This checklist outlines the expectations and areas of information that all Teacher Candidates should be aware of prior to beginning their first evaluated practice teaching session.
I have read the MT Practicum Handbook.
I am familiar with the Policies & Proceduresfor Teacher Candidates on the practicum page of the MT website.
I am familiar with the relevant board and school-based policiesfor the partner school in which I am placed (e.g., Safe Schools, Code of Conduct, Equity, Sexual Harassment).
I am aware of the required protocol regarding absencesduring practicum (see pp.9-11 in the MT Practicum Handbook).
I am prepared to travel up to 90 minutes to a practicum school.
I understand that parking facilities at many schools are limited, and if I plan on driving to my practicum school I will check ahead of time with the school regarding parking facilities.
I understand TCs are expected to dress in a professional and suitable manner, consistent with the dress code of the partnership school.
I acknowledge that there is a great degree of individual interaction in teaching and that personal hygiene is important.
I understand that Board policy specifies that all visitors to a school (including OISE Teacher Candidates) must report to the school office upon arrival at the school.
I complete the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) “Student Declaration of Understanding” form located on the “Forms and Resources” page of the MT Practicum website. (Give this form to the Practicum Rep. in your cohort who will deliver a class set of completed forms to PhillippaPothemont in 11-104D.)
Please note: There is one additional WSIB form required from placement sites, but information about this form will be provided to TCs in a message posted in “Important Practicum Announcements”.
I have viewed the Worker Health & Safety video and printed out the completion certificate. I will keep the certificate in my files in case it is requested by my placement Board or school.
During Field Experience Days, I observe classroom routines and administrative tasks, and use this time to start to learn the students’ names and their individual learning needs and exceptionalities.
I respect the need to maintain strict confidentiality of all practicum information such asobservations of students, student records, and teacher information.
I use discretion in personal website content, use electronic means of communication in a professional manner, and have reviewed the Ontario College of Teachers’ Professional Advisory on the Use of Electronic Communication and Social Media.
I understand that as a Teacher Candidate I am an Associate Member of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation, and am familiar with the regulations outlined in We the Teachers of Ontario.