Recreation in Peru: Where You Live Determines What Activities Are Available
Curriculum Unit: 2016 Fulbright Hayes Seminars Abroad Program Peru
Susan Murphy
Library Media Specialist
Grades 6-8
Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School
Coventry Public Schools
Coventry, RI
– Desired ResultsTeacher: Susan Murphy
Unit Title: Recreation in Peru: Where You Live Determines What Activities Are Available
Grade Level: Grade 8/ 28 students
Content Social Studies
Time Period 2 weeks-10 60 minute class periods
Where you live in Peru determines what you do for recreation.
Peru is divided into three distinct geographic regions: the narrow, dry coastal plain (costa) in the west; the tropical lowlands (selva) of the Amazon Basin to the east; and the high mountains (sierra) of the Andes roughly in the center. The Andes rise to elevations of 22,000 feet (6,706 meters). Forests, principally in the Andes and the Amazon Basin, cover more than half of the country.
Few of the world’s countries can offer anything remotely as varied, rugged and stunningly beautiful as Peru when it comes to ecotourism, trekking, mountain biking and river rafting. Apart from possessing extensive areas of wilderness, Peru has the highest tropical mountain range in the world, plus the Amazon rainforest and a long Pacific coastline, all offering different opportunities for outdoor activities and adventure.
Established Goals
Unit Objectives
Students will understand the three major regions of Peru through investigating Peru through the Five Themes of Geography. The Five Themes were developed by the National Council for Geographic Education to provide an organizing framework for the presentation of geographic materials.
The Five Themes are:
- Location: Position on the Earth's Surface:Assign relative and absolute location
significant characteristics of "place"
3. Environment Interactions: Shaping the Landscape. Describe a region
in terms of culture, physical features, trade, industry
4. Movement: Humans Interacting on the Earth. List reasons why
migrations and trade are key events
5. Regions: How They Form and Explain two significant
human-environment interactions
Common Core State Standards:
CC6-8RH/SS2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions
CC6-8RH/SS7 Integrate visual information(e.g. in pictures, charts, graphs, photographs, videos or maps) with other information in print and digital texts
CC6-8SL4 present claims and findings, emphasizing select points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume and clear pronunciation
CC6-8SL5 Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest
Information Literacy Standards: (American Association of School Libraries AASL)
2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real world situations, and further investigations
2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.
2.1.5 Collaborate with others to exchange ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions and solve problems.
Global Competency Student Capacities: (Asia Society)
1. Investigate the world beyond their immediate environment, framing significant problems and conducting well-crafted and age-appropriate research.
2. Recognize perspectives, others’ and their own, articulating and explaining such perspectives thoughtfully and respectfully.
3. Communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences, bridging geographic, linguistic, ideological, and cultural barriers.
4. Take action to improve conditions, viewing
1. Students will understand similarities and differences between themselves and children of Peru.
2. Students will recognize and value the experiences of children from Peru.
3. Students will understand that the physical environment that people live in affects their daily lives
4. Learning about the lives of other people will help students develop empathy, respect and understanding.
- All students in Peru live in the same environment.
- All Peruvians have access to the same technology.
- Students in the United States don’t have much in common with students in Peru.
How does geographic location (land and climate) determine how people live?
What can I learn from other people?
The Five Themes of Geography help answer these questions:
• Location: Where is it located?
• Place: What's it like there?
• Human/Environment Interaction: What is the relationship between humans and their environment
• Movement: How and why are places connected with one another?
• Regions: How and why is one area similar to another? No one theme can be understood without the others. The themes are conn
Students will know
that where you lives determines the type and quality of housing, what you wear, what you eat on a regular basis, availability and quality of schools, music and recreational activities. / Students will be able to
identify the different climates in Peru and draw conclusions about the effects of climate and geography on the people who live there.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks
- Students will identify the three distinct regions of Peru
- Students will be able to describe the different climates in Peru
paragraph on each distinct geographic
area including at least three
features of each one of the
- Students will effectively research what students living in different climates in Peru do for recreation
contribute to the group Google
Slideshow including (a) information and
images identifying sports, music,
dancing, cooking and other recreational
(b) including notes with slides
with information to accompany slide
(c) including sources in Works
Cited Slide(s) at end of group’s slide
. / Other Evidence:
1.Form B: Graphic Organizer/Research Log
Students will complete a graphic organizer with information learned through research using databases such as Culture Grams, World Book and EBSCO as well as pre selected websites and magazine articles.
2. Form C: Compare and Contrast Venn Diagram on
sports activities in Peru and United States
4. Form D: Project Rubric
Research/Works Cited/Google Slide
Students in groups of 3 will study the 3
major regions of Peru.* Each group will
each produce 5 slides on their region
Slide 1: Name of region, map of region
with important locations labeled
Slide 2: Recreation activity and why it
is popular
Slide 3: Recreation activity and why it
is popular
Slide 4: Recreation activity and why it
is popular
Slide 5:: Recreation activity and why it
is popular
Slide 6:: Recreation activity and why it
is popular
Slide 7:Recreation activity and why it
is popular
Slide 8: Works Cited Sources
Slide 9/10:Works Cited Sources if needed
*one group of 4 students
5. Extension Activities.
- Questions for other students in class
- Email students at 2 schools in Peru
Julio Eduardo Castillo Aranda
English Development Coordinator
San Antonio Marianistas School
Contact Person 2:
Sandro Molina del Carpio
Director: Education USA
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
1. Rubric- Students will have a Rubric to guide their work
2. Research-using pre-selected databases, magazine articles and websites and research on their
2. Graphic Organizer-note-taking on online graphic organizer
3. Reading-individual and class reading class articles from travel magazines, individual reading
4. Presentation-Group Presentation of Google Slides
5. Compare and Contrast Activity-small group then whole group
6. Discussion-whole class
Resources for Research
World Book Online
EBSCO Magazine articles
Peruvian geography, images, and recreational activities by region.
Includes information on cultural celebrations for national holidays, including Fiesta Yawar, which occurs the day after Peruvian Independence Day. Th culturally-important ceremony in which a condor fights a bull is symbolic of Spanish rule over the Incas.
Describes key features of Peruvian society and history, including some useful tidbits on recreational activities, national celebrations, and their cultural significance and historical roots.
Includes information on the major themes relating to the development soccer and sport in Latin America and globally (history, cultural and political significance, etc).
Focus is on recreational activities many Peruvians enjoy. It contains a helpful list of popular activities as well as links to more information on specific sports and recreational activities in Peru.
Gruber, Beth. Ancient Inca: Archaeology Unlocks the Secrets of the Inca’s Past. National
Geographic, 2007.
Morrison, Marion. Peru.Children’s Press, 2007.
Shields, Charles. Peru. Mason Crest, 2016.
Somerville, Barbara. Machu Picchu: City in the Clouds. Children’s Press, 2005.
Weldon, Christina. Ashoka, Everyone a Changemaker. Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2016.
Witzig, Richard. Global Art of Soccer. CusiBoy Publishing, 2006.
Describes soccer in various regions of Peru and the world by focusing on specific
geographical regions. The book includes sections on Cuzco in the Andean region of Peru
as well as Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon.
Books-Nonfiction Travel Guides
Discover Peru, 3rd ed. Lonely Planet Guidebooks. Lonely Planet, 2016.
Fodor’s Peru. Fodors Travel Guides, 2015.
Rachowiecki, Rob. National Geographic Travelers Peru, 2nd ed. National Geographic. 2015.
Girard, Herve. Tomasino: A Child of Peru. Blackbird Press, 2005.
Jacobs, Jordan. Samantha Sutton and the Labyrinth of Lies. Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2012.
Lacey, Josh. Island of Thieves. Houghton Mifflin, 2012.
McKernan,Victoria.Son of Fortune.Ember Press, 2015.
Myers, Edward. Survival of the Fittest.Montmayer Press, 2000.
Ebook (available through Feinstein Middle School Media Center)
Kopka, Deborah. Welcome to Peru. Milliken Publishing Company, 2011.
Article 1
Smith, Jeffrey S., and Douglas A. Hurt. "Roads Less Traveled: Emerging Tourism In Peru." American Geographical Society's Focus On Geography 54.1 (2011): 11-23. Academic Search Elite. Web. 28 Sept. 2016
Article 2
Zoomers, Annelies. "Global Travelling Along The Inca Route: Is International Tourism Beneficial For Local Development?." European Planning Studies 16.7 (2008): 971-983. Academic Search Elite. We b. 28 Sept. 2016.
Focus / Student Work / Teacher Work
Lesson 1 / Introduction to Unit / Geography of Peru: Video and Maps
Review Objectives and Rubric / Homework:
Article #1 / Show video on Paleta Frontón, a sport invented in Peru in the mid-20thC and very popular among Peruvians.
Post Unit with Objectives and Rubric on Google Classroom
Lesson 2 / Five Themes of Geography / Online Worksheet on Peru / Article #2 in Class / Pass out hard copy of document on 5 Themes of Geography and Peru
Review Worksheets-Check for misunderstandings
Lesson 3 / Five Themes of Geography / 1.Group Discussion 2. Individual Choice of one of three geographic regions by end of class period / Discussion Questions:
- Where is Peru?
- What is Peru like?
- How do the people and the environment of Peru affect each other
- How do people goods and ideas get from place to place
- What does Peru have in common with the United States?
- . What features do places in Peru share with the United States
Check for student grouping and responsibilities chosen.
3 groups of 3 students on each climate area. *One group will have 4 students to accommodate 28 students. *4 student group will produce 8 slides instead of 6
Lesson 4 / Research / Group Research using teacher selected websites and online resources / Research using teacher or self-selected websites and resources / Guide Students.
Observe student groups.
Recommend specific websites, resources, search terms. Evaluate individual student contribution.
Lesson 5 / Research / Research using teacher selected websites and online resources / Research using teacher or self-selected websites and resources / Guide Students.
Observe student groups.
Recommend specific websites, resources, search terms.
Evaluate individual student contribution.
Lesson 6 / Group planning for Presentation / Group Work on Google Slide Show- students decide in group who does specific slides using Rubric as guide / Work on Google Slideshow-Share work with teacher and students in group / Evaluate individual student work contributions
Lesson 7 / Class Presentations / Costa
Dry Coastal Plain / Audience skills. Listen. take notes, accountable talk / Assess presentations using Rubric
Lesson 8 / Class Presentations / Selva
Tropical Lowlands / Audience skills. Listen. take notes, accountable talk / Assess presentations using Rubric
Lesson 9 / Class Presentations / Sierra
High Mountains / Audience skills. Listen. take notes, accountable talk / Assess presentations using Rubric
Lesson 10 / Review of Essential Question:
How does geographic location (land and climate) determine how people live? / Student Discussion led by students from each group / Cement learning by reviewing essential questions.
Correct misunderstandings / Review presentations, review observation notes,
Grade students according to Rubric.