South Ayrshire Council has a pupil population of approximately 17,000 pupils and has responsibility for;
- 44 Primary schools
- 8 Secondary schools
- 3 Special Schools
- 32 Nursery Schools/Classes
Approximately 3400 mainstream pupils and 400 pupils with Additional Support Needs are transported to schools and other establishments every school day. Arranging school transport is more than simply organising the transport itself as the care and welfare of the pupils are paramount to the whole process. The detail of South Ayrshire Council’s School Transport Policy is explained in the following paragraphs, which include its statutory obligations as an Education Authority.
Education (Scotland) Act 1980
Section 51 (1) of the Education (Scotland) Act places a statutory obligation on Education Authorities to make such arrangements, as they consider necessary for the provision in respect of pupils attending schools or other educational establishments:
- “for their conveyance without charge for the whole or part of the journey between their homes and the schools or other educational establishments which they are attending ....”
and that where
- “the particular or named school is more than walking distance from the pupil’s home measured by the nearest available route ....he would not require to walk more than the walking distance...
Section 42 (4) of the Act defines the walking distance as:
- “in the case of a child who has not attained the age of eight years , two miles and in the case of any other child, three miles...... ”
The provision of transport for pupils attending special schools is arranged by the Education Authority on the basis of individual needs.
Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994
Section 32 of Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994 places the responsibility for school transport on the Education Authority in which the pupil resides.
Education (Scotland) Act 1996
The Education (Scotland) Act 1996 places a responsibility on the Education Authority to have regard to the safety of pupils when making arrangements for the provision of school transport.
Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000
The Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000gives discretionary powers to the Director of Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning in relation to the provision of school transport for children attending pre-5 establishments.
3.South Ayrshire Council Policy
3.1Mainstream Transport
All mainstream school transport contracts are managed on behalf of South Ayrshire Council by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport which is based in Glasgow.
3.1.1(a) Distance
From August 2008 transport will be provided to all primary school pupils who attend and reside more than 2 miles safe walking distance from their catchment primary school and to all secondary school pupils who reside more than 3 miles walking distance from their catchment secondary school. Distances from home to school will be calculated using the Geographical Information System (GIS).
3.1.1(b) Safety
South Ayrshire Council will consider all issues of safety when assessing walking routes to school and will either alter the route where appropriate or provide school transport if an alternative route is not available. In considering issues of safety the Council’s Road Safety Officer may be asked to assess the route either in full or in part and make recommendations to the Director of Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning for consideration.
All routes will be assessed on the basis that the child/ren is accompanied by a responsible person.
3.1.1(c) Health
Consideration will be given to applications for free school transport on grounds of health, which may prevent the child walking to and from school safely. In all cases the application must be supported by a letter from the child’s own doctor. In some cases the Council’s own doctor may be asked for an opinion. Free school transport granted on grounds of health will be reviewed on an annual basis.
3.1.1(d) Redirections
Under South Ayrshire Council’s Admissions to Schools Policy if a child cannot be accommodated in their catchment school then they will be redirected to another school until such times as a place becomes available at the original school, at which time they would be given an opportunity to move to the catchment school. In such cases free school transport will be provided in accordance with the criteria in sections 3.1.1 (a) – (c) and will continue until the completion of the child’s primary education.
3.1.1(e) Pupils Changing Address
If a primary pupil moves from their catchment area part way through P7 the Authority may provide assistance with transport to enable the pupil to complete their primary education at the school. Any secondary pupil moving out of the catchment area during an examination year, S4, S5 or S6 will normally be provided with transport assistance. In all such cases the provision of free school transport will continue until the end of the school session in question.
3.1.2 Application
Applications for free school transport should be made on the form provided stating the grounds on which they are applying when they register for primary school and also when they transfer to secondary school. They will be notified by Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning if they have been accepted to receive transport.
School transport will normally be arranged within 2 weeks of an application being approved. Failure by the Authority to meet this timescale may result in the Authority having to reimburse the parents/guardians for any transport costs incurred beyond this period.
3.1.3Privilege Seats
Where there are vacant seats on a “dedicated” school contract i.e. for school pupils only, such seats are referred to as privilege seats and will be allocated no later than the end of September. Education Authorities have a statutory obligation to allocate a privilege seat when required. Where the requests for privilege seats is greater that the number of seats available the following criteria will be used to determine the allocation:
3.1.3 (a) Secondary Schools
Priority will be given in the first instance to those pupils attending their catchment school. The order of priority in applying the other criteria is as follows:
(i)Pupils who live between 2 and 3 miles from the school and would have previously qualified for free school transport under the 3 mile policy;
(ii)Pupils whose parents are entitled to claim a footwear and clothing grant;
(iii)Pupils living farthest from the school and
(iv)All things being equal a ballot will be held to allocate any remaining seats.
Thereafter any children attending a school on a placing request will be considered using the same criteria.
3.1.3 (b) Primary Schools
Priority will be given in the first instance to pupils attending their catchment school. The order of priority in applying the other criteria is as follows:
(i)P1 to P3 pupils whose parents are entitled to claim a footwear and clothing grant;
(ii)P1 to P3 pupils living farthest from the school;
(iii)P4 to P7 pupils whose parents are entitled to claim a footwear and clothing grant;
(iv)P4 to P7 pupils living farthest from the school and
(v)All things being equal a ballot will be held to allocate any remaining seats.
Thereafter any children attending a school on a placing request will be considered using the same criteria.
3.1.3 (c) General
Where an application is submitted for more than one child from the same family each child will be considered separately within the above criteria and parents/guardians given the opportunity to refuse the place if their other children have been unsuccessful.
The Director of Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning has discretionary powers to allocate a privilege seat outwith the above criteria.
3.1.3 (d) Withdrawal of a Privilege Seat
Should it be necessary to withdraw a privilege seat the above criteria will be used to identify the child/ren whose privilege seat should be withdrawn.
3.1.4Pupil Conduct
The driver of the vehicle will, at all times, be responsible for the well being of pupils travelling in the vehicle. Pupils will be responsible for conducting themselves in a safe and proper manner while in receipt of free school transport. Details of appropriate conduct are contained in the leaflet “School Transport: A Guide for Parents and Pupils”. Improper conduct may result in the provision of free school transport being temporarily or permanently withdrawn. In such cases where the provision of free school transport is withdrawn, the parents/guardians will be responsible for ensuring that their child/ren get to and from school.
3.2Additional Support Needs
Transport will be provided to pupils with additional support needs and will normally be in accordance with the recommendations made by the Council’s Psychological Services.
3.3Placing Requests
Free school transport will not normally be provided to pupils who attend school by a placing request. Parents of such pupils may wish to apply for a privilege seat.
3.4Capacity and Seat Belts
The capacity of a vehicle for school transport purposes will be based on one seat per pupil and seat belts will be provided where required by legislation. Although the type of seat belt is not specified by legislation South Ayrshire Council will request the use 3 point lap and diagonal belts where possible.
Attendants will normally be provided on contracts where a double deck bus is in use. Escorts will normally only be provided on additional support needs contracts in accordance with the recommendations of the Council’s Psychological Service.
3.6Parental Responsibility
Parents/guardians will be responsible for ensuring that their child/ren conduct themselves in a safe and proper manner at all times while in receipt of free school transport. Improper conduct may result in the provision of free school transport being temporarily or permanently withdrawn. In such cases where the provision of free school transport is withdrawn, the parents/guardians will be responsible for ensuring that their child/ren get to and from school.
Parents/guardians may be held accountable for damage or injury caused by their children.
4.Disclosure Checks
All drivers, attendants and escorts used on school transport contracts will be Disclosure checked. An authorised officer within Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning will consider the information provided by Disclosure Scotland and decide whether or not an individual is an appropriate person to supervise or have responsibility for children. In cases where an individual has been deemed inappropriate the individual will be given the opportunity to discuss the decision with the authorising officer concerned.
5.Emergency Arrangements
Every effort will be made to ensure that pupils travelling on school transport get to and from school each day. Where circumstances are such, e.g. inclement weather, that alternative arrangements need to be made, every effort will be made to notify parents/guardians/pupils as quickly as possible and by the most appropriate mode of communication. The emergency procedures for Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning will be used in such circumstances.
6.Appeals Procedures
Parents/guardians will be given an opportunity to appeal against any decision made by the Council in relation to school transport. Appeals should, be submitted in writing to the Head of Educational Resources clearly stating the grounds for appeal and must be made within 10 working days of receipt of the decision.
7.Quality Controls
The Authority will monitor and inspect the quality of school contracts on a regular basis either directly or through the services of a third party.
Formal procedures are available should users of the service wish to make comments, suggestions or complaints.
Further information regarding South Ayrshire Council’s School Transport Policy can be obtained from:
Head of Educational Resources
Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning
South Ayrshire Council
County Buildings
Tel: 01292 612234
Fax:01292 612258
or at
School Transport PolicyPage 1May 2008