Action / Status/dates
Inspirational School Trips: Mathematics and English / The SST has put together a pack detailing various inspirational school trips for mathematics and English. We have allocated £200 for a Maths, and £200 for an English trip as a subsidy per member school, available this academic year 2013/14. In return, we have requested feedback so that the SST can form a catalogue of recommended (and not recommended) Maths and English Trips.
Mathematics and English Workshops in our schools / Two primary and two secondary schools have been chosen to test two Maths workshops in the Autumn Term 2013. The four tester schools have been asked to complete detailed feedback forms to help the SST assess whether it would be value for money to subsidise these two workshops. The Maths workshops being tested are the Bletchley Park outreach workshop and the Cambridge University Maths Roadshow.
The Storymuseum has also been engaged for English workshops but testing will commence in the Spring 2014, as they are currently reviewing the content of their outreach workshops.
Beanstalk – Literacy Support Workers (Primary Phase only) / Beanstalk is a charity which recruits, trains, vets and supports reading volunteers in primary schools, to work twice a week with targeted children to raise their literacy skills. The SST has arranged for Beanstalk to begin working in Spelthorne from Autumn 2013. Volunteers are being recruited currently and are starting to work in some of our schools. The SST has provided subsidy to schools for this project.
Raising Standards in Children’s Writing: Implemented a Shared Story Teller – Resident across some SST primary Schools to improve oracy and therefore enhance learning. / The SST has offered a second round of subsidies for this project which has been running since the Autumn Term 2013 and has involved 15 SST member schools. 14SST schools have joined the second round, which runs until Autumn 2014.
Holiday Activity Drop Box / Information sent to the SST about holiday activities will be included in an SST Drop Box on the website.
Gifted & Talented / Spelthorne Maths Quiz – June 2014 TBA
Action / Status/dates
Signpost CPLOs, HSLWs and others to NE Early Help Networks via Monday Mailings. / Next network: Tuesday 11 March, 11am to 1pm, Stanwell Community Centre.
Regular Termly Meetings with NE Children’s Services / Spring Term Meeting: Tuesday 21 January, 10am at Manor Mead School. Representative group invited.
Supporting the Children In Need team to continue to run theSpelthorne Family Forum / Supporting Children’s Services to continue to keep this important Forum in Spelthorne by providing administration services for the Forum and publicizing it widely. SST Vice Chair attends each meeting to provide continuity from education. Meeting dates and referral deadlines publicized via Monday Mailings and emails to relevant groups.
Check NE Children’s Services contact list is up-to-date and distribute to schools if necessary / Available from on request. Distributed to HTs, Inclusion Mgrs & HSLWs on 10.1.2014 via email.
East To West in Secondary Schools / Project Management of a 2 year contact in all Spelthorne Secondary Schools of East to West Relational Workers.
Working in partnership with TAMHS to ensure schools access funded training / networking / NE Network meeting: Tuesday 18 March 2014, Riverbridge Primary School (Park Avenue Base), 4-5.30pm.
The Meadows Nurture Group: supporting vulnerable Foundation and KS1. Early intervention. / Nurture Group opened Monday 30th April 2012.
SST supporting Surrey to roll out Surrey-wide Nurture Network accredited training programme.Facility open to all Spelthorne primaries and other Surrey schs within 30 minutes’ travel.
Speech & Language Support / SLCN training provided Autumn 2013. Attendance at Surrey SENCO Network Meetings.
Working with Spelthorne Borough Council to support the Surrey Supporting Families Agenda. / Referral pack and information distributed widely to members. Charlene Edwards, Family Support Manager (Elmbridge & Spelthorne)attended 8 May 13 Confederation Meeting to answer Headteachers’ questions. Surrey Family Support Programme website:
Access to Food Banks / Working with local food banks and HSLWs to ensure vulnerable families have access to this charitable facility when needed. Also liaising with food banks and our schools to help join up donations – encouraging school communities to donate in the leaner periods and donate specific items.
Action / Status/dates
Bursars / Safer Recruiting - TBC
Governor / COGs Network – Thursday 6 February, 7-9pm, Spelthorne School
Performance Related Pay Training: Saturday 25 January, 10-12noon, St. Ignatius RC Primary School
Headteachers’ Residential / 19-21 November 2014, The Haven Hotel, Poole.
NQT / 67 NQTs started in Spelthorne in Sept 2013. ‘Working with Additional Adults’ - 28/29 January 2014, 3.30 to 5pm, Spelthorne School (Jnr Site).
SENCO/CPLOs / Early Help Network signposted on Monday Mailings.
SEND finance session jointly with Bursars TBC.
CPLOs – Level 1 Child Protection Train the Trainer TBC
Joint INSET Day / Monday 3 November 2014.
Programme TBC
Safeguarding / Termly shared safeguarding event.
Wednesday 22 January, Spelthorne School, 1-3pm.
Wednesday 30 April, Spelthorne School, 1-3pm.
Generic / Basic First Aid: 20 + 27 January, 3.30-5pm, Clarendon Primary School.
Importance of RAISE Data: Friday 24 January, 9.30-12.30, The Thames Club
TAMHS Top-Up Training: TBC
Teaching Staff / Fischer Family Trust Wave 3 Training. Two full-day courses to run throughout Autumn Term. Further information on Monday Mailings.
Phonics training to be delivered by Hawkedale. 20 and 27 September. Full details on Monday Mailing.
Teaching to the Top: 6 November, St. Michael’s RC Primary School. (Gifted and Talented)
High Five – two day training course, KS2 intervention.
AQA – KS2 English achieving level 6.
Action / Status/dates
Transition Working Party / Spring Term Meeting: Wednesday 22 January 2014 at 1.30pm at Chennestone Primary School.
Progress in Literacy and Numeracy Y6/7 Transition Project 2013. / All 6 Transition Cluster have been contacted and asked to liaise under their own steam if the cluster is required by those member schools. The clusters have been asked to nominate a representative to attend the SST Transition Working Parties.
Life Skills Workshops for Y6 children in Primary School / For Y6 after SATs. SST subsidized 60% of the cost of this workshop for participating schools in Summer 2013. MPT to assess whether to budget for subsidy in 2014, depending on priorities set.
Signposting parents to the Specialist Teaching Team’s Parent Information Mornings / Information on Monday Mailing for distribution in newsletters/ action by HSLWs to encourage participation.
SENCO Market Place / Date for 2014 Market Place to be set – usually a Monday in June. All day event for SENCOs to discuss SA & SA+ children only. All SST Secondary SENCOs attended, together with Sunbury Manor and Magna Carta SENCOs. Feedback was excellent.
English Cross-Phase Moderation Sessions / Schools in the Matthew Arnold, Thomas Knyvett and St. Paul’s clusters have got together to share good practice re. English moderation in the Summer Term 2013. Example work was discussed and the different viewpoints/ approaches of primary and secondary practitioners shared. These clusters found this very helpful and hope to repeat the process.
Action / Status/dates
E-Safety Working Party / Fact sheet: e-safety advice for familiesSST eSafety for Sheet for Families
Anti-Cyber Bullying Workshops provided to participating schools at a subsidised rate. / This project will run again in Spring 2014, and will be in its third year. Schools to contribute £200 for participation (approx. 40% subsidy). Five SST member schools have taken up this offer for 2014. SST to review this project for 2015.
Action / Status/dates
Monday Mailings: Weekly e-bulletins in term time to keep members abreast of current information/ projects / Monday Mailings – ongoing. Now distributing to over 200 contacts weekly in term time. (182 SST Confederation list, 35 Bursars/admin).
Twice termly Management & Projects Meetings / Tuesday 14 January and Tuesday 11 March
Both 8-11am, Manor Mead School
Twice Termly Spelthorne11-19 Network Administration / The SST has taken over the administration of the Spelthorne 11-19 Learning Network and is supporting our secondary schools to work together to: employ a team of Youth Relational Workers to support vulnerable pupils, provide careers advice and guidance together with an annual Spelthorne Careers Fair to help pupils plan for the future, support Inclusion and Curriculum Managers to work together, administer regular meetings for secondary Headteachers to network and share best practice.
Twice termly Confederation Meetings / Thursday 29 January and Thursday 20 March
Both 8-11.15am, The Thames Club
Termly COG Network / Thursday 6 February,7-9pm, Spelthorne School.
Termly SENCo Network / Tuesday 25 February, 1.30pm, venue tbc
Termly Bursar & Admin Network / Tuesday 18 March, Ashford Park Primary School, 1.30pm
Termly Gifted & Talented Network / TBC
Termly Deputy/Asst. Headteacher Network / Wednesday 12 February, 1.15pm, Spelthorne School
Sharing good practice to support outstanding leadership in Spelthorne.
Termly CPD Focus Group Meetings / Monday 20 January, 9.30am, Hawkedale Infant School
Termly Transition Working Party Meetings / Wednesday 22 January, 1.30pm, Chennestone Primary School.
SST website – accessible information for all members / New website 2014! Regularly updated throughout the year. NB: There is no need to log in for most information. HSLWs have information on the secure area for which they do log in. Family Forum / Supporting Children’s Services to continue to keep this important Forum in Spelthorne by providing administration services for the Forum and publicizing it widely. SST Vice Chair attends each meeting to provide continuity from education. Meeting dates and referral deadlines publicized via Monday Mailings and emails to relevant groups.
Regular networking and liaising with HSLWs and Sure Start Children’s Centre Outreach Workers. Network is now self-generating. / Spring meeting tba
NW and Spelthorne Surrey Confederations Network Meeting / Monday 3 February,9.45-11.30, Manor Mead School. For Confederation Managers only.
Nurture Group Strategy Meetings / 28 February, Epsom Downs, 9.30am
Surrey Confederation Managers Meeting / TBC
Spelthorne Sports Association Network / TBC
Action / Status/Dates
Finance: Regular financial monitoring reports distributed and discussed and approved with the Management & Projects team at twice-termly meetings. Finance information distributed to all members at Confederation Meetings. / Confederation Meeting: 29 January /20 March 2014
Management & Project: 14 January/ 11 March 2014
Funding Received from Surrey for FY 13/14
Secondary & Special school allocation devolved directly to schools in FY13/14 / Primary allocation only: £71,166
5 out of 6 Spelthorne secondary schools have agreed to pay back to the SST in FY 13/14, to date received from 2 schools.
Note: as academies financial year runs from 1 August to 31 July, the mechanism for reclaiming this funding has not yet been clarified.
Budget for FY 2013/14
SST Partnership Levy FY 2013/14 / Confirmed at CM Meeting 8 May 2013.
£2 per NOR (from Jan 13 School Census) agreed at 12 March MPT, confirmed 21 March 13 Confederation Meeting.
Joint Procurement
Link to all offers: SST Joint Procurement(ctrl + click_ / iPads/electronic tablets:Apple products, discounted pricing for Spelthorne schools as at December 2012 arranged.
Textnet-it: preferential rates agreed for data projectors and Online Backup.
Office Base (local company in Sunbury): Cost reduction service to Spelthorne schools over May-July 2012. Full analysis of purchases will allow most beneficial join procurement and therefore cost savings for schools regardless of size.
Veolia Environmental Services: preferential rates agreed
Mr Green Wheelie Clean: 20% SST discount secured for SST schools using this service.
£1 donation per private customer to sign up when quoting the school.
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Action Plan Spring Term 2014, 7 January 2014