Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) Proposal
PROCESS AND CHECKLIST(for complete details on the process, see the Faculty Handbook)
- Departments/Programs develop and approvethe proposal.
- Departments/Programs send all materials to the appropriate College/School Curriculum Committee.
Materials must include as part of one WORD document:
Proposal Form
Sample syllabus that addresses these questions:
- What are the course learning objectives?
- How will the course be organized?
- What major topic areas will be covered?
- What work will students be expected to do?
- How will students be assessed?
Core Curriculum Committee Form for courses intended to apply to a core area (if applicable)
Completed IRT New Course Information Form
Memo from the Chair of each affected Department confirming the department has brought the matter to relevant faculty and providing a summary of the department’s thoughts on the issue (if applicable)
- College/School Curriculum Committee deliberates and votes on the proposal. If approved, the proposal is subject to the college/school consent procedure.
- If the proposal passes college/school consent, the College/SchoolCurriculum Committee forwards the materials to Undergraduate Studies (Erica Berglund, Administrative Assistant), who distributes the proposal to other college/school curriculum committees for a feedback period of 20 class days.
- At the end of the comment period, the UCC considers the proposal. For courses intended to apply to the core, the CCC first considers the proposal and then forwards it to the UCC.
- Approved proposals go out on university-wide faculty consent.
- Proposals that pass faculty consent are forwarded to the Registrar for implementation.
NOTE: When a proposal reaches the UCC (after the college/school approves), progress can be tracked on the UCC Sharepoint document site.
Go tothe next page to begin completing the form, starting with the “Banner and Catalog” section.
1. Name of Person Submitting Proposal:(insert answer here in non-bold font)
2. Department/Program: (insert answer here in non-bold font)
3. NameofDepartment/ProgramChair: (insert answer here in non-bold font)
4. DateSubmitted: (insert answer here in non-bold font)
5a. Proposed Catalog Year for Change: (Note: catalog changes are made once per year during summer. Proposals approved in one academic year will typically go into effect the following academic year.) (insert answer here in non-bold font)
5b. Proposed Effective Date for DegreeWorks Update:(If the change benefits students and if there is a compelling reason that DegreeWorks should be updated prior to the catalog updates that occur in summer, please indicate the proposed date, the students whose DegreeWorks record should be updated (e.g. student cohort groups), and a rationale for why a change to DegreeWorks should precede the catalog update. Please note: Unless the change being proposed will affect large numbers of students, substitutions can be used to make adjustments to individual student degree evaluations (requirements).)(insert answer here in non-bold font)
6. Course title as it will appear in the catalog: (insert answer here in non-bold font)
7. Course title as it will appear in Banner (limit to 30 characters including spaces)
8. Course Subject and Number (Please contact the Registrar for determining available course numbers): (insert answer here in non-bold font)
9. Course description as it will appear in the catalog: (insert answer here in non-bold font)
10. Prerequisites or test scores required (if applicable): (insert answer here in non-bold font)
11. Other course restrictions (if applicable): (e.g. course is restricted to a certain major or level of student) (insert answer here in non-bold font)
12. Number of credits for the course: (insert answer here in non-bold font)
13. What is the default grade mode? (please put an ‘x’ next to the type of change)
(‘x’ here) / Grade ModeStandard letter (S)
Strict pass/fail (R)
SDR grading where a D converts to an R (P)
SDR grading where a D remains a D (D)
14. What is the CIP code?(insert answer here in non-bold font)
Note: the CIP code may be found at this web address:
15. Can this course be taken for credit more than once? If so how many times? (insert answer here in non-bold font)
16. Where does this course fit within a major(s) or minor(s)? (e.g. requirement, elective, allied requirement, etc.?) (insert answer here in non-bold font)
17. Is this course intended to meet a core-area requirement, and, if so, which one? (If yes, attach the completed Core Curriculum Form to the bottom of this document.)
Go to the next page for the “Rationale” section.
18. Provide a rationale for the new course that includes its purpose, a needs analysis, its contribution to the St. Thomas mission, etc.
(insert answer here in non-bold font)
19. What is the relationship of the new course to existing courses at St. Thomas?
(insertanswer here in non-bold font)
20. Were any significant issues raised about this course during the department’s discussion? If so, please describe.(insert answer here in non-bold font)
21. Were any significant issues raised about this course when consulting with other affected departments? Please describe and attach documentation below.(insert answer here in non-bold font)
Go to the next page for the “Resources” section.
22. How will the coursebe staffed?(insert answer here in non-bold font)
23. How often will the course be offered? (insert answer here in non-bold font)
24. What is the estimated enrollment for the course and the basis for this estimate?(insert answer here in non-bold font)
25. What are the estimated costs of the course?(insert answer here in non-bold font)
26. What additional resources, if any, are needed, and what is the availability of those resources (e.g. special labs/classrooms, special equipment/software, library holdings, etc.)? (insert answer here in non-bold font)
- Sample syllabus
- Correspondence with other departments/programs (if applicable)
- Core Curriculum Form (for courses intended to apply to a core area)