December 5, 2016

The Mission of Divine Savior Catholic School is to provide an environment for children to excel personally, academically and spiritually. Together we share in the mission of Divine Savior Parish to foster a faith filled community where Catholic values are learned through prayer, service and love. Our goal is to use these values to develop lifelong learners and compassionate leaders.

Hot Lunch: Monday, Dec. 5 Chicken Bacon Ranch melt

Tuesday, Dec. 6 Walking Taco

Wednesday, Dec. 7 Home-style meatballs in gravy

Thursday, Dec. 8 French Toast Sticks

Friday, Dec. 9 Max Cheese Sticks

Monday, Dec. 12 Egg, Cheese Sausage Bagel


December 8th Mass at St. Rose at 8am – DSCS students will attend Mass.

From the Desk of the Principal

Advent is well underway at DSCS and our students are busy learning about the true meaning of Christmas.

At our Advent prayer service last week we learned how Saint Nicholas offered hope to those he served. This week, we will learn about the hope that Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego gave to the native people of Mexico. We will also continue along with the journey of Mary, Joseph, the wise men and more.

Thank you all for helping your children to be a part of our Advent service project. We are focusing on Catholic Social teachings as one of our school goals and found that this was a good opportunity to do a hands-on project to teach about one of the ten key principles -Addressing the Needs of the Poor and Vulnerable. Because of the hard work of your children and their generosity, our school was able to help support those in need.

Thank you also for donating to our College Care Package project. We were able to send out 40 packages to college students. The Student Council students added heartfelt messages to help encourage the students as they begin their exams.

At DSCS, we take the coming of Jesus very seriously! All of our students have been working hard to prepare for our upcoming Christmas concert. Next week Sunday, our students will be giving our parishioners a sneak peek by sharing a song following communion at the 10:00 Mass in Holy Cross. I hope you and your child/children can join us on Sunday.

This week Thursday, December 8, is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Mass will be held at St. Rose Chapel at 8:00 am. Please join the students and staff of DSCS to celebrate this important feast day for our Blessed Mother.

Yours in Faith, Lynn Sauer

Christmas Parade​- It is the most wonderful time of the year again and that means it is time for the Belgium Christmas Parade! DSCS needs students, staff and parents to ride on our float and pass out candy along the parade route. The Parade will take place on Saturday, December 10th starting ​ at 4:30pm. Please join us for a great time celebrating the coming of Jesus! Email ​ if you are able to join us on December 10th.

SCRIP: One size fits all--gift cards that is. There are over 65 different retailer gift cards we have available to sell and others can be ordered. It does help if you order early, so that we are sure to have on hand the cards you would like to buy. You get 100% value for all the cards you purchase; our school gets a percentage rebate from the retailers. Did you know you can pay your Kohl's charge bill with Kohl's gift cards?

* Three more orders before Christmas. Order early and Often!!! We are a week into ourChristmas Challenge....Let’s meet our GOAL!

Technology Raffle Fundraiser: Thank you so much to the families and staff who have been selling their calendar/raffle tickets for our Technology Fundraiser. Just a reminder…if you are NOT selling some/all of your tickets you MUST turn back in the unused tickets. There are 2 $50 Scrip cards up for grabs – one automatic gift for the top seller and the 2nd one will go to the winner chosen based off all the entries into the drawing. You will receive 1 entry for your first 10 tickets turned in, 2 more tickets for every 10 turned in after that, and 1 more if you turn them in betweenDec 1 and 13. For all the tickets turned in by November 15th an extra 5 tickets were awarded. Thanks!!

Advent Service Project Jean & T-shirt Collection: The DSCS Student Council will be collecting jeans​ and men’s​ t-shirts​ for the Port Washington Food Pantry. Please consider going through your closet to see if you have any items that you could donate to help those in need. Baskets will be in the back entry of school and in the back of Holy Cross Chapel.​ - Collection ends January 1st.

THANK YOU! A big sincere thank you to the parents and children who participated in buying clothing for four children and toys for five children as part of our annual Gift-A-Child program. These gifts will go to children of our food pantry clients and, I am sure, bring many happy smiles on Christmas. Rosemary Haskey, The Food Pantry Divine Savior Representative.

Food Pantry Collection; Items needed this week Scalloped Potatoes, Dried Peas / Beans, Cereal, 12 oz. Canned Tuna, Chili Beans, Large Canned Dinners, Individual Mac & Cheese, Hash & Chili, Beets, Large Baked Beans, Gravy/Broth, Peaches, Reg. Diet/Lite, Pudding & Jell-O, Blue Jeans, new or gently used, Brown Paper Bags, Toothpaste & Toothbrushes, Muffin Mixes, Yams and Cash Donations to purchase hams and fresh produce for Christmas

WHEN TO KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME: Headache – a child does not usually need to stay home for a mild headache. However, if the pain is severe, persistent, associated with other symptoms, or associated with a fall or head injury, contact your doctor immediately.

This year the 5th and 6th grade class would like to see if we can collect postcards from all 50 states. Please have friends and relatives send postcards to: Divine Savior Catholic School 5th & 6th grade, 305 Fredonia Ave., Fredonia, WI 53021

We will work on traveling the United States without leaving home! Thank You!


Divine Savior Catholic School observes the closing of school as determined by the Northern Ozaukee School District in case of severe weather conditions. If Random Lake School District closes and Northern Ozaukee does not, all Random Lake bus students will be given an excused absence for the day missed. The announcement of school closing will be made through the NOSD Skylert phone system and the Divine Savior Catholic School network of phone calls. The announcement will be made as early as possible on the following radio stations and television channels:

·  Radio: WTMJ (620AM) WOKY (920AM) WISN (1130AM)

·  TV: WTMJ (CH 4) WITI (CH 6) WISN (CH 12) CBS (CH58)

On a TWO-HOUR DELAYED START, students should arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before classes begin. There is no supervision before that time. Every effort will be made to alert teachers to a school closing as early as possible. Many times the school does not know until the last possible time before the school buses are to go out. However, if the circumstances are such that the school secretary or principal can notify teachers well in advance, we shall do so. In case of an emergency situation within the building, the pastor and the principal will determine closing the school. Parents will be notified as soon as possible. There will be no a.m. Kindergarten for half-day students on delayed start days.

PARENTS: Please let the school office know when you move/change phone numbers/emails so we can keep our emergency information up to date.

Deadline for items for the Newsletter is Friday at noon.

Shown at Our Lady of the Lakes in the Community Room in the Parish Center this fall

December 6, 2016 at 6pm: The Fourth Wise Man This is a fictional story set in Biblical times, told in gently comic terms. It concerns a Magi names Artaban who studies the prophecies and witnesses a sign in the heavens that he hopes will lead him and his faithful servant, Orantes to the Messiah. Artaban takes with him three precious gifts to present to the Messiah, but he misses the caravan of other Magi. For 33 years, Artaban and Orantes pursue Jesus, only to miss Him at every turn. Along the way, Artaban uses his gifts to help people in dire need. He now has nothing to present to the Messiah when he finds Him. The story culminates on Easter Sunday as Artaban, old and dying, finally encounters the new King, bringing peace to his final moments of life. Families welcome. 72 minutes.

Dates to Remember Dec. 6 Bookmobile

Dec. 7 DS & OLL Staff Meeting at DSCS at 12:45pm

Dec. 7 Religious Ed at DSCS at 6:30pm

Dec. 8 Mass at St. Rose at 8am – DSCS students attend

Dec. 10 1st Reconciliation at 10am at Holy Cross

Dec. 10 Belgium Christmas Parade

Dec. 11 Religious Ed at DSCS at 8am & 5:30pm

Dec. 11 DSCS Students sing at Mass

Dec. 12 Education Committee & R&R

Dec. 13 Advent Reconciliation at 6:30pm at HC

Dec. 14 Religious Ed at DSCS at 6:30pm

Dec. 15 Christmas Concert

Dec. 18 Religious Ed at DSCS at 8am & 5:30pm

Dec. 20 Bookmobile

Dec. 21 Religious Ed at DSCS at 6:30pm

Dec. 22 Last day of school before Christmas break

Dec. 23-30 Christmas Break

Jan. 1 New Year’s Day

Jan. 2 Classes Resume

Jan. 3 Bookmobile

Jan. 6 First Friday Communion Service and Adoration in St. Rose Chapel

Jan. 9 Education Committee & R&R

Jan. 12 Network Photography at DSCS to take candids and group photos for the yearbook