any repair work required will be promptly reported to the PIC verbally.
2.2.4 The PPIM will be involved in completing risk assessments to appropriately address Health and Safety concerns. The PPIM will discuss any issues at team meetings.
2.2.5 The PPIM will ensure that food preparation and dining areas and facilities are well maintained and clean.
2.2.6 The PPIM must ensure that the centre is adequately lit, heated and ventilated on a daily basis. This will include regular checks on home heating oil levels.
2.3. Each Child’s Access to Services is Determined on the Basis of Fair and Transparent Criteria.
2.3.1. The PPIM will participate in admission meetings along with the PIC to discuss expectations of the programme. The PPIM will be responsible for the recording and filing of admission meeting minutes.
2.4. Children are Actively Supported in the Transition from Childhood to Adulthood and are Sufficiently Prepared for and Involved in the Transfer to Adult Services or Independent Living.
2.4.1. The PPIM will ensure that transitions from childhood into adulthood to include preparation for adult services or independent living are an integral part of the placement plan for their key child at the appropriate age of each child. They will ensure to include proactive planning for this within the Individual Work Schedule to allow for supportive transition and transfer.
3.1 Each Child is Protected From Abuse and Neglect and Their Safety and Welfare is Promoted.
3.1.1 The PPIM will be responsible for adhering to the Risk Assessment process on a daily basis, ensuring that the relevant Risk Assessments are completed by themselves and their staff team.
3.1.2 The PPIM will be responsible for the provision of adequate supervision of all children during all shifts.
3.1.3 The PPIM will be responsible in ensuring that they remain knowledgeable about the centre Child Protection Policy and Children First and know how to respond to allegations or suspicions of abuse and neglect.
3.1.4Where a concern arises for a child’s safety, the PPIM will take all reasonable and proportionate interim measures to protect them. They must notify the PIC of all Child Protection concerns and ensure that the Standard Report Form is completed accurately before being securely transferred to the PIC (Designated Liaison Person).
3.2 Each Child Experiences Care that Supports Positive Behaviour and Emotional Wellbeing
3.2.1The PPIM will facilitate the review of all Placement Support Plans at all Shift Handover processes, ensure that this is understood by all staff, verified and implemented by staff on each shift. All practice which is in breach of the Placement Support Plan content should be reported to the PIC.
3.2.3 The PPIM will identify all rewards and sanctions for young people and inform the PIC of these accordingly. The PPIM will ensure that these are adequately communicated, enforced and recorded.
3.2.3The PPIM will be responsible for communicating and consulting with children and their families with the aim of learning how to best support children and manage their behaviour.
3.2.4The PPIM will aim to understand and respond to behaviour and non-verbal communication that may indicate an issue of concern.
3.2.5The PPIM will contribute to the monitoring and auditing of the service’s approach to behaviour support and discuss this at team meetings to ensure safe service and best practice.
3.3. Children are not Subjected to a Restrictive Procedure Unless There is Evidence that it has been Assessed as Being Required due to a Serious Risk to Their Safety
3.3.1The PPIM will be responsible for understanding the rationale for all planned restrictive procedures. They will also adhere to any unplanned restrictive procedure being used as an emergency intervention after having been assessed as required to ensure safety in line with the centre’s policy.
3.3.2The PPIM will ensure that all incidents where physical restraint was used on their shift are appropriately recorded and accurate in detail. They will be responsible for forwarding such reports to the PIC.
3.3.3The PPIM must ensure to attend Therapeutic Crisis Intervention training and that this is refreshed in line with the PIC’s direction.
3.3.4The PPIM must ensure that a debrief (LSI) is carried out with a child following the use of a restrictive procedure and that this is recorded. Due consideration must be given to the child’s individual communication capacity along with their cognitive ability and tailor their approach accordingly. This duty will include leadership within a team where this task is delegated to an RSW if deemed more appropriate.
3.4 Adverse Events and Incidents are Managed ad Reviewed in a Timely Manner and Outcomes Inform Practice At All Levels
3.4.1The PPIM should informally debrief their team at the end of every working day and where appropriate provide formal debrief for staff. The PPIM will be identified to attend SEN Review Group meetings on a rotational basis to support organisational learning and improve service provision.
3.4.2The PPIM will be responsible for the prompt updates in Placement Support Plans in consultation with the PIC or full team at team meetings following the review and evaluation of incidents. The PPIM will be responsible for communicating and Placement Support Plan updates to their team and the oncoming team at handover. The PPIM must ensure implementation of any recommendations made by the PIC following adverse events and incidents.
- Health and Development
4.1 The Health and Development of Each Child.
4.1.1. The PPIM will be responsible for ensuring that all children within the centre have timely access to all necessary medical and therapeutic services. This will include organising and facilitating admission medicals and providing minutes of such for record keeping.
4.1.2It is the responsibility of the PPIM to ensure that the Placement Plans are conducive to promoting and delivering objectives which aim to address health and developmental needs. This is to be done in a collaborative manner involving both the child and their parents/guardians were appropriate.
4.2 Each Child is Given a Health Assessment and is Given Appropriate Support to Meet Any Identified Need.
4.2.1 The PPIM will ensure that all children have access to a GP and receive timely and multidisciplinary assessments on a regular basis. Goals and needs identified during such reviews should be promptly added to Placement Plans.
4.2.2 Roles of the PPIM also include ensuring the promotion of health and wellbeing and this is to be done through diet and nutrition, recreational activities, exercise, and individual work targeting such areas.
4.2.3 In coordination with the PIC, the PPIM will promote effective communication between all health and social care professionals that are involved in the support and care of the child. This shall be done through weekly reports, telephone contact, emails and review meetings.
4.2.4 The PPIM will aid the PIC in ensuring that any children with life limiting conditions have access when required, along with their families, to appropriate palliative care. They will also ensure the service meets the child’s emotional, physical and social needs.
4.3 Each Child’s Health and Wellbeing is Supported by the Residential Services Policies and Procedures for Medication Management.
4.3.1 The PPIM will be responsible for implementing the Medication Management Policy during their shift. They will ensure that medication is only ever administered as and when directed by an authorised medical practitioner.