Title of Experiment: Force Table
Course: Section:
Introduction and Objectives:
To find the resultant of a combination of different forces using three different methods.
Equipment Required:
Force table, masses and hangers, string, ruler, protractor
Lab Procedures:
In this lab you will use three different methods to find the resultant of various combinations of forces, and then compare your results. These forces are given in column 2 of Table 1.
1) Use graph paper, a ruler and protractor to find the resultant for the graphical method. Do not forget to use an appropriate scale. Find the angle of the resultant with a protractor.
2) Use the analytical method (component or mathematical method) to find the resultant for the analytical column. Remember you will resolve the forces into their “x” and “y” components, add the x and y components and then use the Pythagorean theorem to find the resultant.
The angle is given by: θ = tan-1(Ry/Rx)
3) Use the experimental method to find the resultant for the experimental column. For convenience, hang as many grams as the force is in Newtons, example: 200 N à 200gm. Use a force table to hang the masses as required, determine the resultant experimentally.
Note the counteractive force on the force table acts at an angle of 180˚ + the actual angle of the resultant.
4) Complete Table 1, attach your graphs and calculations, put your names on the sheets and turn in one lab report per group in paper form.
Title of Experiment: Force Table
Course: Section:
Name (s):
Data Tables:
Data Table 1:
Forces (N ) / Resultant R (magnitude and direction)Graphical / Analytical / Experimental
Vector addition 1 / F1 = 100 N, q1 =30˚
F2 = 100 N, q2 =120˚
Vector addition 2 / F1 = 100 N, q1 = 20˚
F2 = 75 N, q2 = 80˚
Vector addition 3 / F1 = Fx= 100 N, q1 = 0˚
F2 = Fy = 75 N, q2 = 90˚
Vector resolution / F = 100 N, q1 = 60˚ / Fx
Fy / Fx
Fy / Fx
Vector addition 4 / F1 = 100 N, q1 =30˚
F2 = 75 N, q2 = 90˚
F3 = 100 N, q3 = 225˚
Vector addition 5
See attached
See attached
Answers to questions:
1. Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities, and give an example of each.
2.. What is meant by drawing a vector to scale? Give a numerical example.
3. How may the resultant of two vectors be computed analytically from a vector parallelogram?
4. What is meant by resolving a vector into components? Give an example.
5. Briefly describe the steps in the component method of vector addition.
6. Considering the graphical and analytical methods for obtaining the resolution, which method is more accurate? Give the probable sources of error for each method.
7. A picture hangs on a nail as shown in the figure. The tension T in each string segment is 3.5N.
a) What is the equilibrant or the upward reaction force of the nail?
b) What is the weight of the picture?