Native American Crafts

Brandi Adair, Rm. # 1, Planning Period- 4th Block, Phone # (918) 781-3340, 2 arts required and this may also be used as an elective, or a Native American Studies, which is required. This is a full semester class, with no Prerequisites.

Course Description

Native American Crafts a study of the history and crafts of Native Americans past and present, and an overview of the elements of art. Students will experience making original works of art using various Native craft media. An overview of the principles of art will also be learned.

Purpose of the Course

Students are required to take two art courses before graduation. This can also fill an elective requirement. This class will increase your ability to

manipulate your hands in order to create original art. This class will also help you to express yourself in new ways, and learn more about cultural connection to art.

Course Objectives

1.  To learn basic art terms, in order to speak knowledgeably about the subject of art.

2.  Know the elements and principles of art and be able to use them in artwork.

3.  Make a connection between art and culture and history.

4.  Create original two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art from imagination and observation.

5.  Create a portfolio with students’ own original works of art.

6.  Use different types of media.

7.  Appreciate art as a means of self-expression, for themselves or others, and will respect other student artwork.

8.  Demonstrate thoughtfulness and care in creating artwork.

Outline of Course Content

1.  As a class we will go through each element of art and learn how to effectively use each within the 1st semester. The principles of art will be covered in the second semester.

2.  Students will learn several different crafts that are made by several different tribes.

Instructional Materials

Earth Makers Lodge Textbook, and various art materials. Students are responsible for items checked out to them.

Instructional Procedures

1.  Lecture is a small, but necessary part of the class. When I am lecturing from book, or giving instruction please listen respectfully.

2.  This is a hands-on participating class. In fairness, I can in no way grade you on your talent, but I will grade you on the effort you make. I am teaching techniques not self-expression, so following directions is a must.

3.  Students must be resourceful with art materials, and everything in your art box is your responsibility.

Performance Activities

1.  Test will be taken after each technique or group of techniques are finished. They will be based on the textbook and techniques learned in class.

2.  Students will earn 20 points daily for being in class, bringing materials needed, and participating. If you miss class for any reason these points will not be earned, unless you make it up in encore or after school. Arrangements to make up a class period must be made within five days of students return to school.

3.  In order for your work to be graded it must be handed in the correct basket or


Timetable for Completion of Activities and Assignments

1.  Students will have one week from the return to class to complete all make up work when absent.

2.  Due dates for work varies and will be posted by project in class.

Evaluation of Student Achievement of Proficiencies

1.  All students will be graded based on the criteria that I put on each assignment,

And that the student followed directions.

2. Students will be given a grade sheet weekly, and it needs to be signed by a parent and returned.