Peter’s Page

Dear Friends:

Almost like changing partners in a dance, this year we seem to move so quickly from Christmas to Lent. Ash Wednesday is February 6th. Easter will be very early this year, March 23rd.

Scripture reminds us that our lives have “seasons.” There are “times” to laugh, mourn, dance, and put away things. Our worship life, too, reflects these changing moods and changing emotions, in order to add depth to our faith experiences.

Lent has traditionally been a time to “minimalize” our lives. We try to experience that “less is more.” It is one of the few times of the year when “indulging ourselves” is not cool. We are invited to think about “giving up” something, doing without, and putting off extravagances. But more than simply denying ourselves things, Lent reminds us that there is a deeper world within us that will come out when we quiet all the noise and stop satiating all the desires around us.

Our worship life also takes on a more serious tone. You are encouraged to come to worship a few minutes early, to be quiet, and to spend a few minutes reconnecting with Christ in prayer. You are asked to respect the worship space as Holy and if you want to converse before worship, to do so in the narthex, or at least in hushed tones.

Lent is also a time when the adult catechumens were taught the faith in preparation for Holy Baptism. They were literally taught that they were to “die” to their old life and through the waters of Baptism, begin a new life in Christ. On the eve of their Baptism, and in preparation to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, they were taught the “Lord’s Prayer” which was a special “secret” prayer for Christians only. This year, our weekly Lenten services will focus on the Lord’s Prayer and its meaning for our lives today. You are also encouraged to do some Bible reading or daily devotions to more deeply involve yourself in this special season. We also will be inviting a new group of young students to participate in a First Communion retreat and then begin receiving the sacrament.

I hope you will find this Lenten season to be a meaningful time to experience a “counter point” in our faith life.

Yours In Christ,

Pastor Peter

In a sequel, A Day with a Perfect Stranger, Nick's wife Mattie is on a plane contemplating divorcing her profoundly changed husband when she is seated next to a stranger who seems to know a great deal about her . . .

If you haven't yet read Dinner with a Perfect Stranger, read it first, then go on to the sequel. These are small, quick reads, but which might make you think about your relationship with God. Both books are on display in the library.

Dorothy Dohrmann, Church Librarian

ChristLutheranChurch Women

Thank you again to everyone who donated clothes in the fall, which were sent to Liberia. The four full barrels arrived safe and sound and were picked up on January 2nd. The clothes distribution was started the week of January 7th. A special thank you to all the ladies who helped us pack the barrels, Dan Sladovich, who picked up the barrels and Brian Conboy and the Old Tappan baseball association, who donated lots of new baseball uniforms, socks and hats for the kids!

Kitchen Coordinator Needed!! If you have used the main kitchen lately, you will have noticed all the new things that have been added to make our kitchen safer and in compliance with the health code. We now have cutting boards specific to what you are cutting, temperature gauges, eye wash stations, gloves, and thermometers for the refrigerator and stove. Nancy Ulanday has done a great job of getting us set up to meet the new regulations. We are now looking for someone to be the administrator for the kitchen. The time commitment is flexible and varied. This person will need to keep an eye on the log books and supplies and let us know when we need more supplies. You do not have to be present when the kitchen is in use!! If you are a member of a committee that uses the kitchen regularly, then this may be an easy and convenient way for you to help out the church. Please see Ann Christensen or Doris Crouse if you are interested.

Cookbook corrections– Please make a note of these two corrections to recipes in the new 2007 cookbook. We apologize for the omissions.

1) Page 47 Hash Brown Potatoes

Add to the “potato” ingredients—1 can of cream of chicken soup.

In the direction section—add the soup just after the sour cream.

2) Page 151 Cheesecake

Under cake ingredients—add 4 eggs.

Carla Hoenigmann

Gifts and Memorials

We continue to compile the “Designated Gifts and Memorials” list. These items would make wonderful gifts Gifts/memorials may be given in honor/memory of a loved one or as a gift given in thanks to God. So far, here are some of the tangible items which are very much needed for our Chur

If you have an interest in contributing toward one of the followingsedesignated gifts for our church as an offering or a memorial, contact Doris Crouse or Pastor Peter. Gifts can be given with a specific donor and designation, or can also be given anonymously, if the donor wishes.

Designated Gifts Estimated Cost Receipts on Hand

(curtains have been purchased)

45 more150fFolding chairs (60 have been purchased)$675.5-20 per chair$700.

Three One more chair rack (One has been purchased)$3300 each$300.

Book case unit for Pastor’s office (purchased)$800 $830.

8 Poster frames for Sunday School$160$170.

Plaque in honor of Rev. K. Roy Nilsen $285$285.

1 more aisle center aisle candelabras$350. each

Video projector for sanctuary$1300.

Sanctuary speaker system$3500-5000

12 Sanctuary flower stands

2 more vacuum cleaners$375. each

50th Anniversary Celebration of


Honor our Past - Celebrate our Present - Build our Future.

1959 - 2009

A celebration of the first 50 years of Christ Lutheran will take place in 2009. Between now and then there will be plenty of fun and fellowship for all to participate. Don’t wait for the anniversary celebration to have fun, be part of the activities that will lead up to the big celebration. Activities and opportunities to get involved need to be organized NOW so please take the time to fill out this form as soon as possible so we can form an Anniversary Team. We welcome everyone to contribute in this celebration in one way or another and we would like to hear your ideas.

____ Yes, I/we would be willing to serve on an Anniversary Team

____ Yes, I/we would be willing to chair/co-chair the Team

____ Yes, I would be willing to take on a specific job related to the celebration

such as:

 Food & Decorations  Invitations  Favors  Entertainment

 Video/Photography  Historian  Photo Directory  Scrapbook

 Logistics  Special Worship Service  Banquet Coordinator

 Commemorative Item Sales  Other

Name(s) ______

Phone: ______E-Mail:______

I would like to see the following included in our celebration: ______

Education Committee News

Thanks to all who participated in and helped with the Christmas play. We are still trying to find a time to show the video of it to all who are interested.


Helper for the three and four year old Sunday School class

  • Age 14 and up
  • Male or female – Grandmas and Grandpas would be great for this!
  • Sundays from 9:15 to 10:15 AM
  • Duties: to help children with craft activities and provide assistance to the teacher as needed.
  • Contact Crystal Ramhorst – 201-307-8991 or


  • Two people to co-chair the Family Breakfast/Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday

February’s Memory Verse

“A voice cries in the wilderness. ‘Prepare the way of the Lord!’”

Isaiah 40:3

Thinking About Joining Our Church?

Enquirers Group to Be Scheduled

Yes, there is free lunch (actually, dinner).

Are you thinking about becoming a more permanent part of our community of Christians at Christ Lutheran? Have you wondered what the basic emphases of a LutheranChurch are? Want to meet some other people who are interested in our Church?

Pastor is beginning a new enquirer’s class. The group will meet four times in the coming months at a time and day which suits everyone the best. The last meeting is a dinner at Pastor’s home together. No previous experience necessary. No one will be put on the spot. The class is fun, interesting, and you meet some really cool, normal, people.

The group is for people now wishing to join our church, or for people who simply want to hear more and decide later whether they join or not.

For more information, contact Pastor Peter.

Official Notice – Annual Meeting, February 10th

The annual Congregational Meeting of our congregation will be held at 10:30 am on Sunday, February 10th, 2008. There will be only one service at 9:15AM that Sunday. Child care will be provided. Food will not be served. The agenda includes: Election of Council members and various delegates, approval of the 2008 budget, minor constitutional changes, committee reports and old and new business.

PLEASE NOTE: This year’s annual written reports are available online at our web site:

First Communion Retreat

The next annual First Communion retreat is scheduled for Friday to Saturday, March 7-8, 2008. Students will learn what this Holy Sacrament is and have the opportunity to more deeply understand its power in our lives. They practice receiving the sacrament and have the opportunity to taste a sample of the bread and wine before they actually receive it at worship. The retreat is fun, meaningful, and very informative.

Students who complete the retreat will then receive their First Holy Communion on Easter Sunday, March 23rd.

Students here normally begin receiving Jesus’ Body and Blood in the fifth grade. However, they may begin to receive it at an earlier or later age depending upon the parents and Pastor. Parents who have any questions about enrolling their children in this retreat should contact Pastor Peter. Students need to complete the whole retreat and not arrive late or leave early.

At least two chaperons, one male and one female, are needed to participate in the retreat. If you are willing to participate with the students, please let Pastor Peter know.

As part of our hunger drive this year, we will again be collecting quarters and placing them end to end to see how far we can go.

We will be running the track inside the building this year and putting the quarters down on Palm Sunday!

Quarters can be brought in all during Lent and placed in the jar in the Narthex. Then, join us from 9:00–10:00 AM on Palm Sunday, March 16th to see how far we get. The dream is to get a mile of quarters . . .

Ash Wednesday, February 6th, 7:30 PM – Penitential Order of Service

Ashes (optional available)at the end of worshipfor those who desire them.

Succeeding Wednesdays during Lent, 7:30 PM

Service at the End of the Day (Compline)

With a weekly meditation on a petition of the Lord’s Prayer.

Giving Up Something for Lent

Many people find it spiritually meaningful to choose to omit something in their life for Lent. Some people give up a luxury –such as eating out, or a habit such as using credit cards, or a food or some other pleasurable thing. The idea is to make it noticeable by its “absence,” and perhaps to replace it with something else such as quiet or prayer or saving or giving it to others . . . Have you (and your children) considered giving something up for Lent this year? The “giving up” starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Palm Sunday (Holy Week is not considered a part of Lent.)

Pastor Peter

The Care Committee

Love is a Gift …. Share it with others –is the theme of our upcoming 2008 Lenten Hunger Appeal which will open on February 10 with our bake sale. In addition to our Sunday morning coffee hours and bake sales to be held in the narthex during February and March, we willsponsor the popular Quarter Mile on March 16 when the youth of CLC will line up quarters end to end in the sanctuary. Start saving those quarters now. There will be a glass jar in the narthex on Sunday mornings waiting to receive your quarters.

Our food drive to benefit the CFA is ongoing and during our Lenten Hunger Appeal we are asking for the following items most needed by their food pantry at this time:

Canned meat/fishCold (low sugar) cereals Canned tomatoes

Powdered milk or Parmalat Peanut butter & jellyCanned beans

100% fruit juiceCanned pastaToilet paper/Paper Towels

Plain riceCanned fruitDiapers size 3,4,5, 6

We will close our Lenten Hunger Appeal on Palm Sunday, March 16, with a Potluck Italian Festival which will feature Italian casseroles topped off with delicious desserts and Cappuccino. Start thinking now about your favorite Italian casserole and share it with your friends at CLC. Watch for details to follow in the Sunday bulletin and make your reservation early.

The Care Committee thanks the congregation for its support of our Love Tree during the Advent Season which raised $1,037. This money will help us continue our outreach to the congregation and the community. The Blanket Fund raised $185 which will be forwarded to Church World Services to purchase blankets for those who need them.

Mae Hulburt

From the Church Office


Ashley Ann Christensen

Daughter of Sarah and Neil Christensen

January 6, 2008

Check Out Our New Church Website

Log on to our church website, often to keep up with the

calendar and current news on ChristChurch.

Published by

Christ Lutheran Church

Member of the New Jersey Synod, ELCA

Rev. Dr. Peter J. Naschke, Pastor

The Rev. E. Roy Riley, Jr., Bishop

Pascack and Church Road

Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07677

Church Phone: 201-391-4224 – FAX: 201-391-0952 --

Paul Hulburt, Editor

Doris Crouse, Parish Secretary

February 2008

Dated Material—Please Deliver Promptly