MCMS Physical Education Department
Welcome to P.E. at Monroe County Middle School. We are excited about this year and look forward to meeting all of you! Inside you will find P.E. expectations and regulations. Please read all of the enclosed information with a parent (guardian) and each of you sign the last sheet in the designated areas. Please return the memorandum of understanding/contact sheet to us two days after you receive it.
Thank you,
Coach Grossman
Coach Lindsey
Coach Gastley
Monroe County Middle School
- Positive Attitude
- Act Responsible
- Work Hard
- Show Respect
Written Notes for P.E.
In addition to information in the handout concerning P.E. requirements, if a student has a note from a parent/guardian, the student is not allowed to participate in any activity. If the illness/injury is not serious or debilitating, the student is sometimes allowed to assist the teacher or another student during certain activities, i.e. counting, keeping score, time, etc. If it is a prolonged injury the student will be required to write a two page report on a sport/health related topic in the library each day of the injury.
Testing will be in the form of skills tests and/or written tests.
Homework will be in the forms of projects, related activity sheets, reports, etc.
Daily grade40%
Homework Assessment10%
MCMS P.E. Grading Policy
Dressing Out
Each student is expected to dress out each day. Students start with 100 points for their daily grade at the beginning of each 9 weeks period. Three (3) points will be deducted from 100 points for each unexcused dress cut. A student can be excused and no points deducted according to, but not limited to, one of the following reasons:
- Medical excuse in writing from doctor
- Written note from parent/guardian stating the reason, date and contact number
- Any student(s) not dressed out (excused or unexcused) will be required to do a written assignment as related to physical fitness or required to continuously walk around track if class or classes are participating in an outdoor setting.
P.E. Attire
- Must be long enough to fall past the waistband of the shorts/sweats.
- Tanks tops/jerseys are not allowed unless a t-shirt is worn under it.
- No advertisement for alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.
- No vulgar or obscene language or pictures.
- No printing that has been deemed inappropriate for school.
- The length should be to mid-thigh or longer.
- Biker shorts can be worn only under regular shorts.
- Busting slack (sagging) is inappropriate for P.E. class, and all shorts must be worn on the student’s waistline.
Socks and Athletic Shoes
- Required for class.
- Shoe strings are required to be tied so that the feet and ankle are supported.
** If any of these requirements are not met or cannot be corrected during class, a dress cut will be assigned and 3 points deducted.
Deodorant is allowed in roll-ons or gels only. Stick can break, get stepped on and tracked throughout the gym. Aerosol cans of hair spray or deodorant are prohibited per system policy and P.E policy.
Each student is expected to participate in all activities to the best of their ability. Three (3) points will be deducted for the non-participation for that day, from the same 100 daily grade points. A student can be excused from participation with a written note from a doctor or parent/guardian according to the above situations
MCMS P.E. Class Expectations
All students are expected to:
Be on time for class
Enter the gym in orderly fashion
Follow teachers’ instructions
Get dressed, get water and go to restroom within the allotted time limit
No horse play around in the dressing rooms, restroom or gym floor
Do your part to keep dressing rooms neat and orderly
Sit up in your assigned space.
Perform all exercises to the best of their ability
Be attentive to teachers when he/she is giving instructions to the class
Follow all PBIS strategies
NO gum, candy, food, and/or drinks will be allowed in the gym at any time
Consequences for Conduct and Class Rules violations:
1st Offense→re-direct/warning with additional conditioning exercises
2nd Offense→re-direct and refer to PE Matrix with additional conditioning exercises
3rd Offense→re-direct and parent contact
4th Offense→ Major Offense Discipline Referral
Students and parents/guardians are asked to read this handout in its entirety.
I have read and understand the MCMS P.E. Grading Policy and Class Expectations.
Please complete and return the following:
Circle Teacher’s Name: GastleyGrossmanLindsey
Student Name______
Parent Name______
Please feel free to list any concerns and/or medical conditions that you have regarding your child: ______
Student’s SignatureParent’s Signature