-Attend monthly Quilt Show Committee meetings.
-Keep any purchases within your pre-determined budget amount. Do not make any purchase in excess of the predetermined budget without prior approval of Show Chair.
-In cooperation with QS committee, check rules, regulations, and entry forms for changes, adjust categories if changed
-Make sure entry form and category descriptions are included in BPQ newsletter at appropriate times. Send rules to Webmaster to post on the website, but make sure, no addresses are posted publicly. Consider to send it out as a hard copy for better coverage of all members (look into budget for mailings money)
-Receive and track Quilt Show entries and assign an entry number to every quilt entered.
Please note: no consecutive numbers between categories. Start every category with a different number, i.e. (500, 600, 700).
-Provide information on entries to Layout Chair and notify Ribbon Chair about the # of ribbons to be made/ordered.
If there are 3 or less entries in a category - only a 1st place ribbon will be given.
If there are 6 or less entries in a category - only 1st and 2nd place ribbon will be given.
Correct the numbers if quilts get pulled from the show.
-Provide information on the quilt entries and numbers to the Program Chairfor inclusion in the Quilt Show Program, and submit final numbers two weeks prior to the QS (delay in printing is expensive)
-Assist in proofreading of the final Quilt Show Program (at least 2 proof-readers)
-Produce story sheets for each quilt with submitted information from the entry form. Get the story sheets proofread, and all assigned quilt numbers double checked by Layout Chair. Categories can be a clip-art sign, i.e. thimble, spool, pins… (instead of letter + entry number), in order to simplify the ballot and for easy navigation of attendees.
-Provide summary listing by categoryfor layout groupings to Layout Chair, hand quilting and hand appliquéto Directional Signs Chair(to print stickers), mark oversized quilts (for layout and hanging). Manage spreadsheets with entries information.
-Deliver a final report to QS chair prior to or at the quilt show wrap-up meeting. This report should include all expenses incurred, give a brief summary of any concerns, and make suggestions for future improvements to this position.
Updated by Shauna Nicoletti for 2010 quilt show10/14/2018