Name of In Class Activity:How to Make a Paper People Chain – Making a Circle Chain
Type of modality / Arts and craftsType of play / Solitary; Parallel
Interaction pattern / Extra-individual; aggregate
# of participants required / One
Equipment/supplies / 8 ½ x 11 paper/construction paper; scissors; pencil; bowl; markers
Facilities required/environment / Flat table
Precautions / Paper cuts; handling scissors; able to show tolerance and show respect for others artistic ability
Task Analysis
- Place a bowl with its rim down on the middle of the paper. Trace around the bowl with a pencil. Cut out the circle as perfectly as possible. The bigger the circle, the better.
- Fold the circle in half four times. It should look like a mini thin slice of pizza.
- Draw half a person on both edges of the triangles with their hands holding in the middle. The people do not have to be identical, but the hands must be touching.
- Or draw a person in the middle of the triangle with the person’s hands touching the long edges of the triangle. Draw the head at the widest part of the triangle – if picturing a pizza slice, the head would be drawn at the “crust” side.
- Carefully use the scissors to cut out the person and keep the chain intact.
- Unfold the paper and it should be a circle of paper people holding hands.
- Decorate the drawings of the people with crayons in the chain.
Activity Analysis
Category / SkillsPrimary body position / Sitting
Part of the body required / Hands
Movement / Grasp: 3-Jaw Chuck Grasp; Grasp: Pincer Grasp; Picking up; Putting down objects; Reaching; Releasing; Turning or twisting hands or arms
Physical / Balance: Dynamic Sitting; Bilateral integration; Crossing midline; Fine muscle coordination; Motor control; Active Range of Motion: Upper Extremities; Visual-motor integration
Cognitive / Initiation; Concept formation; Cognitive flexibility; Arousal/alertness; Attention: Focused attention; Judgment; Orientation: Topographical; Organization and planning; Problem solving: simple; Recognition: size; Recognition: Shape/form; Spatial operations; Strategy; Thought: Abstract
Social / Self-expression; Social conduct; Showing respect and warmth; Showing tolerance; Relating with equals; Handling criticism;
Perception / Tactile function; Visual function
Communication/language / Reception of signs and symbols; Producing signs and symbols
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy of doing arts and crafts; Frustration if accidentally cut the paper the wrong way and the paper people are not holding hands; Sense of accomplishment once paper chain is completed
Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEXCognitively / Have the circles pre-cut into paper people chains; Have the participants design/color in the people with specific colored markers; Have a sample for participants to look at for assistance / Cut the paper into a small circle and draw smaller figures for more intricate cutting and coloring
Physically / Have the circles pre-cut into paper people chains; Sit the whole time; take frequent breaks / Stand while making the paper people chain; cut the paper into small circle and draw smaller figures that require use fine motor skills and motor control
Socially / Have the circles pre-cut; Have directions printed with visuals of each step for the individual to follow independently / Work in a large groups - each individual is responsible for a task (draw circle, cut circle, cut people, color); Work with one or two other people (small group); Pre-cut and pre-design the paper people chain and have the group of participants discuss the meaning behind the circle chain/symbolizes