The Lord’s Day

February 5, 2017

Enter to Worship. . .

Welcome and Announcements 9:45 A.M.

Sunday School

Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.

Call to Worship Praise Him! Praise Him! #227


Offering The Solid Rock #406

Choir Music City of Gold #45

Heaven’s Jubilee #66

Fellowship of the Congregation




. . . Depart to Serve

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Tommy Dotson today!

ALL SCRIP ORDERS are due to JoAnn Townsend today.

THE BAPTIST WOMEN meeting for February has been postponed until next Sunday evening at 6:00 P.M. Wilma Sutherland is the hostess this month.

NEXT SUNDAY, there will be a special potluck lunch following the Worship Service in honor of our Pastor’s birthday. Bring your favorite dish and stay for a good meal and fellowship. There will be a basket for birthday cards for our Pastor.

THIS MORNING AFTER THE WORSHIP SERVICE, a love offering will be taken at the back door for the Christian Outreach Center. This is a mission of our Three Forks Association that assists over 100 families each week with groceries and over 300 school children each week with backpacks filled with food.

DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE who needs prayer, an encouraging phone call, a visit or an uplifting card in the mail? Write their name and information on a C.A.R.E. card! The cards are in the back of each pew and you can drop completed cards in the offering plate or in the box at the back of the church.

MISSIONS DAY IS Sunday, February 19. In lieu of Sunday school, there will be a special breakfast in the fellowship hall at 10:00 A.M. The Baptist Men and Baptist Women groups will share during that time. Lisa Taylor, an International Mission Board missionary to Peru, will speak during the Worship Service. Don’t miss this special day of celebrating God’s work locally and around the world.

Opportunities for Worship This Week

Today No Services this evening

Monday Evening Ladies Prayer Time 5:30 P.M.

Wednesday Evening Adult Bible Study 7:00 P.M.

Children in Action 7:00 P.M.

Friday Morning Men’s Prayer Time 6:00 A.M.