Pilgrims Way AGM 2013 Reports

Pilgrims Way

Congregational and Methodist Church

AGM 2013 Reports

Sunday 17thNovember 2013 after morning service

Pilgrims Way, East Ham, London E6 1HW


Minister’s Report 3

Elders……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 4

Church Secretary………………………………………………………………………………………5



Junior Church……………………………………………………………………………………………8

Junior Mission For All 8

Wednesday Fellowship……………………………………………………………………………..9


Finance and Property…………………………......................................................10

Communion ……………………………………………………………………………………………11

Wed Coffee and Nearly New…………………………………………………………………..12

Minister’s Report

There have been a lot of deaths in our church family this year. We remember with love Clem Parkins, Em Green, Joan Carter, Janet Hand, Abena Nketiah and Enida Walters . We continue to pray for their family and friends – and for those of you whose loved ones have died “back home”.

A number of our congregation have also faced major health issues this year and we thank God especially for the strength and courage of Janice Carter, Sue Stinson and Geoff English and all who have supported them.

Our Church Membership was 107 last year and is now 104. This is due to three deaths (Janet, Abena and Enida); two transfers to another church (Pauline and Colin Rodway) and three new members (Judith, Joshua and Rachel).

One of the highlights for me this year has been our special services when we have hung the flags and celebrated some of the different countries represented in our congregation. The visit of the Nigerian Bishops was particularly memorable!

In Christian Aid Week we had a Coffee, Curry and Cake Cafe which we repeated at Harvest and will be part of the Christmas bazaar. We hope to run these on the last Saturday of every month, next year.

Some of us – especially on a Wednesday - are regular visits to the Barts Café where Sue Stinson works. This has deepened our relationship with our Anglican sisters and brothers – as has the joint Lent course. This ran during the Wednesday Fellowship this year as well as on Wednesday evening at St. Mary’s.

On a more personal note, I am thrilled that I have been re-invited to serve as your Minister until August 2019! Thank you all for your love and support, for your prayers, and for the many ways in which you inspire and encourage me!

Nicola Vidamour


This year Elders have helped whenever needed in the church. Briony moved away and Gillian Striesow stepped down but we still do have monthly elders meetings with our minister Nicola and also offer pastoral care.

Elders take communion to the house bound when we visit. This has been happening for the last few years and has been working well. We try and go in pairs. Those we visit feel they are part of the church and family by receiving communion. Some of us are unable to do visits but support Revd Nicola and the other elders.

Elders welcome people at church on Sundays and during the week, we pray with people and lead the weekly prayer meetings. We try and have one of us present at Junior Church Meetings and Bible Studies.

We have also prepared and taken part in ”own arrangement” worship services. We would be very pleased if more church members and young people offered to help take part in worship. (speak to us please) We pray with faith that our vision for the church will be fulfilled. We must all continue praying for each other and for the work of the church.

The Elders

Church Secretary

This year has flown by so quickly. A number of things have happened in the church, some joyful times and some sad times. We attended the church away day to Windsor, which was a blessing and the trip went well. We were also pleased to learn that Rev Nicola will be with the church for another five years. That’s another big blessing from above.

I must also mention that Janet Hand - one of our stronger members of the congregation has passed away - and also Enid Walters. For me personally this year has been a very difficult one. My husband of 36 years also passed away. This brings me back to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1-8.

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the heavens, a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and time to pluck what is planted, a time to kill and a time heal, a time to breakdown and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to cast away stones ,and a time to gather stones, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to gain and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and time to sew, a time to keep silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time to war and a time of peace.

With all of this I gently follow in the footsteps of the Almighty, as he speaks unto Joshua saying ”Have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you. ” Joshua chapter 1, verse 9

Thanks so much

Rosetta Parkins


This report covers the period between 1st April 2012 and 31st March 2013 (the financial year) rather than the Methodist Church year as this is the way my accounts are set up. During this time I held nine Sunday stalls at Pilgrims Way as well as two at Bazaars and occasionally sold some stock on weekdays. Six Sunday stalls were held at High Street South. I also supplied customer orders during the run up to Christmas and occasionally at other times.

The total stock purchased from Traidcraft in this financial year amounts to £1,241.57 and total sales £1,300.05, a gain of £87.68. This is the first year there has been a gain rather than a loss. However, the overall loss since starting the stall in 2010 stands at £686.56 of which £446.34 was due to start up costs incurred in stocking the stall. The church initially paid for the first Traidcraft order so that I could stock a good range of products. However I have since paid the church back that amount. All subsequent orders have been paid for by me.

The balance of the loss is down to my inexperience in knowing what goods will sell and which will not, and so in the first year or so I was left with a lot of unsold stock which had passed its Best Before Date. According to Traidcraft most Fairtraders operating in churches find that they rarely if ever make a profit once losses from out of date stock are taken into account. It is unlikely that much of this initial loss will ever be made up, and so during the next year I will decide whether to write off the deficit at the end of the next financial year in the hope that thereafter I will be in a position to start sending annual profits to Traidcraft’s sister charity, Traidcraft Exchange, which funds development work with small producers in developing countries.

Traidcraft Exchange, is the UK's only development charity specialising in making trade work for the poor. Established in 1986, it works to enable poor producers in Africa and Asia to grow their businesses, find markets, and engage effectively in trade.

The charity passionately believes that trade can provide opportunities for people to work their way out of poverty. Their development programmes are directly benefiting over two million people, and touching the lives of a further 24 million. Countless more people benefit from their policy and advocacy work.

Sue Jex

Coordinator’s Report

The running of the building continues to run smoothly. Over the last year Pilgrims Way were privileged to have received a generous donation from Jesus Miracle Ministries for refurbishment of the ladies toilets.

Apart from our regular groups, interest in the hiring of our facilities remains constant and it is sometimes very difficult to accommodate all of the many requests. We have welcomed a new group which is a Slovakian Church who worship here on a Tuesday evening. Before coming to the church they were having to travel to Gravesend to meet and are very pleased that they have found a place much closer to home

All groups have been paying higher prices since January 2013, and income from lettings has increased.

Liaison with Little Butterflies nursery is going well. They have stopped taking young babies into the nursery and are now concentrating on toddlers of two years plus. In order to meet their funder’s requirements they have recently fitted two toilets in what was the baby room. Solicitors are currently working on completing work for renewal of the lease, which will run for a further ten years.

All in all it has been a good year and things continue to work well.

Other groups which share our premises

· Little Butterflies Day Nursery

· Rainbows, Brownies, Guides

· Beavers, Cubs, Scouts

· Henshou Isshin-ryu Karate

· G K R Karate

· Tehillah Prophetic Ministries

· Jesus Miracle Ministries

· Foursquare Gospel Church

· House of Prayer

· Roma Group

· Holy City of God

· Walk a Mile in My Shoes

· Pensioners Tea Dance

· Slovakian Church


Debbie Cornelius-Powell

Community Centre Coordinator

Junior Church

During the past year Junior Church has struggled to exist due to staffing levels and the need to achieve sufficient leader ratio to children. Due to conflicting priorities leaders have left, some returned to church and others taking enforced absence due to ill health. The children have however continued to develop their faith and bible knowledge partaking in a school video, picnic in the Park and Bungee Jumping whilst attending the church away day to Windsor. Our Seniors have been to Brighton, led church services and I am sure you all recall at least one occasion during the year hearing the Junior Church sing Father Abraham. Should anyone wish to help in any way please feel free to speak to any of the Leaders.

Janet Hand

Due to secondary Breast Cancer, Janet was no longer to continue her work with Junior Church during 2012. Sadly she lost her fight to the disease early July this year.

Having attended Pilgrims Way as a child, attended Junior Church herself and been a leader for many years she is and will be greatly missed. Her dedication and commitment was an example to us all and she touched many children's lives sharing her faith and her family values with them. Both Stephanie and Hayleigh were blessed with her teaching and felt she was always there for them even after they had moved to Seniors and beyond.Continuing to remember her and the Family in our prayers we thank God for her life and service at Pilgrims Way . May she rest in Peace.

Sue Stinson- Junior Church Secretary

Junior Mission For All

Junior Mission for All (JMA) is a way children in the Methodist church support God's work and connect with the world through collecting and contributing money to support mission at home and abroad. JMA has a total of 17 children collectors and 7 Adult collectors supporting God's mission in Pilgrims Way Church. 3 children have joined in the last September. Our motto is: ''To learn, pray and serve with the world wide church of Jesus Christ''. This year, the JMA at Pilgrims Way Church celebrated its annual award during the Church Harvest Service. Total amount of money collected from Septerber 2012 - September 2013 was £277.58 (from our collectors) and £76.01 (Donations) which gives us a total of £353.68.

We are grateful to all our collectors and their parents who have supported the children to serve God through JMA. We are planning to raise some money through Christmas Carols. We hope the church will support us on this project if approved by the church /parents. Thank you for indulging with us and we pray that God will continue to furnish us unto good works and that our number will continue to increase. Amen. Kelechi Uneze-Ogu (Mrs.) JMA secretary

Wednesday Fellowship Report

During the last year we met every Wednesday afternoon except at holiday times. Our numbers have increased and there are usually 8 – 15 of us in the Chapel or the Myrtle Hall. We have had a varied programme and are grateful to speakers who are willing to spend an afternoon with us, to bring a Bible message or tell of their work , experiences and interests and maybe sing as well. Sometimes we have a ‘do it ourselves’ afternoon. In the summer we had a trip to see Briony and Gwen in the country, and in September a visit to the Friary in Balaam St. We usually meet in the Chapel at 2 o’clock, starting with a short service and ending with going to the Myrtle Hall at about 2.45 for tea and biscuits (and a chat ! ). There’s always a welcome for newcomers !

Diane Charman.

Flower Arrangers

A special thanks to Margaret Davies, (now moved away from London), who gave us a new container. Please send us your comments regarding flower arranging.

Thanks to Diane and Rose (Wednesday Fellowship), Thelma, Sister Sarah, Abigail and Dorothy for your contributions/donations and your time, producing lovely arrangements each week!

We need new vases and containers. All our containers are chipped and very old. Please, if anyone sees or has vases and containers at home we will appreciate it and we will pay its worth.

We have banked £250(2012). This year we managed (£230) cash in the bank and (£40.00) in hand.

A Big thanks to you all who have contributed/donated money and flowers.

Please join us if you can. We need more people for flower arranging, or you can donate flower/money for special occasions. All are welcome!