Schoolwide FlexibilityTEMPLATES
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“The purpose of this title is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.” Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), Section 1001. Statement of Purpose.
To complete the Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility process, the following requirements must be in place:
- Title I, Part A funds must be used to address specific educational needs of the school(s) identified by the Comprehensive Needs Assessment(s), articulated in the Title I, Part A Schoolwide Plan(s), and approved in the Consolidated Application budget(s);
- The Title I, Part A Schoolwide program must meet the intent and purposes of Title I, Part A;
- The use of Title I, Part A funds must be governed by the cost principles in Part 200, Subpart E of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR);
- The LEA must account for and track Title I, Part A funds separately (recordkeeping requirements do not change); and
- The LEA and each school must continue to complete the Program Evaluation Tool Diagnostic in AdvancED/ASSIST.
A school operating a Title I, Part A SchoolwideProgram must identify how it intends to meet the intent and purposes of Title I, Part A-fundedstrategies and activities. The following information provides purpose statements and then an example to illustrate how a Title I, Part A SchoolwideProgram can meet the intent and purposes of Title I, Part A.
Title I, Part A
Source: Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title I, Part A; 20 U.S.C. 6301-6339, 6571-6578
The purpose of this title is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. This purpose can be accomplished by —
(1) ensuring that high-quality academic assessments, accountability systems, teacher preparation and training, curriculum, and instructional materials are aligned with challenging State academic standards so that students, teachers, parents, and administrators can measure progress against common expectations for student academic achievement;
(2) meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children in our Nation’s highest-poverty schools, limited English proficient children, migratory children, children with disabilities, Indian children, neglected or delinquent children, and young children in need of reading assistance;
(3) closing the achievement gap between high- and low-performing children, especially the achievement gaps between minority and nonminority students, and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers;
(4) holding schools, local educational agencies, and States accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students, and identifying and turning around low-performing schools that have failed to provide a high-quality education to their students, while providing alternatives to students in such schools to enable the students to receive a high-quality education;
(5) distributing and targeting resources sufficiently to make a difference to local educational agencies and schools where needs are greatest;
(6) improving and strengthening accountability, teaching, and learning by using State assessment systems designed to ensure that students are meeting challenging State academic achievement and content standards and increasing achievement overall, but especially for the disadvantaged;
(7) providing greater decision-making authority and flexibility to schools and teachers in exchange for greater responsibility for student performance;
(8) providing children an enriched and accelerated educational program, including the use of schoolwide programs or additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time;
(9) promoting schoolwide reform and ensuring the access of children to effective, scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content;
(10) significantly elevating the quality of instruction by providing staff in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development;
(11) coordinating services under all parts of this title with each other, with other educational services, and, to the extent feasible, with other agencies providing services to youth, children, and families; and
(12) affording parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.
The LEA is not required to demonstrate that activities supported at the school-level with Title I, Part A are supplemental to ones that would otherwise be provided by the LEA as long as the requirements above are met and the following Templates are completed and attached to the Consolidated Application in the Michigan Electronic Grants System Plus (MEGS+) under View/Edit, Attachments –Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility Documents:
- Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility Template 1 – Guiding Questions
- Methodology is not required for submission
- Assurance Regarding Supplement, Not Supplantcheck is required for submission
- Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility Template 2 – Supplemental Funds Test
- An example of a Methodology test that may be uploaded, but is not required for submission
- Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility Template 3 – Meeting Intent and Purposes of Title I, Part A
- Submission required
Contact your OFS Regional Consultantat 517-373-4004 with any questions.
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Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility Template 1 – Guiding QuestionsINSTRUCTIONS
LEAs must demonstrate that the methodology used to allocate State and local funds to each Title I school ensures that such school receives ALL of the State and local funds it would otherwise receive if it were not receiving assistance under Title I. The Guiding Questions below are provided to help LEAs lead discussions to determine if the test of Supplement, not Supplant has been met. LEAs are NOT required to submit the questions. The questions are for discussion purposes only. Once LEAs decide that they have met the Supplement, not Supplant requirement; check the Assurance Regarding Supplement,Not Supplant box below and upload in MEGS+.
District Code, LEA Name and School Building Name:Date Completed:
Guiding Questions to Consider:
- State Aid/Local Tax Revenue:
- Is the school receiving less State Aid/Local Tax Revenue than 2015-16? If “yes”, why? If “no”, skip to question 2.
- If answered “yes” to question 1a, what cuts to the basic instructional program occurred to compensate for the loss in State Aid/Local Tax Revenue?
- How is the LEA ensuring that:
- The school is receiving enough State Aid/Local Tax Revenue to fund the basic instructional program?
- The school is receiving an equitable share of State Aid/Local Tax Revenue as compared to other buildings in the same LEA?
Assurance Regarding Supplement,Not Supplant
The LEA agrees that it can demonstrate that the methodology used to allocate State and local funds to each Title I school ensures that such school receives all of the State and local funds it would otherwise receive if it were not receiving assistance under Title I.
Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility Template 2 –Supplemental Funds TestINSTRUCTIONS
List all of the following information for the District and all schools for three years.
Completed by the business Office
District Code and LEA Name:Date Completed:
Distribution of Funding Across the LEA
Total Enrollment (FTEs) / Per-Pupil Amount / LEA Revenue/Allocation / LEA-Level Reservations / Percent
LEA-Level Reservations / Administration* / Percent Administration* / Indirect Costs* / Percent
Indirect Costs*
2016-17 Estimated LEA-Level
2016-17 Estimated State Aid/Local Revenue / $ / $
2016-17 Estimated Title I, Part A / $ / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
2015-16 Actual LEA-Level
2015-16 Actual State Aid/Local Revenue / $ / $
2015-16 Actual Title I, Part A / $ / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
2014-15 Actual LEA-Level
2014-15 Actual State Aid/Local Revenue / $ / $
2014-15 Actual Title I, Part A / $ / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
Note: As reported in the Financial Infrastructure Database (FID) or MEGS+
* 10% Cap on Administration + Indirect Costs
District Code and LEA Name:Date Completed:
Distribution of Funding Across the LEA – Sample 1
Description / School Name / School Name / School Name / School Name / School Name / School Name / School Name / School Name / School Name / Total Revenue
2016-17 Estimated State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
2016-17 Estimated Percent State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2016-17 Estimated Title I, Part A School Allocation * / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
2016-17 Estimated Percent Title I, Part A School Allocation * / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2015-16 Actual State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
2015-16 Actual Percent State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2015-16 Actual Title I, Part A School Allocation * / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
2015-16 Estimated Percent Title I, Part A School Allocation * / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2014-15 Actual State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
2014-15 Actual Percent State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2014-15 Actual Title I, Part A School Allocation * / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
2014-15 Estimated Percent Title I, Part A School Allocation * / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
Note: As reported in the Federal Infrastructure Database (FID) or MEGS+
* 10% Cap on Administration + Indirect Costs
The Total Revenue column across all Schools should equal the Total LEA Revenue/Allocation column in the prior Table.
District Code and LEA Name:Date Completed:
Distribution of Funding Across the LEA – Sample 2
Description / 2016-17 Estimated State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / 2016-17 Estimated Percent State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / 2016-17 Estimated Title I, Part A School Allocation * / 2016-17 Estimated Percent Title I, Part A School Allocation * / 2015-16 Estimated State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / 2015-16 Estimated Percent State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / 2015-16 Estimated Title I, Part A School Allocation * / 2015-16 Estimated Percent Title I, Part A School Allocation * / 2014-15 Estimated State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / 2014-15 Estimated Percent State Aid/Local Tax Revenue / 2014-15 Estimated Title I, Part A School Allocation * / 2014-15 Estimated Percent Title I, Part A School Allocation *
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
School Name / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
Total Revenue / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / % / $ / %
Note: As reported in the Federal Infrastructure Database (FID) or MEGS+
*10% Cap on Administration + Indirect Costs
The Total Revenue column across all Schools should equal the Total LEA Revenue/Allocation column in the prior Table.
Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility Template 3 – Meeting Intent and Purposes ofTitle I, Part A- Complete an Intent and Purposes Statement for eachschool participating inTitle I, Part A SchoolwideFlexibility. Attach the completed Template to the Consolidated Application in MEGS+ under View/Edit, Attachments – Title I, Part A Schoolwide Flexibility Documents.
- Provide a summary of how the Intent and Purposes will be met for Title I, Part Aor copy and paste a description from your School Improvement Plan that provides a description of how the Intent and Purposes will be met.
- Refer to the Resources section aboveto read the Intent and Purposes for Title I, Part A.
District Code, LEA Name and School Building Name:
Date Completed:
Describe How the Intent and Purposesfor Title I, Part A Will Be Met By the School
Intent and Purposes Statement
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