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Torture in Russia: Reference information on torture cases monitored
by Russian human rights NGOs
Out of 136 cases submitted by Russian human rights NGOs and monitored by the Public Verdict Foundation during the period July 2005 – July 2006, 70% or 95 cases are concerned with unlawful violence and abuse of citizens by agents of the state, and 10,5% (10) of them are cases which have already resulted in convictions.
The geography of torture include Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Chita Oblast, Ryazan Oblast, Moscow and Moscow Oblast, Kemerovo Oblast, Chuvashia Republic, Republic of North Osetia-Alania.
A review of these cases (detailed description of each case is attached below) leads us to a conclusion that in most cases, torture is used to: force a confession (in two cases), to force to comply with an unreasonable request, other cases included hazing among military conscripts (in two cases), seeking to demoralize, to humiliate, and to cause bodily injuries (in two cases), seeking to stop a journalist from legitimate professional activity (in one case), seeking to demonstrate power due to official position, combined with disrespect of individuals' constitutional rights (in two cases), and denial of a detainee’s legitimate request (in one case).
Torture was carried out: in an office at a police station (in two cases); elsewhere in a police station (in one case); in a public place (in one case); in the street (in one case), in motorway (in one case), in the army unit (in two cases), elsewhere in clinical hospital of ambulance (in one case).
The following objects were used as torture implements: electric shock (in one case), a rubber baton, handcuffs (in three cases), so-called ‘swallow’ (in one case), a gas mask (used to suffocate the victim in the so-called ‘elephant’ torture – in one case), baton with reflecting cat’s eye (in one case).
The methods of torture included: beating the victim (in six cases); tying the victim up and long keeping in a painful position (in one case); suffocation with a gas mask, transmission of electric discharge through the victim’s body (in one case); threat of rape, beating the victim with a rubber baton (in one case); striking the victim’s head with a baton with reflecting cat’s eye in motion (in one case).
In one case, torture was used against minors (under 18).
Below we describe two incidents of the most cruel and inhuman torture among all cases that we have analyzed.
On 28.10.2003, Stepanov was suspected of stealing cattle and delivered to Vershino-Darasunsky Police Station, Tungochensky District, by deputy chief of the said police station O. V. Ivanov and senior criminal police agent Yu. M. Khyazev.Stepanov denied his involvement in the theft of the cattle. Then the policemen decided they would beat a confession out of him. Stepanov’s sister later testified in the courtroom reporting the words of their father that before his death, Stepanov told the father how Ivanov and Knyazev knocked him down and started beating and kicking - they wore heavy boots - on his head and trunk. They did not stop at that and literally danced on his body. Stepanov still denied the theft, so they thought of another torture - they lifted him above the floor and dropped him down repeatedly. The torture continued for four hours, but Stepanov refused to confess, and was allowed to go home. At home he felt very ill, he could not sit up or lie down, and could only crawl on the floor. He suffered extreme thirst. A few hours after he came home from the police station, he died in the arms of his elderly father; the beating caused a blunt injury of his abdomen, resulting in ruptures of the mesentery and intestinal arteries.
On 10.09.1998, Ms. Urutina reported disappearance of her daughter M. Savelyeva to Bogorodskoye Police Office.A police investigation determined that on the night between 8 and 9 September 1998 Savelyeva was seen with Mikheyev and his friend Frolov.
On the same day, 10.09.1998, Mikheyev, a traffic patrol policeman, was apprehended and delivered to Bogorodskoye Police Office, where the police officers forged a report of administrative violation and used this pretext to keep Mikheyev detained in the Police Office between 11 and 16 September. Each day, officers of Bogorodskoye Police Office spent between 10 and 12 hours trying to force Mikheyev to confess having raped and killed Savelyeva. They insulted and hit him, threatening to use torture.
On 16.09.1998, Mikheyev was transferred to Leninsky District Office of Interior and taken into custody. Before 19.09.1998, criminal police agents of Leninsky District Office of Interior Kosterin and Somovhad only threatened Mikheyev with physical torture to force a confession of rape and killing, but on 19.09.1998, they took him to a room in the 3d floor and tortured him with electric shocks. They placed Mikheyev on a chair facing the back of the chair and handcuffed in the front. Kosterin attached electrodes connected to a power outlet, to the victim's ears. Another policeman held the victim down pressing on his shoulders. The torture was repeated several times every 10 seconds, with increasing intensity. Mikheyev was in great pain, and his muscles contracted involuntarily. For a while, Mikheyev lost the ability to think clearly, he did not see or hear what was going on around him. He confessed having raped and killed Savelyeva.
Then Mikheyev was taken to another room where a prosecutorial officer questioned him. Mikheyev told the prosecutorial investigator about the use of torture that had caused him to confess.
The prosecutorial officer, who had expected to hear a confession, called Kosterin and told him to take Mikheyev “back where you brought him from.” Kosterin brought Mikheyev to the same room as before, and the electric shocks continued.
Mikheyev screamed from pain, then he could no longer stand the torture; he jumped up from the chair, climbed on a desk, and rushed out of the window, breaking the glass. He fell hitting his back on a motorcycle cradle, which resulted in fracture of the first lumbar vertebra, lower spinal cord compression, contusion and crushing, disrupted function of pelvic organs, paralysis of lower extremities, and temporal bruising
To conceal the use of torture and to discourage the victims from pursuing their rights and demanding an investigation, police officers used the following methods:repeated denial to open a criminal case (in three cases), falsified expert conclusion (in one case).
Harm done to the torture victims included: death (in two cases); serious damage to health (in two cases); medium damage to health (in one case); minor damage to health (in one case). In two cases, there were no physical damage to health.
The following officials used torture (and were convicted): head of district investigation department; twocriminal police detectives; senior criminal police detective;two deputy heads of police station; commanding officer in an alcohol detox center; head of group in district convoy department of police station; commanding officer of convoy department; officer driver of the Patrol Police Service; soldier; traffic police inspector, precinct police officer.
The time that elapsed between the complaint to law enforcement authorities and the conviction of the perpetrators (see tables below): in Kabakov case - more than 18 months, in Mikheev case – more than 7 years, in Shoikin case – more than 5 months, in Sankin case – more than 4 years, in Stepanov case – more than 2,5 years, in Berezin case – more than 2 years, on Gulin case – more than 1 month, in Dubrovinski case – more than 4 months, in Sorokin case– more than 2 months, in Kirii case – more than 4 months.
In the reviewed torture cases, a total of 13 law enforcement officers:
- imprisonment – 10;
- parole – 3
In 6 cases, an additional punishment was imposed – the convicts were banned from police service for a certain period.
In response to the victims’ claims for compensation of moral and material harm caused by police abuse, the courts imposed the following damages:
- 54000 rubles (approx 1,570 Euro) as a compensation of material damage;
- 246000 rubles (approx 7,200 Euro) as a compensation of moral harm.
In accordance with the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Mikheyev v. Russiathe Russian Federation paid to Mikheyev 120000 Euro as a compensation of moral harm and 130000 Euro as a compensation of material damage.
Detailed description of the analyzed cases
1 / Victim / Mikheyev / Geography:Nizhny Novgorod
Name of the regional HR NGO providing the information and legal support of the case:
The Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Committee against Torture
Name of the case
file in the Foundation:
Mikheyev / Story:
Criminal police agents of Leninsky District, Nizhny Novgorod, Somov and Kosterin, forcing Mikheyev to confess rape and murder, tortured him with electric shocks. / Perpetrators:
Somov – head of District Police Criminal Investigation Unit
Kosterin - criminal police agent of the District Police Office / The victim complained to the law enforcement authorities on
The judgment of the Leninsky District Court, Nizhny Novgorod:
On 30.11.2005, Somov and Kosterin were convicted under Art. 286 part 3 par. ‘a’ of the Criminal Code and sentenced to four years of prison, with a prohibition of serving in the law enforcement for three years.
Purpose: / Place: / Instruments: / Methods of torture: / Cover-up methods: / Bodily injuries:
to force a crime confession / Service office at a police station / Handmade electric power generator / Electric shock, verbal threats of rape / Repeated, unfounded denial of requests to prosecute / Compression fracture of the first lumbar vertebra; crushing of spinal cone; paralysis of lower extremities; temporal bruising
2 / Victim / Sankin / Geography:
Nizhny Novgorod
Name of the regional HR NGO providing the information and legal support of the case:
The Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Committee against Torture
Name of the case file in the Foundation
Sankin / Story:
Sankin was detained and delivered to a police station as an administrative suspect. While in the police station, he asked the officers to explain the reasons for his detention, but they reacted by beating him. He lost consciousness and was then tied up. / Perpetrators:
Guganov -chief of the District Police squad attached to the Alcohol Detox Clinic
Ageyev - chief of the District Police Escort Group / The victim complained to the law enforcement authorities on
The judgment:
On 22.12.2005, Ageyev and Guganov were convicted and sentenced under art. 286 par. a, b; 111 part 3 a, b to five years and six months of prison each.
Purpose: / Location: / Instruments: / Torture methods: / Cover-up methods: / Bodily injuries:
to force compliance with unlawful demands / Police station / None / Beating and kicking on the trunk, tying up in an uncomfortable position / Unfounded denial of request to prosecute / Closed cranio-cerebral injury, brain concussion, bruising of the face, trunk and extremities
3 / Victim / Kabakov / Geography:
Chita Oblast
Name of the regional HR NGO providing the information and legal support of the case:
Regional NGO
“The Chita Human Rights Center”
Name of the case file in the Foundation
Kabakov / Story:
On 15.03.2004, police officer N. Chistyakov stopped Kabakov in 1st Kashtakskaya St. in Chita; Kabakov was driving his neighbor Pulyaev's Zhiguli car, which the policemen suspected to be stolen. He escorted Kabakov and the car to Pulyaev's house, and there the policeman had a verbal quarrel with Kabakov, leading to a physical fight. Chistyakov hit and kicked Kabakov many times on the trunk and on the head, causing serious injuries, which resulted in the victim’s death on 20.03.2004. / Perpetrators:
Chistyakov – Escort Police Unit Commander, Department of Interior, Chita Oblast / The victim complained to the law enforcement authorities on
The judgment:
On 13 September 2005, the Central District court of Chita sentenced Chistyakov under art. 11 part 4 of the Criminal Code to six year of prison.
The court partially satisfied a civil claim for damages by awarding RUR 200,000 to be paid by Chistyakov.
On 19.12.2005, an appeal court reversed the judgment and sent the case file back to be considered by other judges of the same court.
On 12.07.2006, the Central District court of Chita sentenced Chistyakov under art. 111 part 4 of the Criminal Code to five years of prison. The damages award remained the same.
Purpose: / Place: / Instruments / Methods of torture: / Cover-up methods: / Bodily injuries:
To inflict serious damage to health / In the street / None / Beating and kicking on the body / None / Blunt chest trauma, injuries of the head and soft tissues of extremities, fractured ribs, crushed nose.
4 / Victim / Berezin / Geography:
Chita Oblast, Darasun settlement
Name of the regional HR NGO providing the information and legal support of the case:
Regional NGO
“The Chita Human Rights Center”
Name of the case file in the Foundation
Berezin / Story:
On 24.07.2003, underaged Berezin drove his motorcycle at 50-60 km/hour past a traffic police car in Darasun, Chita Oblast; the cyclist did not wear a helmet. Suddenly, police officer Shikhardin rushed from behind the police car and hit the cyclist on the head with a traffic baton, without any apparent reason. / Perpetrators:
Shikhardin – police officer, Patrol Unit, Karym District Office of Interior, Chita Oblast / The victim complained to the law enforcement authorities on 11.08.2003
The judgment:
On 18.07.2005, Karym District Court in Chita Oblast convicted the perpetrator under art. 286 part 3 par. ‘a’ of the Criminal Code to three year of probation, and banned him for two years from holding certified positions with law enforcement agencies.
Purpose: / Place: / Instruments / Methods of torture: / Cover-up methods: / Bodily injuries:
To inflict bodily injuries / Highway / Traffic baton with a reflective plate / Hitting on the head with a traffic baton / None / Abrasion of the left parietal protuberance; bruising of the left temporal area;
no permanent damage to health
5 / Victim / Gulin / Geography:
Moscow Oblast, Leninsky District
Name of the regional HR NGO providing the information and legal support of the case:
Society, Ryazan
Name of the case file in the Foundation
Gulin / Story:
On 31.12.2005, around 2 p.m. military conscript Gulin was in the barracks of Military Unit 36782 artillery division. Conscript Tishibaev reprimanded Gulin for poor performance of military service, but Gulin did not respond. Then Tishibaev hit Gulin with a fist in the left lower back, causing serious damage: closed blunt trauma of the abdomen and spleen rupture. / Perpetrators:
Tishibaev – military conscript / The victim complained to the law enforcement authorities on
The judgment:
On 27 February 2006, Garrison Military Court 235 sentenced the perpetrator under art.335 part 3 of the Criminal Code to two years of prison.
The court partially satisfied Gulin’s civil claim for damages by awarding RUR 40,000
Purpose: / Place: / Instruments: / Methods of torture: / Cover-up methods: / Bodily injuries:
To cause bodily injuries for failure to comply with an unlawful order / Barracks of the artillery division,
Military Unit 61899 / None / Hitting in the lower back / None / Closed blunt trauma of the abdomen and spleen rupture.
6 / Victim / Dubrovinsky / Geography:
Novosibirsk - 86
Name of the regional HR NGO providing the information and legal support of the case:
Society, Ryazan
Name of the case file in the Foundation
Dubrovinsky / Story:
Between June 14 and 24, 2005, Levoishin, seeking a privileged status among other servicemen and better service conditions, repeatedly forced Dubrovinsly, through intimidation and beating, to comply with his unlawful orders, insisting on total and unconditional submission. As a result of the sustained abuse, Dubrovinsky suffered chronic frustration, which, combined with his personality characteristics, caused him to commit suicide. On 25.06.2005, Dubrovinsky hanged himself in the toilet of the Military Unit 44238 barracks. / Perpetrators:
Levoishin – squad commander / The victim complained to the law enforcement authorities on
5 July 2005
The judgment:
on 22 December 2005, the perpetrator was sentenced under art. 286 part 3 par. a, 335 part 1 to three years and six months of prison, and banned from command positions for two years and six months.
Purpose: / Place: / Instruments / Methods of torture: / Cover-up methods: / Bodily injuries:
Seeking a privileged position and better service conditions / Barracks of a Military Unit / None / Beating and kicking on the trunk, degrading treatment, humiliation, subjecting the victim to sustained psychological trauma / None / Prolonged, systematic abuse caused Dubrovinsky to commit suicide
7 / Victim / Sorokin / Geography:
Chuvashia Republic, Cheboksary
Name of the regional HR NGO providing the information and legal support of the case:
Shield and Sword NGO
Name of the case file in the Foundation
Sorokin / Story:
On 25.01.2005, around 9 p.m. criminal police agent of Kalininsky District Office of Interior, Cheboksary, while on duty in his office, used unwarranted, excessive force against detained administrative offender Zemlemerov, hitting him many times on the head and trunk with a rubber baton, because Zemlemerov expressed his upset at being brought to the police station. At the same time, Sorikin, who was brought to the same police station for an ID check and saw the beating of Zemlemerov, made a comment about it to Yegorov and deputy chief of the police station Gorodnov. Gorodnov responded by hitting Sorokin in the head and knocking him down, Yegorov and Gorodnov hit and kicked Sorokin lying on the floor on his head and trunk. As a result, they caused physical pain to Zemlemerov and moderate damage to Sorokin. / Perpetrators:
Yegorov – criminal police agent
Gorodnov – deputy chief of police station / The victim complained to the law enforcement authorities on
May 16, 2005
The judgment:
On 11 July 2005, the Kalininsky District court of Cheboksary, Chuvashia Republic, sentenced Gorondov under art. 286 part 3 par. ‘a’ of the Criminal Code to three years and six months of probation, with a prohibition of serving in the law enforcement for two years.
Yegorov was sentenced under art. 286 part3 par. ‘a’,‘b’ of the Criminal Code to four years of probation, with a prohibition of serving in the law enforcement for two years.
Purpose: / Place: / Instruments / Methods of torture: / Cover-up methods: / Bodily injuries: